Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2606: The ultimate secret (on)

"Origin of the Divine Realm?" Nie Yun shuddered all over, some could not believe it.

He and the Emperor Xuanyuan tried every means to find the place of origin, and even heeded Xuanyuan Sword as a bait, never dreaming of it ... this is the origin of the **** world!

Tiandao and Liudao are actually separated from here!

"The reason that God Realm can be born, destroyed, destroyed, and born many times is because of its origin!" The Emperor Shennong looked forward, his eyes flashed with light.

"If the six heavens and earth are part of the origin of the divine realm ... how could it be so weak?"

Nie Yun still does not believe.

In the vast universe, the heavens and the earth are not even a drop in the sea. They are even more incomparable to the divine realm. They are also the origin of the divine realm. How could there be such a big difference?

"The sea is magnificent and gives people a sense of majesty, but what about a drop of water?" The Emperor Shennong looked at it with a smile: "A drop of water gives a small impression? But you know ... the sea is made up of countless drops ! "


Nie Yun understood what the other party meant.

The origins of the Divine Realm are vast and powerful. Although the six heavens and the earth are part of it, they are indeed a little small, which is equivalent to a drop of water compared to the ocean. Naturally, they cannot be compared.

"Which ...?"

Understanding this, Nie Yun looked again at the huge vortex in front of him.

"Of course the missing part!"

The Emperor Shennong smiled.

"the missing part?"

Nie Yun looked over in doubt.

The whirlpool hangs in front of the eyes for hundreds of millions of kilometers, giving people an irresistible force.

The special material slowly rotates, like a huge cloud, flawless, without any defects at all.

"Is it ..."

After looking at it for a while, the body shook again, and looked at the Emperor Shennong full of wonders: "You mean ... the middle part?"

Only the center of the vortex is empty, and nothing else is missing. If you really want to find the missing part, this is the only thing.

But ... the most central, it also represents the most core, the six heavens and earth are actually the most core part of the origin of the divine realm?

is it possible?

"Yes, it's the most central part!"

The Emperor Shennong didn't give him too much shock time, and said the answer again.

"This ..." Nie Yun's mouth could not be closed.

To be honest, I was so shocked.

"The most central part represents the most central position. Because of this, the heavens and the earth can produce a character like you against the sky! Form a real perfect realm! Achieve Supreme God!"

The Emperor Shennong is full of excitement and fiery.

"It is impossible to leave yourself at the core of the Divine Origin. What is going on? Can you tell me now?"

Suppressing the shock in his heart, Nie Yun asked.

Since it is the origin of the Divine Realm and has experienced countless epochs, it is certainly impossible to drop a piece for no reason, and it is still the most central place. The reason for this situation is probably inseparable from the Shennong Emperor in front of him.

As soon as he entered the realm of the gods, he heard that in the last era, in order to do something missing, he also found some traces left by him in the holy mountain. If you have nothing to do with this, you will not believe it.

"The Divine Realm has gone through many epochs, and each time it will collapse, and even the heavenly way will be annihilated. This is no secret!"

The Emperor Shennong came to see.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

He had long heard from Putian the Great. After the epoch, not only the divine realm disappeared, the heavenly path could also perish.

"In order to survive to the next era, countless sages have used various methods to escape the catastrophe of the emperor, conceal their cultivation, change their name and change their names ... It is true that some people have succeeded, and even lived a lot of times, but every time Reaching the end of the epoch will be a new beginning for them. No matter how long you live, no matter how strong you are, when the kingdom of God is destroyed, they are basically equal! No matter how many times you live, no matter how many means, still Will annihilate! At best, there are only a few more ways to save lives than other emperors! "

Emperor Xuanyuan did not hide it, slowly said.

Although his tone was very plain, Nie Yun could hear the ruthless cruelty from it.

Before the destruction of the divine realm, everyone is equal. The prince will rule the king and the emperor. Once the catastrophe arrives, he will die unless his luck is particularly good.

It's like the sea is dry and all fish will die. Whether it is a whale or shrimp, it will be the same fate. Good luck, find a puddle habitat, maybe you can carry the dry season, and wait for the sea to fill up again, but ... … Unlucky?

This puddle is not found every time!

Therefore, the reason why the multi-epoch emperor will be crazy in the catastrophe of the emperor is because they also know that even if the strength is far better than other emperors, they may not be able to survive!

"Therefore, the strong are aware that if you want to truly control your destiny, you cannot always rely on luck. After all, this thing is illusory and cannot always be with you!"

Nie Yun nodded secretly.

If he has lived through this era, or has lived several more times, he will certainly feel this way.

When the catastrophe comes, there is a strength in the air, but I don't know if I can survive. This feeling makes people desperate!

It is a kind of unwillingness that life cannot be controlled by oneself.

If you want to be free from the ravages of the Destruction Rule of the Divine Realm and live longer, fate has its own control, you must find another way out.

"So ... there is the Holy Mountain!"

Xuanyuan Emperor came to see: "The holy mountain is an innumerable living power, a collection of treasures of unknown ages, smelted, and its power surpasses the soldiers of the emperor's realm. At this point, you should understand it by refining it!"

"At that time, those living emperors believed that the level of the holy mountain transcended the heavenly ways of the divine realm and transcended the law of destruction. As long as the divine realm is destroyed and you control the escape from the divine realm, you should be able to escape the doom of destruction!

"It's like making a container full of water, hiding in it, even if the sea is dry, relying on this water, you can live to the ocean and recover again!"

Emperor Shennong smiled bitterly: "Although the idea is good ~ www.readwn.com ~ is also realistic, but unfortunately ... they have calculated something wrong!"


Nie Yun looked over in doubt.

If he has gone through several epochs and wants to continue to live, he will certainly think of this approach.

After all, like Noah's Ark, it's the only way.

And ... The sacred mountain is still there, indicating that the last era has not been destroyed. It is reasonable to say that there should be no mistake. Why did the Emperor Shennong say so?

"The thing they miscalculated was ..." The Emperor Shennong shook his head: "Refining the Holy Mountain, but sadly ... no one can refine! No one can really control!"

"No one can refine?"

Nie Yun Yiyi: "It's impossible, it's very refined, I didn't spend much effort ..."

(To be continued.)

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