Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2604: Emperor Shennong returns

Asked in the mouth, the mental power can't help spreading outwards. However, centering on Liyue Pavilion, it has spread for hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant, but found that there is no figure.

"Is it Emperor Xuan again?"

Thinking of Lingtai Lingyue and his previous experience, Nie Yun couldn't help speaking.

"No, it's an old man, just outside Liyue Pavilion!"

Nie Tongdao.

"Just outside Liyue Pavilion? How is that possible?"

Nie Yun's eyebrows jumped. Although he was using mental power just now, he didn't use the power of holding things in the world space, but the divine realm could be hidden under his spiritual power.

Who the **** is this?

My heart was shocked, and the power of holding things in the world space spread out. Sure enough, I saw an old man with white beard outside Lian Yue Pavilion.

The old man stood outside quietly, as if completely compatible with the world, even though he was so powerful that he could not detect it.

Of course, under the reflection of the power of the world space, there is nothing to hide.

"Oh, now that Emperor Nie Yun 'sees', I'll just bother!"

While observing each other in the world of things, the old man smiled suddenly, as if he knew that he was peeping.

In the laughter, the old man came over to Lian Yuege, shook it gently, and entered the formation.

Nie Yun personally laid out this formation method, and even Lingyue in Yuetai could not be broken. The old man walked in without any action. This strength made Nie Yun's pupils unable to hold back.


Without hesitation, Nie Yun disappeared from the room and appeared next to the old man the next moment.

This is his old nest. Parents and others are here. He can't rest assured when such a powerful guy comes in.

"I don't know what seniors call them?"

The old man in front of him, Nie Yun, has never seen him, and none of the great men who came to Hefu a short time ago.

"Oh, who am I?"

The old man smiled, with a stroke in his palm: "Little turtle, not yet come out!"

Along with his words, a turtle suddenly appeared, looking at the old man in front of him full of excitement.

It is the tortoise of Yanhuang Temple!

"Master, you ... you are not dead!"

Seeing the old man, Turtle's eyes were red and full of excitement.

"Master? Are you ..."

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

Let the turtle spirit call the master, besides himself, there is only one ... Shennong the Great!

"Yes, it's me!"

The old man with a beard and a smile on his eyes.

"The younger generation, Nie Yun, has seen the Emperor Shennong and suffered great gratitude, so I don't want to report it. Please worship me!" Nie Yun fell to the ground.

To say who the **** world is most grateful for, this is the one in front of him.

As for whether it was impersonated by others, there is no doubt at all.

He didn't know the Emperor Shennong, but Turtle Spirit, as an instrumental spirit crafted by him, would definitely not admit it!

And just now the other party easily entered here. He originally thought that there was a problem with the formation method. Since it is the Emperor Shennong, it is easy to explain.

The current body of Liyuege is Yanhuangdian, the weapon he refined. Even if it has not been used for hundreds of millions of years, it will not be too difficult to come in!

"You're welcome!" Emperor Shennong raised him with a smile.

"Master, since you haven't died, why haven't you come to me for so many years? Guiling misses you so much!"

Gui Ling looked at the old master in front of him and asked excitedly.

Since the Emperor Yanhuang was not dead, his memory has been retained. Why did he only come to Yanhuang Hall?

It should be very simple for him to refine weapons.

"It's not that I don't come to you, but ... I have been hated by the heavens of the heavens and have never dared to enter the heavens! Now that the turmoil has begun, the heavens have no time for him to appear!

Emperor Shennong smiled bitterly.


Nie Yun wondered.

Even if you survived the last era, the most heavenly repression will not be hostile!

Heaven does not have human feelings. It stands to reason that it should not particularly hate someone, so that someone will not even dare to return!

"Yeah!" The Emperor Shennong seemed to know his strangeness and smiled. "Although Tiandao has no human feelings, there are particularly excluded people, and I ... is one of them! No one in God can return, naturally I can only hide outside! "

"I don't know where the Emperor hid, which makes Tiandao helpless?"

Nie Yun looked strangely.

If there is such a place, can it be impossible to affect the Holocaust as long as it is hidden there?

"This place, you know!"

The Emperor Shennong continued to bear his beard, with a meaningful taste in his eyes.

"I know?" Nie Yun looked puzzled.

What does he know? You need to know that there is such a place.

"You just came from there, did you forget it?"

Emperor Shennong laughed.

"Just returned from there? You mean ..."

Nie Yun's face changed, full of shock: "You mean ... the ocean of chaos?"

"Yes, it's Chaos Ocean!"

Shennong the Great Road.

"You are hiding in a sea of ​​chaos, this, this ..."

Nie Yun couldn't believe it.

He came all the way from the chaotic ocean, Qihai continent, floating heavens and continents, six heavens and earth, and the oblique moon supreme domain ... Every world has left his footprints. If there is such a super power, it should have been known long ago Why ... feel nothing?

"Imperial, what's going on?"

I couldn't help it, Nie Yun asked directly.

He really couldn't figure out what was going on.

"It's time to say it!"

The Emperor Shennong nodded, looking at Nie Yun, his eyes were shining straight: "Before talking about this, I would like to ask, have you now condensed the perfect realm and formed a new world?"

Hearing the other party directly asked, Nie Yun hesitated, and eventually nodded.

"Sure enough ..."

The Emperor Shennong looked excited, and when he looked over again, the light in his eyes became fiery and longing: "Can you take me into your world to see?"

"of course can!"

Do not know why the other party made this request, Nie Yun agreed without hesitation.

The other party was Emperor Shennong, and he gave him a lot of kindness. Not to mention looking at the world of objects, even if he wanted the Holy Mountain, he might be able to give it away directly.

Besides, if the other party really has bad intentions, Nawu World is the only one who controls it ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't say that he is not as good as himself.

"Don't resist!"

With an explanation, Nie Yun's spirit moved.


Both enter the world of Nag at the same time.

"Three thousand avenues blend perfectly ... has unique rules of time and space ... haha, I didn't expect it to succeed!"

Standing in the world of things, the emperor Yan Huang was calm before he was gone, and became very excited. The happy company shouted: "So many epochs, I didn't expect so many epochs, and finally made us successful ..."


Nie Yunman was weird when he saw the super emperor who had survived the last century.

It's just the world of things, why did he get so excited, what did he mean by success?

(To be continued.)

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