Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 274: punishment

"This is bad, let's sneak away ..."

The three demon pets, the ministers saw the blood boiling, and Meng Qimo and Luo Qingshou who had betrayed before turned green.

Originally, they thought that His Majesty was just a kid who had gotten a chance encounter. In the Kamikaze Empire, he might even be able to make a rainstorm compared with the holy empire of the Holy Empire. It was a long way off. Master, don't fall into the wind!

The strength is horrifying!

"Want to go? Is it still possible?"

The head of the wind wolf king saw the two's intentions, and the white tail swept away, "clicking" a few times, and the two leg bones were all broken.

Fighting against the Prince's law enforcement team is not a one-size-fits-all enemy. To deal with this kind of air force, it is no more difficult to pinch an ant than to kill it.


The following people couldn't be more shocked, and Nie Yun and others in the air were fighting in the dark.

Nie Yun broke through the condensing sword array of the ancient and heavenly array. He burst into the crowd, waving his sword, the sword was as strong as a forest, and the strong strength of strength was scattered from his body. All shrouded in it.

"Arabic ancient sky array, Xuan sword array!"

With a whisper, the formation method changed again, and the endless sword energy shot from every dead corner of the human body, so that the people trapped in it could not escape at all.

"Arabic ancient sky array, ghost sword array!"

"Arabic ancient sky array, air sword array!"

Two consecutive sets of different attack methods were used. People in the imperial city saw the sky full of sword qi, densely lined with curtains and covering the entire sky.

"Break it all for me!"

Although the formation of the combination of the ancient ancient sky array is terrible. The teenager was more terrible, and suddenly a low roar, a sky full of light rushed into the sky, and then a figure burst out from the light and hit in the air.

"Blood pupil, blood of the pupil! The potential of the earth, strong Dantian, 32 dark forces, attack!"

Suddenly, the ten big dantians in Nie Yun's body went crazy. The water-like qi was radiated along the arm, and the strongest attack method in the whole body was excited at the same time.


The sky and the earth collapsed, the sun and the moon were dark, the air waves formed by the qi twisted the whole space, a violent explosion, several silhouetted shells fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground.

"This is your formation? Not so good!"

The sword air dissipated and a figure emerged from the air. It was Nie Yun, and the expression on Nie Yun's face remained unchanged at this time. Stepping down from the air step by step, looking at the few people lying on the ground, his tone calm.

"I really look down on you. I am afraid that you have already reached the top three of this list! Today we acknowledge that this is 500,000 silver tickets, which can be taken out by any firm in the Holy Empire. It is our recklessness. Compensation! "

The youth of the people took out a stack of silver tickets from their arms, and their faces were full of humiliation.

They were called geniuses since childhood. The selection is called the Prince's Law Enforcement Team. The proud man of the sky has never been defeated in battle with others. Now he can't do it alone.

"It's enough to compensate for this money? Hehe, I don't want money. Each person has one hand and one foot, and that's all for today!"

Glancing at the silver ticket, Nie Yun said lightly.

for him. Money is not so important to control an empire. If you lose some money, you won't have to fight them.

"Don't deceive people too much! Although your strength is not weak, but it is only the top three in the heavenly list. There are at least ten ancestors in the potential list of the sacred empire's hidden realm. If you are too genius, you will die ... what!"

Hearing the young man's request, he clenched his fist for the head of the youth and said with a gritted tooth, but before he finished speaking, he saw a flash of Jianmang, and then a pain in his body caused an arm to fly out sideways and fell heavily to the ground.

"I don't like to listen to nonsense!"

A sword cut off his arm, Nie Yun said lightly.

"You ..." The young man headed did not expect that the teenager was so fierce that he was not afraid of threats. He was so angry that his forehead was blue and trembling, but he was afraid to say nonsense.

"Do you want me to do it, or do you do it yourself?"

Nie Yun continued.

"Five princes, we ..."

Hearing the words of the teenagers, the remaining few members of the Prince's Law Enforcement Team all turned red, and looked at the youth in charge.

This young man is His Royal Highness the Five Princes of His Holiness the Emperor.

The princes of the Holy Empire, the five princes, and the seventh prince are the biological sons of His Majesty, and are the most qualified heirs to compete for the throne.

