Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 255: camouflage

"Nine hearts lotus!"

A sword smashed the nine-hearted demon fruit tree, and saw a lotus flower composed of nine heart shapes appearing in front of him. Nie Yun knew that what he was looking for had been beaten, and grabbed his right hand forward. , Control the sea water to cover it, grab it!

"Who? Dare to steal the demon fruit in front of me, hateful!"

As soon as Jiu Xinlian was put into the storage dantian, Nie Yun heard a scream from above and looked up to see the seventh prince and others swimming towards him angrily.

Although Nie Yun ’s psychological battle was just a long time ago, in fact, it took only a few breaths. When the demon heart fruit tree died, he lost his ability to attack immediately and was killed by the seventh prince and others. I just realized that I had made a wedding dress for others after some hard work. How can I not be angry?

"Hehe, seventh prince, thank you for your success, I will take a step!"

Despite the great increase in strength, Nie Yun didn't do anything to kill these people. Instead, Haha smiled and shook his hands. The turbulence of Xiangshui immediately stirred the surrounding seawater again, and his body rushed. , Straight out of the air, flickered twice, and disappeared instantly in front of everyone.

"Being able to control seawater, is it the Xiangshui Division? It turned out to be the Xiangshui Division!"

"Abominable, how could a sailor suddenly emerge?"

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure from the seawater, the seven princes and others issued a long roar. They couldn't figure out why, and why a xiangshui appears here!

Xiangshui Division, special talent, one of the three major escape talents, this talent is extremely rare. The entire Holy Empire may not be able to find one, how could it appear here!

"His Royal Highness, Qi Yang, absolutely Qi Yang! I heard before that he was looking for Xiangshui, I thought he hadn't found it, but he didn't expect to find it for him, but he thought of us!"

What a middle-aged man thought, a long howl.

"Yes, it must be him, only he has the map here. The reason why we can enter here is also to obtain the secret from him, except how he comes to others!"

Another middle-aged man shouted for sure.

"Qi Yang, I let you die!"

Hearing the judgments of his subordinates, the seventh prince's eyes were cold and cold to freeze the seawater into ice, his teeth biting and rattled, and he shouted!

It's hard to imagine how hard it is to make wedding dresses for others. It can be said that his hatred of Zhiyang is beyond the scope of imagination!

Ignore the roar of the seventh prince. Nie Yun had now hidden behind a secret mountain peak beneath the ground.

Xiangshui can breathe freely in the water. Don't be afraid of the loss of real energy. As soon as he stopped, Nie Yun took out the nine-hearted lotus he got.

"Nine-hearted lotus, really amazing!"

Looking at Nine Heart Lotus in the palm, Nie Yun's eyes lightened.

Nine hearts lotus has nine petals in total. Each petal is like a human heart. It is held in the palm of the palm and it beats like alive.

"This thing is most effective when it is just picked and eaten. It is the supreme baby who exercises, swallow!"

Nine heart lotus is the supreme baby who tempers the flesh, and the effect of just picking is the biggest. Anyway, this thing is eaten by itself, without having to keep it, swallow it directly.


As soon as Jiuxinlian entered the body, Nie Yun felt that the whole body was undergoing earth-shaking changes. The pacing power of the heart increases, blood circulation accelerates, the cells of the whole body begin to reorganize, and the muscle strength changes dramatically.


Nie Yun felt that he had become a golden man. The blood vessels and meridians have all turned golden, extremely powerful and indestructible!

The spirit rhinoceros refining method was instantly lifted to the fourth peak by the strength of Jiu Xinlian, and the muscle strength was increased five times again to 500 elephants!

Muscle strength is not the same as true energy. There is a huge opportunity for true energy. As long as the breath is strong, the strength is amazing. The muscle growth is very slow, especially when it reaches the level of Nie Yun, it is very difficult to grow the power of the image. His contribution can actually make him achieve 500 elephants in the blink of an eye, the effect is so great that it even exceeds Nie Yun's imagination!

At the same time that muscle strength increases, the body is stronger, and it can also exert ten times the effect of Dali Tianda. In other words, if Nie Yun uses Dali Tianda now, he can play a full force of 5,000 elephants with muscle strength alone!

If you add the 2,000 elephants of Qi, the 7000 elephants are powerful, and they can definitely be called the top peaks below the heavens.

"The strength of Jiuxinlian has not been fully digested. Although the fourth layer of Lingxi Tianlian's physical training has been completed, the realm has not been completely consolidated. In time, physical strength will reach 1000 elephants and even more, no problem!"

Taking a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, Nie Yun's eyes brightened and he was confident.

When this strength reaches the Holy Empire, who else will be afraid of it except the one who has won the heavens and created the secret?

Moreover, this is just the effect that Jiu Xinlian has just swallowed. In such a short time, it is impossible to absorb all the effects. As long as the time is sufficient, the strength will definitely increase again!

"The time to absorb Jiu Xin Lian is not short, it is estimated that Qi Yang and others have almost come here!"

Standing up, Nie Yun looked into the distance.

The strength of the heart and meridians increased, the mental strength defeated the demon, and with the ability of the Xiangshui master, his eyes were much brighter than before.

"Huh? It's not slow, hey, it's very close to the seventh prince. I can just design it and let the two of them meet!"

During observation, it was seen that Qi Yang and others had also come to the range of the nine-hearted demon fruit tree with a slight smile.

"However, before you go, disguise yourself!"

Changed his clothes again, tore a few places at will, and killed several monsters in the sea by the way and wiped his blood with his body, causing himself to be seriously injured.

As a master of disguise, although Nie Yun does not have such things as Yirong Dantian or camouflage Dantian, the effect of Yirong cannot be seen by anyone. Although he can't show it in many depths in the sea, he only imitates It ’s hard to tell if the injured are coming from the Secret Realm, let alone Qi Yang!

After the disguise is completed, first use the ability of the Xiangshui division to leave a trace in front of the seventh prince and others, let them find it, and then rush to the place where Qi Yang and others must pass and stop, sitting on a raised stone His face is pale ~ www.readwn.com ~ The vitality in his body is negligible. From the outsider's point of view, he seems to die at any time because of a gas break!

"Yuntong, are you okay!"

As soon as everything was ready, an anxious shout was heard, and then a thin, thin white figure rushed over, anxious.

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By the way, I recommend a book, Super God Beast Breeding Master, there is a through train on the page, you can go and see it. . . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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