Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 254: Defeat the Demon

Nine-hearted lotus, the lifeblood of the nine-heart demon fruit tree, is equivalent to the human heart. The fruit of the fruit tree is constantly growing, derived from it, and the preciousness can be imagined!

If it comes to value, the value of a nine-hearted lotus is not even worth the fruit of a hundred nine-hearted demon fruit trees!

Nie Yun swallowed twelve fruits but let the fourth layer of Lingxi Lianji move forward a bit. If you can swallow Nine Heart Lotus, the physical strength will definitely go further. Even if the fourth layer does not reach Dacheng, it is almost!

Because of knowing this legend, Nie Yun decided to come to Baihua with shame to look for the nine-hearted demon fruit tree. Otherwise, how could he let him run away without finding his parents?

"Nine-hearted lotus, born in one heart, born in the heart of the nine-heart demon fruit tree, born of heaven and earth aura ..."

The information known in previous lives was flowing in my mind. Nie Yun suddenly opened her eyes and shot a fine light in her eyes. The sword of Xuanyu in her palm stretched out and pierced the huge trunk in front of her.

No it!

The long sword entered the body of the demon tree and made a "squeak" sound, as if piercing the human flesh, which was creepy.


The tree shook for a while, and the collision of branches and leaves seemed to feel pain. Then Nie Yun felt a tingling sensation passed from the sword body, making his whole body tremble with anger, and it would explode at any time.

"Nine hearts with heart ... I didn't expect this nine-heart demon fruit tree to reach the point where it connected my heart. Has it lived for no less than three thousand years?"

Feeling the strange appearance in the body, Nie Yun was shocked in her heart, and quickly concentrated her mental strength. Resist the numbness of the sword.

Legend has it that the longer the Jiuxin Demon Fruit Tree lives, the more spiritual it is. Once someone attacks, it can communicate with the heart of the attacker through Jiuxin Lotus! Everything in the world is always perfect. Nine hearts are in perfect condition. Once communicated to the human heart, it conforms to the natural avenue. If the resistance is slightly weaker, you will be taken away from the body, and the soul will disappear!

Of course, this means of communicating with the human heart and taking away people is not something that ordinary nine-hearted demon fruit trees can accomplish. It is only possible to survive at least three thousand years. The elixir that has lived so long can automatically escape, let alone born. Powerful demon fruit tree!

I'm afraid it's not enough aura here. It is the ancient ruins left by the demon saint, who had fled by himself!

"Want to take me away? With a tree for you. Dream!"

Nie Yunya bit his teeth tightly.

The demon fruit tree robbed the house, and the spirit pierced the mind. At this time, it has become a tiger rider. If you want to escape, you can't escape, you can only fight hard.


It seemed to feel that Nie Yun's mental strength had strengthened, and the leaves of the demon tree branch trembled again. At a moment, Nie Yun felt a huge sound piercing his head. This sound was not sharp, but the drum sound was generally squealing. After a moment, it was extremely calm.

Hearing this voice, Nie Yun only felt that his heart was beating involuntarily according to the rhythm of the sound, and gradually became somewhat out of his control.

"Well, once my heartbeat frequency is the same as this voice, I will die!"

Knowing the horror of the nine-hearted demon fruit tree, Nie Yun's knuckles turned white. Blue tendons popped on his forehead.

The Nine Heart Lotus of the demon fruit tree connects the heart of the attacker, which is to make people lose their self-power through the tremor of sound, and they are successfully robbed and reduced to crickets ...

"Huh? Huh? Didn't those hustles from the outside left by the demon saint but from this demon tree?"

Suddenly thought of a possibility. Nie Yun felt cold all over.

The three-headed warrior who fought the seventh prince, after losing consciousness, his strength is not under Qi Yang. When he is awake, he may be several times stronger than his current self. The power of the demon tree!

"Stabilize, stabilize!"

The thought of someone stronger than himself inevitably turned into a puppet. Nie Yun only felt that his heart was lost, and the heart beating slowly moved closer to the snoring coming from him.

Nie Yun knew that once he was completely consistent, he would die without doubt. He shouted in his heart and was highly concentrated.

"I have to find a way to escape. I am a Xiangshui division. I have water control ability. Even if I am restricted by the demon fruit tree now, once I do my best, I will definitely escape, and I will be better than waiting to die here, and I cannot die. , Father, mother, sister, brother, what do they do? Who will save them ... "

Nie Yun's heart retreated.

If you let go of the sword now, maybe there is still a vitality to continue the stalemate. If you don't get yourself, you will be completely turned into a puppet by the demon fruit tree. You live in the gloomy seawater all day and cannot go out!

If I really want to become a puppet, everything will be finished, no one will save my parents, sisters and brothers, and it will be meaningless to be born again ...

And her, if she died again, wouldn't she not even see her for the last time?


As the frequency of the heart and the sound coming from Nie Yun's mind were gradually approaching, she suddenly thought of a beautiful, unearthly face, and was clever. She revealed an unprecedented strength in her heart, and a firm and unshakable light was released in her eyes.

"I was indecisive in the previous life, and my father didn't shout a cry when he was dying, which regretted him for life! My brother didn't say anything of praise before he died, and let him die! And she ... if she knew it earlier Her own mind will not let her sigh like that before dying ... I ca n’t retreat. Once you retreat, even if you are born again, it does n’t make any sense, it ’s better to die! ”


After thinking about it, Nie Yun felt a burst of thoughts in his mind, and his mental power seemed to break a certain kind of mental power.

Above the supreme level is the Secret Realm of Seizure of Heaven and Earth. This realm of Seizure of Heaven and Earth is enemies of heaven and borrows from heaven. If a person is naturally timid and only knows to retreat in an event, how can he change his life and become a man? people?

After Nie Yun's rebirth, relying on the experience of the two generations, he went smoothly and did not encounter any dangers. The inertia left by the previous life reappeared. If it was allowed to develop, let alone restore the height of the previous life, can it still achieve the supreme fortune? It's hard to say in mystery!

Cultivation is like sailing against the water ~ www.readwn.com ~ If you don't advance, you will retreat!

How to climb to the top without breaking through the soul?

Breaking through the shackles of the soul, the atmosphere of Nie Yunqi is full of breath. In a moment, the spirit stones searched by thousands of spirit stones in the Dandan field become flying ash, and the power of the entire person instantly reaches the peak of the extreme mid-level like a rocket!

The strength of true energy breakthrough, from the previous 500 elephant giant force, directly reached as many as 2,000 elephants!

The anger reaches 2000 elephants, and the muscle strength combined with the strong Dantian can hit 1,000 elephants, which means that Nie Yun can now hit at least 3000 elephants with one sword!


Feeling the surge in strength, Nie Yun's long cry, Xuan Yu's sword surge suddenly excited!


The huge nine-hearted demon fruit tree exploded immediately, and a lotus-like thing suddenly appeared in front of him. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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