"Go ahead!"

The fifth prince is also a fierce person. If he knows today's affairs without breaking his hands, he will certainly not be good.


All of them gritted their teeth and clamored a series of sword lights, and each of them broke one hand and one foot.

Losing hands and feet is better than losing your life!

"go away!"

Seeing that they had fulfilled their orders and did not dare to resist, Nie Yun waved his hand.

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow. Your Majesty Nie Yun, I hope to see you in the Holy Empire!"

The five princes gritted their teeth and took the remaining few people to turn around and fly away.

"Your Majesty, cut the grass and root it, once the Holy Empire knows it, it will definitely send troops to fight against it ..."

Seeing several people flying away, Feng Xiao hurried.

"Respect for strength, even if they want to crusade, I'm afraid to see my true strength first!"

He waved his hand, and Nie Yun didn't care.

Even if the Holy Empire really wanted to take revenge on itself, I'm afraid I had to wait to see myself before, I believe that the Royal Empire of the Holy Empire will not be dumb, and even if the specific strength of the opponent is unclear, he will make unwise moves.

The supreme strong will all fly. Without far exceeding strength, it is impossible to kill them. Once they escape, they will disturb their chickens and dogs.

After all, no matter how strong the royal empire is, it is impossible for everyone to reach the supreme level! Can't kill you strong, will not kill you weak?

"Master, what about these two traitors?"

Wind Wolf King's white claws pointed at the minister named Meng Qimo and Luo Qingshou.

"If you know that there is another living in his house, don't live anymore!"

Nie Yun looked around for a week and looked coldly at the remaining ministers.

If you want the stability of the regime, you have to fight hard. This dream Qimo and Luo Qingshou openly betrayed themselves. If they don't give a little color, they will never deter others.

"Your Majesty's life, His Majesty's subordinates are wrong, you can spare our family ..."

Unexpectedly, the teenager was so fierce that they looked terrified and begged for mercy.


Before his shout was over, the Wind Wolf King patted him with one claw and patted his head into flesh.

"As long as I obey absolutely, I don't want anyone to have a second heart. Once I dare to betray me, I will cut it!" Nie Yundan said indifferently.

After hearing this, all the ministers froze for a moment. Although the sunlight was warm as summer, they still felt the back and cold.

ps: Today is six thousand and twelve thousand, which can be regarded as an outbreak!

During this time, Laoya intends to make some manuscripts. At the end of the month, we will sprint again. The goal is still the top three in the new book monthly ticket list. Although the gap is large and it seems to be an impossible task, can we make it possible for you?

This book had a bad recommendation just now. Because it was so bad, I did n’t recommend it in the second week. Afterwards, I struggled to get a strong push. The results of the strong push are not good or bad. Anyway, it did not reach the level of popularity. I originally thought that this book would be almost the same even if it didn't hit the street. I did not expect that the day when it was on the shelves, it was suddenly popular!

Of course, this is due to the tireless efforts of the book friends, but the sudden popularity of the shelves really did not surprise Lao Ya, so Lao Ya felt that hard work always pays off!

Although the subscription results are not in line with the popularity, according to the popular look, the 24-hour subscription should be more than two thousand, or even three thousand, and we are only eight hundred, but Laoya is very satisfied, because I am very grateful, only desperately code ~ www .readwn.com ~ Update desperately!

Lao Ya is also a reader. The more books you follow, the more you like it, so Lao Ya desperately, just to repay the friendship and knowledge of friends, others treat me, I will treat others.

The new book list is only one month. We are seven days late. Lao Ya's goal is the top three. The higher the goal is, the farther we go! Even if you fail, you will be beautiful!

Therefore, Laoya here implores everyone to give me a monthly pass. If you read this book and ask you to leave me a monthly pass and give me a heat, Laoya will release a lot of light and will never let everyone down!

Sprint, sprint! Now it is on the 17th. Check that everyone should already have a monthly pass. We are starting from scratch, but we have to use the lowest zero to kill God and destroy those super strong ones! Brothers and sisters, dare to slaughter God with me?

God is actually not God. He has become something of God only by doing things beyond human ability. All we have to do is slaughter them and kill! Kill! kill! !! !!

What more hesitant, bring your monthly pass! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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