Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2605: 6 secrets of heaven and earth

"Success? Emperor Shennong, what is going on?"

Really couldn't help it, Nie Yun interrupted the other party's excitement and asked.

"If I say, the Dantian practitioners have never appeared since the first era of the Divine Realm, do you believe it?"

The Emperor Shennong suppressed the excitement and turned to look over.

"Believe!" Nie Yun nodded.

To be honest, he can cultivate so fast. Willpower and state of mind are one aspect. The most important thing is that Endless Dantian has helped him too much.

It takes millions, millions, and even millions of years for others to understand the avenue! And he only needs to feel the appearance of the avenue, and can copy it in Dantian at will, and realize it in a short time.

This alone is impossible for countless emperors of the **** world!

Not to mention those who are ascending, those beings of the little chaotic world.

Because of this, he can achieve an unprecedented perfect realm, condensing himself into a world of things that is comparable to the divine realm.

"It's easy to believe things, I'll take you somewhere!"

The Emperor Shennong smiled and nodded: "When you get there, you will understand everything!"

"Good!" Nie Yun didn't hesitate.

If the other party wants to harm him, he has not yet grown up to the point where he will do it, and will never let himself live to the present.

Besides, he also wanted to know what was going on.

Otherwise, this confusion will always entangle him and make him uncomfortable.

call! call!

Leaving the World of Nawu, the Emperor Shennong led the way and instantly moved away from Liyue Pavilion. The next moment, the two appeared in a familiar area.

"Wraith? What are you doing here?"

Appearing in front of Nie Yun is the first dangerous place in the world of gods, the ghost world!

He's been here, it's very dangerous, but there's nothing strange about it, let me come and see?

"Come in with me and you know!"

The Emperor Shennong did not explain, and the figure flew into the Wraith Realm.

It went faster and faster into it, and soon advanced a distance of at least dozens of states.

The more you walked in, the more desolate, and the thinner the aura was. When you came here, it was completely dead, and without any anger, even when Nie Yun stayed here, I felt the strength in my body kept falling apart and stayed there If he is here, even if he does not use it for a million years, he will become a human being because of too much energy consumption.

"This place ..."

Nie Yun looked around for a week and found nothing but the desolation.

He felt that the Emperor Shennong didn't know to take him over to look at this desolation.

"Come with me, don't make a mistake in one step!"

The Emperor Shennong smiled and walked one step in the space in front of him, as if he was avoiding something, and he seemed to be walking out of a special formation.

Looking at him, Nie Yun followed him closely, learning step by step.

Walked for about ten minutes.


The previously desolate space was suddenly distorted, and a huge vortex of energy appeared in front of it.

Seeing this vortex, Nie Yun's face pupils could not help shrinking, and her skin was pumping.

The power of this energy vortex is too great. Even if his current strength matches the sacred mountain, I am afraid that it will only end with hatred.

Divinity ... How could there be such a terrible place?

"This is ... where is this?"

Watching the vortex in front of him vigilantly, Nie Yun couldn't help it.

He has almost entered the dangerous area of ​​the divine realm, which poses a great threat to the general emperor. The strength reaching his realm is almost no different from his own backyard.

But the vortex in front of him gave him a powerful shock and fear, as if as long as the other party had devouring power, they would not be able to enter it for a long time and died completely!

"Take a closer look at this place. You must know this place!"

The Emperor Shennong did not explain it, but looked at it meaningfully.

"I know?"

Nie Yun looked at the vortex in doubt. Just now, because of his fear, he didn't observe it carefully. He looked at it for a while, and it turned out that he saw something wrong.

"This ... the atmosphere of this vortex is very familiar, and it actually contains a variety of laws, similar to the six heavens and earth!"

After watching for a while, Nie Yun explained his observations.

The vortex in front of him was indeed terrifying, but it also gave him a very familiar feeling, as if he had returned to his mother's body and back to the heavens and the earth.

"That's right, it's heaven and earth six!" The Emperor Shennong knew that he would say that, smiling with a beard.

"Six heavens and earth?" Nie Yun blinked.

A world like the six heavens and earth and the Xieyue Supreme Realm is a comparison, a drop in the sea, and nothing compared to the **** world!

Coupled with the shallow space laws, the creatures that can be born, the strength is low ... How can he make him all horrible like a whirlpool?

"Think about it, aren't Dantian practitioners the only thing in heaven and earth?"

Seeing him more and more confused, the Emperor Shennong continued.

"This ... that's it!"

After thinking about it, Nie Yun did not deny it.

Although the Qihai and Futian continents also cultivate Dantian, they are the lower worlds of the six heavens and earth. Carefully speaking, they are part of the six heavens and earth.

After entering the Xieyue Supreme Realm, it was somewhat similar to the Divine Realm. Without the concept of Dantian, it specialized in avenues.

Strength depends on how much you understand the avenue.

The more you comprehend, the stronger you become.

"That's right! Dantian practitioners can use Dantian's power to quickly understand the avenue, which is impossible for the Emperor of the Divine Realm, that is, this cultivation method and system are many times higher than those of the Divine Realm! Tiandao Liudao is just a small place, but it has a higher level of cultivation methods than the Divine Realm, don't you find it strange? "

The Emperor Shennong came to see.


Nie Yun's heart shook like a wave.


Dantian practitioners have unique advantages. Many practitioners in Dantian are born with several avenues.

This ability, even the emperor, cannot be achieved.

The heavens and the earth are just a remote little world in the chaotic ocean. How could it be possible to give birth to a higher-level cultivation method than the gods?

The Emperor Shennong didn't name him before, he didn't feel it, he felt all sorts of incredible at the moment of speaking ~ www.readwn.com ~ At the same time, he kept thinking in his head, and suddenly a flash of light flashed out, an idea came out, and his lips were a little bit sloppy.

"Do you mean ... the heavens and the earth are separated from here and formed a unique world?"


The Emperor Shennong looked at it with satisfaction, but did not refuse, but nodded directly.

"……it is true?"

Although guessed, the other party confirmed that Nie Yun was still unbelievable.

The six heavens and earth are actually separated from this huge vortex ... So, wouldn't it have long been associated with the divine realm?

"What the **** is this?"

Can't help asking.

"The origin of the **** world!" Emperor Shennong smiled.

(To be continued.)

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