Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 325: Swamp wasp

"Haha, not only was your treasure house stolen, but in the end it left your breath. It's so funny. I really admire this stealer, how can he be so handsome and so happy!"

Xi Ziqiong Huang is not stupid. When she heard what the second seal said, she burst into laughter and her tears almost burst out.

"Huh! Don't laugh, we are all the same now. If I guessed well, the person who stole your treasure house must be the same person who stole my treasure house! This person should be a disguise master, disguised as Qi Huang first, And then pretending to be me, that leaves us with no trace! "

Anhuang Chenchen calmed down and interrupted Zi Qionghuang's laughter.

"Don't you say this person is that Nie Yun? It seems that we are following Nie Yun now, and I would like to know how did he steal your treasure house in the end?"

Zi Qionghuang said that no Yin and Yang quota.

"I was mistaken before, definitely not Nie Yun! Nie Yun's strength is similar to mine. It is impossible to take away the treasure without touching the prohibition left by Master Hua! Not only can he not do this, Even the one from Gan Qingzong couldn't do it, the only possibility was ... "

Said the solemn expression on this desolate face.

"You mean Master Nie Yun? The Supreme Elder of the legendary Huazong in the legend?" After hearing the analysis of Huang Chen, Emperor Ziqiong's gloating expression disappeared and replaced with a frown.

不错 "Yes, I can't think of a second person in the Qihai continent. I can enter my treasure house freely, and steal all the treasures without touching the prohibition! No one in China!"

Wu Huangchen said affirmatively.

"In the beginning, I passed on the news that Master Nie Yun was Supreme Master Hua Yunzong, who had sent someone to Hua Yunzong to investigate. It is true that Supreme Master Elder has disappeared. Someone said that he went to time and space. In the depths, some people have talked about other floating small continents. There are many sayings! After knowing this news, Master Hua specifically told me to be careful, Supreme Master Elder's level is too high, even if he is now, he can't compete! "

Zi Qionghuang said the news he knew.

"It seems that this Nie Yun didn't brag, he does have a master, and this master, as it may be, is the Supreme Elder of Hua Yunzong ..."

Wu Huangchen became more and more afraid, and wanted to continue talking. Suddenly, a wave of aura was in his arms. He reached out and grabbed it, and took out a jade of communication.

"It was a message from Huang Ling. He said that Master Nie Yun seemed to know that the two of us were following and wanted to kill Nie Yun, leaving a rune on him that could escape from space! And, he It is incredible that his master is capable of calculating good and bad, and that he is powerful! "

I looked at what was written on the jade card, and every time Huang Ran said that his face was ugly, when he said "unbelievable", it was already dark like the bottom of a pot.

This news is terrible!

Reversing space, digging into the air ... What is this cultivation?

大 In the eyes of the two, the Chinese master, who seems unattainable, seems far away from both!

"What ... what shall we do? This Nie Yun still can't kill?" The two stayed there for a while, and Zi Qionghuang spoke.

"The request from Lord Hua is that we must get Zihua Dongfu, otherwise we will die as well. If this Nie Yun doesn't compete with us for Dongfu, it's better to do it, even if he is trying to offend his master!"

Xun pondered for a while, and Huang Chen's teeth clenched.

"Yes, we are going to die anyway. As long as we do n’t leave any traces at that time, even if his master is very powerful, he may not be able to find out afterwards! As soon as we finish this thing, we will immediately go to Futian Continent. When we get there, there is Hua The patriarch's guardian of the Lord, even if this person is a Supreme Elder, he cannot take us! "

Xi Ziqionghuang also blinked his eyes and made a decision.

If this Nie Yunzhen robs Dongfu with them, it would be better to take the initiative to attack than everyone would die!

"Now that we have made a decision, let's keep up as soon as possible. As long as we open the door of the inner palace of Dongfu, we will kill all the useless landlords! Treasures will be divided evenly. If Nie Yun does not **** Dongfu, he will appease part Nothing! "

Wu Huangchen sorted out his thoughts.

"Well, let's go!"

The Emperor Ziqiong nodded his head to the wasteland, and both of them shook their bodies at the same time, followed closely by the imprint left by the wasteland.


The dialogue between Emperor Ziqiong and Huang Chen was not missed by Nie Yun.

Although the Tian Tian talents can't hear their words clearly like the Tian ear talents, but from the expression and the mouth shape of some special words, Nie Yun inferred the content of their conversation.

"Oh, since you are afraid, you must not dare to deal with your parents, so they will be safe!"

I have the talent for eyes and eyes, and I want to leave as long as I want to stay in Zihua Dongfu. Nie Yun will not be afraid of them, and deliberately saying this is to make them afraid and not dare to deal with parents and others.

Seeing that his own approach was in effect, Nie Yun stopped paying attention to the two of Zi Qionghuang and looked forward.

From entering the misty swamp to now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone has walked for three full days. Although these three days have also encountered the cold currents of hell, no one has died under the correct leadership of the Heavenly Eye Master Mo Wudao. Only a few people suffered minor injuries in the sneak attack of the wavelet monster.

"It's not far from the outside of Zihua Dongfu. This place has the most monsters and monsters. As long as we pass this barrier, we are safe!"

Wu Motian's eyes opened, his eyes glowed, he looked forward carefully for a moment, and said solemnly.

"Well, we will be careful!"

Seeing that he had a serious tone, the crowd didn't dare to care, followed closely behind, and slowly moved forward.

Alas, alas!

He and his party walked for a long time, seeing that they were about to leave the misty swamp area, and suddenly a series of rapid whistle sounded.

"It is a unique swamp wasp unique to the foggy marsh! Each of these special monsters has the size of a dove, is highly toxic, and is bitten. Even if it is a strong list of potentials, it must be puffy! Ten bites, a fairy It can't be saved! "

When I heard this voice, Mo Wudao's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly yelled.

"Swamp Wasp?" Not only did his face change, everyone heard the dense tweets in front of him, all of them looking ugly.


The shouts ended, and sure enough, he saw something densely packed like golden bees and rushed over to the crowd.

虽然 Although the strength of these things is not strong, there is only the peak of Bingjia Realm, but the number is large and the poison is strong. For everyone, it is definitely the biggest crisis since entering the foggy swamp! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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