Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 252: 7 princes

Nine-hearted demon fruit tree, one of the sacred trees of the demon tribe, is full of leaves and leaves, and the body is green. Nine fruits are like nine hearts. Let's beat together. With each beating, the sea water forms a vortex, pouring in crazyly. Reiki, slowly gathering, nourished, the fruit is as bright as the heart.

If you don't know the magic of the fruit of the nine-heart demon fruit tree, Nie Yun doubts whether this tree is alive.

Before approaching the fruit tree, a few slender branches suddenly flew across, and they were drawn straight.


The sea water was separated by a branch and a water wave, like a clever swordsman, the sword air was vertical and horizontal, blocking all the retreat before and after Nie Yun.

"Is this the nourishment of souls? No wonder it's called the demon fruit tree, it's not so bad!"

Controlling the flow of water, Nie Yun avoided the attack of the branches as soon as he stroked his body.

The nine-hearted demon fruit tree does not rely on extracting the nutrients from the land for growth, but depends on killing the living creatures. It is similar to the man-eating grass on the land. As soon as Nie Yun approaches, it immediately feels the breath of the living creatures and starts to actively attack. !!

The vine vein attack power of the demon fruit tree is not weaker than that of a supreme peak strong person. If Nie Yun is not a sailor, it will definitely be extremely frightening. Rao is so, it is not easy to get close to take down the fruit!

"I am a troublesome approaching Xiangshui master. I am afraid that the Winged Beast Lord Beastmaster did not know how many subordinates he sacrificed before collecting 18 fruits ..."

Thinking of the 18 fruits he got from the Beastmaster, Nie Yun shook his head.

According to the strength and size of the Beastmaster, if you want to collect fruits near the fruit tree, you will definitely be killed. It has so many fruits, I'm afraid I don't know how many subordinates are sent to serve as shields.

"His Royal Highness Seven, this is the Nine-hearted Demon Fruit Tree!"

Just as Nie Yun was thinking about how to approach the demon tree again to find a way to take down the fruit, he suddenly heard a faint sound in the distance. Astonished in his heart, the water rushed and hid behind a rock.

Immediately after hiding, I saw a side of the demon fruit tree, and a stream of water swirled rapidly. Several figures emerged from the whirlpool.

"Well, yes, seeing the demon fruit tree, that thing should be very close!"

A young man with his hands behind his back walked out from the center of the figure, looking at the huge fruit tree in front of his eyes, showing satisfaction in his eyes.

This youthful breath is condensed, the true breath is condensed within the skin, and the sea water overhead gathers to form a breath vortex. At a glance, you know that a special amulet for underwater walking is used!

Fuyu, who can walk freely under water, violates heaven and earth. Only the secret powerful can seize the opportunity to create the world, can take out such a charm to enter here, which shows the identity and status of this person.

Of course, this type of Fuyu is not as powerful as the special talent of Xiangshui.

"I said that this thing must be His Royal Highness Seven. Seeing the fruit tree intact, I know that Qi Yang's kid didn't even come. Come. Cry back! "

A middle-aged man behind the youth said with a smile.

"This is natural. The boy Qi Yang has always competed with the young master and thought he was awesome! Perhaps he never dreamed of it. His Royal Highness Seven was very familiar with his actions. This place is plain and the way he leads!"

Another middle-aged man said with a smile.

These people, together with their distinguished masters, are supreme peak powers. The momentum is one after another, and their strengths are not much different from those of Qi Yang, Mu Qing, and Mu Xia. Listening to their words, like Qi Yang, are all people of the Holy Empire.

The sacred empire is vast and different from the small empire. Rich resources, masters like clouds, the Supreme Strong has a very high status in the Kamikaze Empire. Fengwanghouhou, but in the Holy Empire, it is just a nobleman.

"Well, this boy thinks he can stand out from the average person, and he thinks that the Holy Empire is the first talent, I really don't know the heights and heights!"

The young seven prince sneered.

"This guy has a problem in his mind. Until now, he hasn't figured out who the Holy Empire belongs to. He dares to grab the show with His Royal Highness. It is really a dead ghost!" The first middle-aged man who spoke was flatteringly cold. Hum, followed immediately: "His Royal Highness, there is no one here anyway, so let's kill him without knowing it ..."

"No!" The middle-aged man interrupted before the words of the middle-aged man said. "Although the old ghost of the Qi family has not reached the secret of dominating the heavens and the earth, but the cultivation of Gao Shen has penetrated the world and the vitality. Qi Yang is his grandson. , I must have kept a lot of hands, and rashly killed them and passed them back to the imperial capital, which is greatly detrimental to my fight for the throne! "

"Yes, it's a reckless subordinate!" The middle-aged man hurried back when he heard the scolding, startled.

"You can't kill him, but you can humiliate him! I don't know if life or death doesn't support me, but to support my brother, he has already committed the crime of death. Once I get the throne, it will be his death!"

The seventh prince's eyes were full of sneer and sneer.

"Seven princes, support his brother? It seems that the battle for the rights of the Holy Empire is much greater than the Kamikaze Empire!"

After hearing the conversation, Nie Yun behind the rock seemed to understand something, feeling emotional, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Anyway, the two of them are at odds with each other. I can completely let their puppets compete. Good fisherman gains?"

"His Highness, as soon as the Nine-Heart Demon Fruit Tree approaches, it will automatically attack. How can we pick the Nine-Heart Fruit?"

When Nie Yun was planning, he heard the middle-aged person's question sound again.

"Relax, I'm ready before I come, just a demon fruit tree, look at my means!"

The seventh prince shouted, the long sword on his back jumped, fell on the palm of his hand, and the palm of his hand shook, and the sword awn formed a slender sword flower. Fireworks generally rushed straight ahead ~ www.readwn.com ~ The same with a sword As soon as the seven princes shot, they were more than twice as powerful as Mu Shengxue. The sword light flickered, it was fascinating and dizzying.

"Dabei Meteor swordsmanship! Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness even practiced this set of superb swordsmanship in the top 30 of the Holy Empire martial arts to Dacheng Realm!" The first middle-aged man to speak exclaimed.

"His Royal Highness Wizard, practicing martial arts, never forget, it is not unusual to be able to practice this set of swordsmanship!" The second man laughed.

"It is said that once this set of swordsmanship is shot, it can pierce ten thousand swordsmanships, each of which is meteor-like, with infinite power. His Highness this swordsmanship has become a big name, I am afraid that it can also be ranked on the top of the Qihai Continent Supreme Ranking ! "

"That's natural. Before that, the young master was ranked in the top ten of the Supreme Ranking. Some time ago, he had made great progress in retreat. It didn't matter if he entered the list!"

During the conversation between the two, the sword qi of the seventh prince and the branches and leaves of the nine-hearted demon fruit tree clashed together. There was a crackling noise, and the broken branches and leaves fell to the ground. go with. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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