Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 324: 0 machine messaging pigeon

老 Thousands of kilometers in the air from the misty swamp, the two old men are flying fast.

"Zi Qionghuang, although there is competition between us, we will never do this kind of thing. Rest assured, this time I have designed it. As soon as I open the inner hall of Zihua Dongfu, I will kill Nie Yun immediately At that time, as long as we get the Dongfu and contribute it to the Chinese people, we can smoothly enter the gate, be sheltered, and straighten up! This is the most practical, everything else is useless, even those things that are precious to you The heavens and continents are all a bunch of tatters. Do you still want to bring a bunch of tatters to the floating heavens and continents? "

The dusty bald-haired man with his beard twirled his beard and laughed.

"A bunch of junk? Fart you! Do you know how long it took Lao Tzu to collect those treasures? Hundreds of years!"

I heard that Huang Chen said that what he had lost was tattered, and Zi Qiong was yelling loudly.

"Ahem, am I not comforting you? Think of everything, the old one will not go to the new one, maybe you lost something, this time you will get big opportunities and big treasures in Zihua Dongfu, soaring strength, life expectancy Increase it! "Said Huang Chen.

"Standing does not cause backache. If all of your treasures are lost, I don't think you will say that you have lost a lot of tattered ones! The old ones are not new ones!"

The more I listened to the so-called comfort from Huang Chen, the more the hatred of Zi Qionghuang tickled.

老 This old guy is clearly gloating. He has been flying all the way for more than ten days, and he has mentioned this matter no less than 17 or 8 times!

It is no wonder that both of them are loyal to Lord Hua. The reason why they can be promoted to the secret place is the gift of good fortune given by Lord Hua, working together for one person, the habit of competition, one side suffers, the other will feel very proud, this time they ate Such a big loss, the baby that has been searched for hundreds of years has been ransacked, naturally, the old guy of Huang Chen laughed off his teeth!

"Oh, well, as a donkey liver and lungs, I care about you kindly, and you actually cursed my loss, it ’s really a dog biting Lu Dongbin! Hehe, but it ’s not easy to lose things in my treasure house. I used to ask Hua The adult asked for a powerful set of banned baby to cover the entire treasure house. As soon as the ban was opened, no one could enter, even me! How about it? Envy, I wanted this baby, but you laughed Become a miser! "

When I saw Zi Qionghuang's expression, Huang Ling couldn't express herself, and felt that the bad breath in her heart was finally stretched.

At that time, the two of them performed the task for adults Hua at the same time. The adults were rewarded one by one. The Emperor Ziqiong asked for a spirit soldier, and he asked for the banned baby!

因为 Because of this incident, Ziqiong Huang laughed for a long time. What kind of darling is the darling of the strongest continent? Such a big credit for changing such a set of restrictions is simply taking off pants and farting-more than one thing!

Now, someone is moving the picture on the head of the Tai Sui and stealing his baby clean. Don't laugh at this time, but when?


I was in the dark of Huang Ling's heart, and suddenly a white light came from behind me, "Boom!"

"Thousands of machine pigeons! What happened to Emperor? Use this precious thing?"

Seeing this white light, Huang Chen was startled and stopped quickly.

There are several methods of communication. The most common one is the Jade communication card. Although this thing is very convenient, the only limitation is that you can't transmit the message too far. It is OK for thousands of miles. As now, it is a few miles away from the imperial capital. One hundred thousand kilometers is useless.

At this time, you need something that can send further messages, such as the thousand-machine communication pigeon just mentioned. This thing can only be made by the powerful Secret Realm. The flying speed is extremely fast, and you can find the master according to the breath, even if it is dozens. For thousands of miles, you can also communicate, but this communication takes time, cannot be effective in a timely manner, and is unilateral. Once used, it becomes waste.

The most obvious method is to use matrix transmission, as if they were sending messages to Chinese adults. This method is used to record on the jade of communication and use the matrix method to transmit the message back. This method has a long distance. It is very convenient to arrive in time.

Qianji Chuanqiu made three of them at first, and explained it before leaving. As long as it is not a serious matter and cannot be used ill, how can I send one after a few days?

一 Grasping the palm forward, he held the exploding messenger pigeon in his palm, and gently, the seal contained therein opened, and an anxious voice rang.

The Communication Pigeon is not the same as the Communication Jade, it can record sound.

"Master, waste dust, it's not good. I don't know who stole the treasure chest. The treasure is ten or nine!"

There was only one paragraph of chanting voice, anxious and anxious. It seemed that the person who sent the message was extremely shocked, and a deep panic came from deep inside.

什么 "What? My treasure has also been stolen? How is this possible! My treasure has the restraint rewarded by the Lord Hua, as long as you enter it will touch ... I don't believe it!"

I heard anxious words, Fang Chen almost died.

I was laughing at Ziqiong Huang, and immediately followed suit. God, let ’s not take this fun.

"Haha, today's weather is so good, it's so refreshing, I haven't been so happy for a long time!" The voice of Qianji Chuan Pigeon also heard in the ear, and when he saw the old guy who was just proud of himself, he became This pair of looks ~ www.readwn.com ~ jumped up in excitement, and laughed through the wild.

"You ... hmm, I'm not afraid even if I lose it. I am forbidden to have the ability to record breath. Master Hua once said that as long as someone enters it, even his strength will be recorded. When I go back, once I find out Whoever did it will absolutely shatter him! And you, even though you saw someone steal your stuff in person, didn't catch it, it is even more annoying than me! "

He was ridiculed by his old counterpart. Although Fang Chen was angry, he was also extremely clever, and immediately thought of a solution, saying yin and yang.

"You ... hmm!"

Although Huang Chen's words are not good, Huang Ziqiong also knows that what he said is true. This prohibition can record the breath of those who come. Once he probes, he knows who did it, which is better than himself. Until now , Who even steals things does not know!


The dispute between the two was not over, and once again a thousand-machine messenger pigeon flew in front of it, "Boom!"

"Master Shuangchen, we were reckless before. We checked the treasure house once a month and we saw that it was empty as soon as we went in. So, we sent a message in a hurry. Please forgive me! We just observed the ban carefully The breath of the record, knowing that you took the treasure from the treasure house, apologize here! "

The seal opened, and an embarrassed voice sounded.

"My breath? I took the treasure from the treasure house? Nima, who did it?"

Desolate face was red, and a blood spurted out.

Whoops, can anyone tell me what is going on here? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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