Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 275: Collective promotion

"Feng Xiao, Yang Yan, Luo Xiaofeng, this is the nine-hearted demon fruit, each of you will be good for strength growth!"

After handling the harassment of the prince law enforcement team, Nie Yun called Feng Xiao and others to the room.

"Nine-hearted demon fruit? Is it the demon-type fruit that can increase the meridians and increase the heart's pacing ability?" Luo Xiaofeng, who took the fruit, narrowed his eyes.

"you know?"

Nie Yun did not expect that Luo Xiaofeng knew this thing, and nodded with a smile.

"Surely there is such a good thing, Your Majesty ... this thing is so expensive, I still don't want it anymore ..." Luo Xiaofeng slaps in the palm of his hand.

"Oh, as long as you faithfully work for me, don't mention a demon fruit, there are no more things! Serve it, as long as the strength is strong, I can rest assured to pay you a greater burden!" Nie Yun said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Seeing the firm eyes of the young man, Luo Xiaofeng didn't quit and opened his mouth to swallow the demon fruit.


When the fruit entered the body, there was a cry of a frog, and in the blink of an eye, the small wind of Kung Fu Luo fluttered, and his breath kept rising.

"Huh? How about a breakthrough? Then I can help!"

Seeing that the breath on Luo Xiaofeng was getting stronger and stronger, Nie Yun smiled, and then laughed.

Luo Xiaofeng has reached the peak of his ancestors for a long time, and he has been locked up for several decades in Mi Tianzong. He has accumulated enough, and there is only one opportunity to break through. Although the nine-hearted demon fruit cannot help people directly break through the Supreme, it is like a catalyst While transforming his body, he broke through the barrier that has troubled him for many years in one fell swoop.

"Spirit stone appears! Spirit power is used by me!"

Standing up, Nie Yun grabbed his hand in the air. Dozens of spirit stones floated up densely, and each finger continuously clicked on each stone, and each time, an aura was ejected from the stone. In the blink of an eye, these auras gathered together, forming a pure spiritual force in the air. Dragon.

This method of driving out the aura in the spirit stone was learned by Nie Yun in a historic site, and it can restore people's strength in a short period of time. It is wonderful.

"Go in!"

As soon as the palm was rolled and pressed, the Aura Dragon hovered towards Luo Xiaofeng. Drilling in along the forehead, as soon as this aura came into his body, his body "cracked" up and down immediately, his breath broke through the peak of his ancestors in the blink of an eye, and he gradually climbed to the supreme level.

Breaking through the Supreme requires extremely powerful auras. If Luo Xiaofeng naturally breaks through, it can also succeed, but it will take a long time, and even if the breakthrough is successful. Also has a maximum of 10 elephant power, which can only be regarded as the weakest Supreme.

And now the aura of dozens of spirit stones is punched in. It is equivalent to initiation. Once Luo Xiaofeng fully digests, his strength will definitely increase exponentially, and it is not a problem to directly reach the extreme peak!

Of course, the extreme peaks are still very different. Like most monsters such as the wind wolf king, he is at the highest peak. It is impossible to catch up with Nie Yun without decades of hard work and opportunities!

"Wind Wolf King, Zitong, and Black Rock. The three of you are my demon pets, and I will not give them all the same. Now I will also give you three nine-hearted demon fruits. After taking them, they will fight each other. I will let it advance to the strongest Mystery! "

After arranging Feng Xiao and others, Nie Yun looked at the three demon pets.

The three monster pets just followed their promotion. Along the way, ups and downs, the reason why I was so hard to **** the secret demon core is to complete one of them!

"Promote the mystery? This ... Master. This is impossible!"

The three monsters were startled at the same time.

The secret realm is supreme and unbelievable in their hearts. The master said that they could be reached, and they couldn't believe it!

"Nothing is impossible, you must all know this thing!"

Seeing the unbelievableness in the eyes of the three beasts, Nie Yun smiled lightly, flipped his palm, and a smooth demon core appeared on the palm.

"This is the demon core ... Ah, the mysterious demon core? This ..."

"Hidden Demon Core? Once swallowed, there is a great chance to be promoted to the Demon Core of the Underworld?"

The three beasts of the wind wolf king saw the demon core in the young man's hands, and all of them were stunned, almost speechless.

Before they became the pet of Nie Yun's demon, they were all members of the monster beast group. They knew a lot. They all knew the effectiveness of the secret core of the demon. Looking at the things in the master's palm, they were almost silly.

"Yes, it is the secret core of the mystery. I will only give you the strongest among these cores. Now I will swallow the nine-heart demon fruit cultivation. After a while, I will see how much your strength can reach. If not, I don't want to waste a secret core! "

Nie Yun said lightly.

"Master, rest assured, we will meet the requirements and will not let you down!"

All three demon pets clenched their teeth, their eyes filled with determination.

When the monster reaches the secret level, it will be able to fade away the skin and become a human figure. The strength of the monster will change dramatically. However, all monsters want to reach this level of dreaming.

Monsters, like humans, pay attention to things like three, six, and nine. They have high pedigrees, high achievements, and low pedigrees. No matter how good the resources are, they are hopeless for life.

The three major monsters, Wind Wolf King, Zitong, and Black Rock, are ranked according to their pedigree. The highest level is probably Zitong with Dragon Blood, followed by Wind Wolf King, and the worst is Black Rock.

Even if Zitong has the blood of the dragon, after all, the blood content is too low. It is no accident that the highest level in this life is the supreme peak. It is difficult to break through!

This is true for Zitong, not to mention the other two beasts. Therefore, when they heard that they were able to reach the secret place, they were all desperate, and their excited eyes were red.

Within half an hour, the three beasts refined the nine-hearted demon fruit.

Nine-hearted demon fruit is indeed a demon relic, which not only has great help to humans, but also to the monsters. After taking the three beasts, the strength is once again improved. Although it is still not as good as Nie Yun, it is different from Baihuash Not too big.

"Well, you guys start the test, I will only give you the strongest monster in the mystery!"

Seeing that they had completed their cultivation, all of them looked like Hong Hong, Nie Yun said.

"Master, our three strengths are not much different. We just talked about it a bit, so we don't have to try it. Give it to the Wind Wolf King. It first follows the master and is most qualified to get it!"

Black Rock took a step forward, Lang Lang said.

"Yes, as long as you follow the master, there will definitely not be fewer secret cores in the future. It is meaningless to compete for a demonic core now. Anyway, as long as we are loyal to the master, we will definitely have it in the future!"

Zitong nodded.

"it is good!"

Seeing the three-headed monster knowing politeness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction.

These three are their own demon pets. Cooperation between them can make things better. If you do not know how to be polite, fight desperately, and take a big shot, Nie Yun does not intend to give any of them to the demon!

Yuxia not only needs to let them have competition, but also to unite as one, otherwise, it will only be a piece of sand and no big deal!

ps: update in the early morning, for recommendations and monthly tickets!

Today's update situation is 8: 1 in the morning, 12:00 in the noon, 7: 1 in the evening, and 12: 1 in the morning. .

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Still the old saying, if you feel the desire to continue reading, please pitifully pity Laoya to work hard all night, genuine support, writing a book for six years, the first time I have good grades, hope to get better and better, it can be considered a hard work Dream catchers fulfill their dreams! Thank you! !! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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