Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2607: The final secret (middle)

Although the sacred mountain is very powerful, Nie Yun did not spend much effort to refine it, nor was it as difficult as he said.

The strength at that time was just ordinary heaven and earth, and there is still a long way to go from Kyushu. If you change it now, you can complete it with one idea, let alone six months.

An emperor who can live for many epochs, each of them is incomparable. Even if they are not as good as themselves, they will not be much worse. How can they not be refined?

"It's easy if you don't work hard not to represent others!"

Hearing this, the Emperor Shennong smiled bitterly, and then said: "Each age of the **** world has different civilizations and cultivation methods. The sacred mountain blends the wisdom and power of countless emperors of countless ages. In fact ... it is very mixed! It seems that in the previous era, the way for the soldiers to recognize the Lord is to drop blood. In the next era, there may be a soul fit. In the next era, there may be a blend of blood ... Because of this, many holy mountains are integrated into the mountain. The emperor's idea was too right. No one paid attention to it at first. When he was trained, he knew that it was too late! "


Nie Yun suddenly realized.

This is like a treasure refining division, with different techniques and different methods. If you cooperate to refining a treasure, all kinds of problems will arise, not to mention the joint refining of the holy mountain!

The refining of the holy mountain continued for an unknown number of epochs, and I do n’t know how many emperors participated in it. The people in the previous refining left nothing and disappeared. The people behind can only guess based on the shape of the treasure ... Over time, over time, holy mountain Although it took shape, I am afraid that it was far from the idea of ​​the first refining power.

It's possible ... the other emperors don't know what they want to make, they just need to be as firm as possible!

As a result, Noah's Ark, in order for the emperor to survive the catastrophe, became like this.

"Because of the ideas of too many emperors, the holy mountain is also equivalent to the integration of many avenues. Only one person understands all the avenues in the holy mountain, and then completely refines it! The holy mountain has experienced countless epochs, including The avenue has already exceeded hundreds and thousands. How can a person realize? "

The Emperor Shennong smiled bitterly: "So although things were refined, it also showed that they lost hope again! Until the last century, an emperor came up with a crazy idea!"

"He feels that cultivation alone is definitely not enough to comprehend so many avenues, not even ten more epochs! But the emperor ca n’t do it, and he can start from his new life! Everyone knows the descendants of the emperor, Containing the blood of the emperor, and cultivating the avenue of his understanding, will become very simple! If this person contains hundreds or thousands of blood of the emperor as soon as he is born, will he be able to directly comprehend hundreds of avenues? Refining this holy mountain? "

"As soon as this idea was proposed, countless emperors catered to it. As a medical emperor, I studied blood fusion and naturally I can't refuse to bear the brunt of it!"


Hearing this, Nie Yun thought of those weird gods in the infinite abyss.

These beasts all have strange bloodlines, one kind of two, or even three or four kinds, which are made up of life forms that can't be combined at all. The whole **** world can't be found, shouldn't they all be their experiments!

"I entered the sacred mountain at that time, and experimented with the blood from countless great emperors! As a result, I found that this is simply impossible!"

"Don't talk about several kinds, even if the two kinds of fusion, there will be blood backwash, if you do not forcibly suppress, it is easy to die!"

"I have experimented for many years and created strange and strange monsters. I finally found that ... this road is not feasible! Because none of these monsters can live for ten thousand years! As soon as the time comes, the strength of the body will backfire. Let them die! "

The thinking of the Emperor Shennong seems to be back to the time when he was desperately studying: "Other experimenters have also seen this, knowing that it is impossible to succeed if they persist in this way, and they cannot think of other ways, so they find a compromise! That is ... Way to suppress the conflict between the two forces! "

"Look around and find out that only the origin of the Divine Realm has this ability!"

"The civilization of countless epochs of the **** world was born from the origin, so the origin has the ability to accommodate all avenues!"

"So many emperors found the source and collected a special breath from it. As expected, as long as this special breath is released, the chaotic blood can be calmed down and no longer conflict. However, the time limit is still ten thousand years. That is to say, it must be illuminated once with this special breath for 10,000 years, otherwise, it will still die because of a blood pulse! "


No need to guess when hearing this, Nie Yun also knows the true origin of those gods and beasts from Hou Kong.

Also knew the coming of the so-called Holy Light.

It's just that ... the breath of the Holy Light is exactly the same as the breath of his master Dan Tian. The latter has diluted many things. Now it seems that many answers have been forthcoming.

"Although this method is very good, it still can only maintain several kinds of blood vessel fusion. Too many can't do it! After years of research, it can't be researched. I have a bold idea in my heart!"

Emperor Shennong said that the eyes flashed with excitement and fieryness: "Since the origin of the **** world can be born of countless avenues, it can suppress the conflict caused by the fusion of blood vessels. If you build a new world with the origin, fuse many blood vessels into it, and then be born of humans? "

"As soon as this idea came up, I couldn't help it anymore, and I didn't say it to other emperors at that time ~ www.readwn.com ~ I only said this idea to my friend Kendo Emperor, and the two hit it off and came here again!"

"At the time, the origin was complete, there was no middle swirl!"

Emperor Shennong looked at the huge whirlpool directly ahead: "Our strength, naturally, it is impossible to dig out the center of the origin of the Divine Realm, but I thought of other methods, that is, ... with the blood of countless emperors of countless eras Make the next source! "

"I prepared tens of thousands of years for this, and finally succeeded! And, I also made the most central source of the divine world! After this source leaves the vortex, it directly enters the boundless chaotic world and will disappear at any time! Once it disappears, I am afraid We can't find it in this life! "

"In anxiety, Lu Xi went straight in!"

"Although Lu Xi is the Emperor of Kendo and the rank of God Realm is high, he is far worse than the origin of God Realm. As soon as he enters it, he is strangled by the origin immediately, and there is no soul left!"

"However, it is also because of his entry that I can find the place where the origin disappeared in the vast and chaotic world!"

(To be continued.)

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