Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 251: 9 Heart Demon Fruit Tree

"I have an opinion!" Nie Yun pretended to be indignant. "When I encountered the dark gold cold current, the son of Qi Yang rushed to the front and killed the Beastmaster. I took the lead. Brother Ouyang is a floater and cannot take risks. The rest They are all women. How do you say, it's all because of Mu Mu, why should you let me continue to rush forward? "

"I'm in the early stages? Are your eyes blind? Haven't you figured out your identity and status? If you go in now, Brother Ouyang may still be able to break the water flow around you, let you restore some vitality, otherwise, Wuxiang With the help of the sailor, you are waiting to be trapped here! "

Mu Shengxue sneered.

"What did you say?" Nie Yun was full of anger. "Master Yang, we are an alliance. Just now I killed the Beastmaster and it was too costly. I did n’t get any benefit, so I wo n’t say it. Now I ’m really depleted and still suffer Severely injured, even if you do n’t help me heal, would n’t you let Brother Ouyang regain anger for me? ”

"Don't worry, I didn't tell you not to let you recover. Someone in this gate of **** must break in! You go in and protect everyone's safety. Brother Ouyang will naturally help you separate the seawater and give you time to recover your spirit!"

Qi Yang said with a yin and yang tone.

"You ..." Nie Yun pretended to be burning in anger, and turned to look at Ouyang Cheng. "Brother Ouyang, what do you mean?"

"The son of Qi Yang is our leader. What I say is naturally what I mean. I need strength to help people separate the sea. If a person is useless, I will never waste energy!"

Ouyang Cheng apparently had a secret discussion with Qi Yang and Mu Shengxue and stretched. Faintly said.

The Supreme Strong not only has to resist the pressure of the seawater, but also has to restrain the buoyancy all the time. In this case, it is impossible to rehabilitate and replenish the vitality at all. In order to recover, the Xiangshui division can only separate the seawater. Now the Xiangshui division only has Ouyang Being one person, in the eyes of everyone, his failure to help was tantamount to Nie Yun's death sentence.

"Okay, okay! You deceive people too much. Yuntong, let's go, we don't want this treasure!"

Hearing the three of them talking nonsense together, Bai Hua was not ashamed, and Nie Yun's palm was about to leave.

"Leave? There are too many things involved here. Do you think you can leave if you want to come? Huh, Baihua is ashamed, I will not talk about Yuntong as a casual repair. I remember you seem to have built a small gate. Call What Baihuazong, if you leave now, I don't know if your Baihuazong can persist for a long time ... "

Qi Yang's words carry naked threats. It seems that as long as the two leave, they will be revenge mad by him.

"What do you want to do?"

Hundred flowers shy silver teeth bite.

"I will not stop you if you leave today, but our Qi family ’s strength in the Holy Empire, you must know, if you do n’t want any Baihuazong to become flat, you can leave immediately! Of course, I am not a threat, I Son Qi Yang is still faithful! This is just a warning to some people who are facing rebellion! "

Qi Lulu said nothing about Qi Yang.

"You ... mean!" Bai Hua's face was red and white. The lungs are about to explode.

She couldn't figure out how. The former modest son Qi Yang was so hot!

"Don't worry for me, Lord Baihua, since they let me in to explore the way, I just go in!"

Nie Yun stopped Bai Hua ashamed and snorted.

"I know it!" Qi Yang laughed and threw a jade bottle to Nie Yun. "This is my special red-finding powder. You only need to sprinkle a grain where you pass by, and you will dye the surrounding sea water red." , Long-lasting, we will move forward according to red! "

"Yuntong. This is the gate of hell. There are many crises in it, and your vitality is almost exhausted ..." Bai Hua was anxious and lowered his voice. "No, let's rush out and go back to Bai Hua Zong. It's a big deal." Just move ... "

"No need, rest assured, I'm okay, big step and step by step!" Taken the jade bottle, Nie Yun saw the indifferent beauty in front of her, showing an irresistible color of care, and almost spoke of her disguise, but After thinking about it, it's better not to say.

Although I now know that the other person came to find the body of the demon saint, but this place is too large, and the institutions are heavy. Instead of blindly touching the image, it is better to be with Qi Yang. This person must have a map or other things. Otherwise, he will not find it. Already.

"Hurry up to the front!"

Seeing the teenager's helplessness, Mu Shengxue couldn't help himself, and shouted again.

"Huh!" Nie Yun was too lazy to talk nonsense with this man, turned around and walked towards the dark gate in front of him, and walked in in two steps.

"My son, this guy is so madly consumed so badly and seriously injured. I'm afraid he will die if he goes in!" When the boy walked into the door, Mu Shengxue made a proud voice.

"Relax, you can't live anymore, just a clown jumping clown. Even if I'm lucky, I will kill him after using it!"

Qi Yang waved his hands, his eyes showing contempt.

Previously, Nie Yun was strong and powerful, but he still had a bit of jealousy. Now he is almost consumed, and he is afraid to resist because of such oppression. Obviously, he does not have a hole card. In his opinion, this kind of person is no longer terrible. Tooth pulled out.

The tooth that has pulled out the tooth must die quickly, otherwise once the tooth grows again, it must be himself.

"After the son abolished his practice, I hope he can give it to me!" Mu Shengxue's eyes flashed a venomous light.

"I know you have a lot of means, I will give it to you at that time, torture me, haha, kill the chickens and monkeys, and let everyone know that my words are intolerable, dare to rebel is to find death!" Qi Yang nodded.

"My son rest assured, I will definitely make him unable to survive, not to die!" Mu Shengxue thought of the happy place, his mouth raised, it seemed that he had seen Nie Yun's power was abolished and was kneeling in front of him and begging hard.

"Hurry up to keep up!"

Ignoring Mu Shengxue's excitement, Qi Yang first followed Nie Yun and swam inward.

"Let me advance first, just as I would like, hum, I'll put everything away and let you follow the sand!"

Entering the dark gate, Nie Yun smiled lightly, his talent for flying in the water spread out, and immediately flew out like a fish.

Since Qi Yangfei let himself in, he must be sure that this road is correct. He would go one step ahead, see what was received, stop in danger, and no one knew he was a Xiangshui. After selling them, I am afraid they will count themselves!

Although these people are so-called geniuses in Guangming City, in the eyes of Nie Yun, they are just some clowns, and playing with them is nothing.

"The air of Xiangshui senses the surroundings, and the wave of the current is in my heart ..."

After rushing for a while, seeing that Qi Yang and others had left the sensing range, Nie Yunxiang's air suddenly scattered, rippling along the seawater to the distance.

The place where there is water is the back garden of Xiangshui. This sentence is indeed true. The atmosphere of Xiangshui is rippling. Where there are institutions and traps, it is clear that you can use the tracking gas in the fog. Path-finding is common, and the place where everyone lives for nine lives is the back garden for him.

"Oh, don't you want to follow me? I'll give you fun!"

After entering the gate of hell, Nie Yun bypassed several traps in a row, and suddenly he smiled, and an idea came out.

As soon as the palm was flipped, he took out the bottle of red powder from Qi Yang, took a drop with his hand, and threw it over a trap.

Since you let yourself explore the road and don't give them some "fun" ways, wouldn't you be sorry for them?

As for whether this will hurt Baihua, this is not a consideration at all. Qi Yang did not know that he was a sailor. Naturally, they were very assured of their journey. In order to get the baby first, they would rush ahead. It's too late to find out after a big loss!

Of course, it will not be known whether Ouyang Cheng will also use the air of Xiangshui to sense the surroundings and find that his plan is to stop Qi Yang.

However, according to Nie Yun's observations, this Ouyang Cheng is not a good thing. He must be happy to see Qiyang suffer hardship, even if he finds it, he will not say it!

This group of people are all disagreeable, this combination can only blame for a long time!

After putting out the red powder, Nie Yun laughed and moved forward quickly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

He avoided two agencies in succession and was planning to continue. Nie Yun suddenly heard a roar on the ground in front of him, and suddenly jumped out of the ground a large group of dark armored men.

These armored men, seemingly lifeless, walked forward slowly and clumsily, shaking the ground with each step, showing great strength.

"Well? Turned out to be the puppet of the demon tribe? This demon saint is really a big hand!"

Nie Yun was shocked when he saw that these things were human and had no vitality.

The monsters have a special method of refining the puppets, which is to capture the living people and use special methods to make them idiots, and only retain their strength and will to fight.

This kind of cricket will only obey orders to fight ~ www.readwn.com ~ and will not be afraid of death. In order to prevent wear and tear, it will wear some heavy armor.

Although the Jiayu people looked awkward, once they started, even now they have nothing to do with it.

"Don't fight them hard, go ahead and talk!"

The air of flying water controls the seawater to form vortices, blocking them, and the fish swims immediately and generally rushes forward.

The Xiangshui Division escaped in the water with the same level of invincibility. Nie Yun's current speed is inferior to that of the generals who steal the sky and create secrets, not to mention these unwise puppets.

After traveling more than ten miles, I smelled a faint aroma, looked up, and a tall tree slowly appeared in front of my eyes.

"Nine-hearted demon fruit tree? Really here!"

Looking at the appearance of the big tree, Nie Yun knew that this was the demon fruit tree he was looking for. His eyes lighted up, and an irresistible smile appeared on his face. (To be continued

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