Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 326: Getting rich

"Luoxia Tianlong Palm!

"Hell Burning!"

"Kowloon Overlord Boxing!"

Every trick was sent from the crowd, and the powerful attack formed a huge stream of energy, which was rampant.

Everyone's unrestrained means of showing, the strength is also revealed. 0

This group of people has the strongest strength and the most means is that Qi Tao, Qi Yang's grandfather, the old monster who hit the undead in the secret place, punched down, and glittered, and there must be hundreds of swamp wasps killed.

The second is Tianwushi Mowudao. This person has the talent of natural eyes, and can see the flaws of the swamp wasp at a glance, and there is no blind spot in the vision. Any sneak attack is useless to him. Often, dozens of wasps are caught. Shape into patties.

I should be a barren again, this guy is wearing a set of soldiers, ignoring the wasp's poison needle, and the sword is very strong, one after another, the sword seems to have the shadow of the floating heaven sword god.

Xunfutian Continent Sword God Sect is famous for Kendo. Many swordsmanship and many disciple disciples will not be able to deduce that the Chinese master is Sword God Sect.

后面 Behind the three are three old monsters, including Qi Huang, who have hit the mysterious undead, and then come down are Tu Xin and those who have the purple jade seal, and their nephews or guards.

Nie Yun hid in the crowd, showing no mountains or running water. It didn't seem to use much power, but hundreds of thousands of wasps fell down with one finger.

Strangely, these wasps had their lives cut off, but their bodies were intact, no difference from before!

虽然 Although this method does not have much gorgeous airflow, everyone knows that he was using these strong dark energy to shock these wasps to death! This method is more powerful than killing it directly. After a fight, everyone has no doubt about his hidden strength.

If it is said that Nie Yun's strength shocked everyone, and that brother Nie Tong's fighting techniques with him, it was simply frightening them.

This boy, with his feet in front and back, his knees are not bent at all, like a zombie, the scene of Zao Road is very ridiculous, but the speed and power of the sword makes no one laugh!

Every time a sword is issued, dozens of wasps are pierced by the sword's air, and they never miss. The angle of the sword is accurate, cruel, and stable. Even the top three Qi Tao, Mo Wudao, and barren are all I can't help but feel scalp numb and find it hard to resist.


The masses were killed repeatedly, and the swamp wasp dropped its head to the ground. As soon as these corpses touched the water surface, the water surface completely darkened, so that the entire mist had a smell of smell. If it were not for the strength of the crowd, I am afraid that these breaths alone would be enough. Poison it!

"So bad gas, I can't stand it!"

Suddenly, one of the weaker Supremes, spurting blood from his nose and nose, fell to the ground.

As soon as he fell, he was surrounded by countless swamp wasps, and he became a skeleton.

It is said that this person's strength is weak, in fact, there are peaks in the Tianbang list. This kind of person is absolutely a heroic figure no matter where in the Qihai continent. Now he is actually alive and poisoned by poisonous gas and swallowed by a group of wasps. It is absolutely difficult to say it. Believe!

"Nie Tong, are you okay!" Nie Yun's face finally condensed when he saw that the poisonous gas would poison the extreme.

According to legend, there are ninety-nine roads to Zihua Dongfu, each of which is different. There are ghost swamps, psychedelic formations, various monsters ... Nie Yun was lucky when he came from the past. I haven't encountered this unique swamp wasp, so I don't know the toxicity of this thing, I didn't expect that it would be so fierce that even the Supreme could poison it!

Extreme claims to be the highest level of Qihai, and the whole body breathes and rotates. It is almost innocent. Even if someone swallows three pounds of arsenic to the Supreme, there will be nothing.

现在 And now just smelling some poisonous gas and dying, it is terrifying.

"I'm fine, brother. Actually, I realized a way to practice with these poisonous gases. The more poisonous gases, the faster my strength improves!"

Nie Tong laughed and whispered quietly.

"Cultivate with poisonous gas?" Nie Yun nodded, thinking of his brother's previous experience, no longer worried.

"Well, no, Nie Tong can practice with the help of poisonous gas. I won't, but why do I feel like I haven't felt at all for a long time, but I feel like I'm feeling refreshed and my strength has increased?" Continued to kill, and Nie Yun suddenly realized a problem and couldn't bear it Stay for a while.

算 Even if he is more powerful than everyone else, he is in the poisonous gas, breathing more, and all of them are harmed. Why does he not feel harmed, but feels energetic, and his strength gradually increases?

"Yes, Jiu Ming Han Zhu!"

As soon as my heart moved, Nie Yun rang a treasure on her body.

Jiuming Hanzhu, the treasure that I originally got from the monster demon winged cloud armor and beast king in the ancient demon shrine, the cold bottom of the earth's veins is produced, except the evil, breaking the million methods, and not poisoning! This thing will be of great help even to the powerful occultist. Although it was placed in the stubborn field, it still actively absorbed the poisonous gas, turning the poisonous thing into aura, and replenishing your energy!

一 A flick of his wrist took out Jiu Ming Han Zhu and put it quietly in her arms.


The poisonous gas that was invaded really was absorbed by Han Zhu in the blink of an eye, and fed back into the body, forming a special aura.

"Haha, I'm getting rich now, and I'm worried about when I can fill up such a huge gas sea. Now it seems that these demon cores are just what I want!"

Suddenly thought of one thing ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun was almost excited.

Although these swamp wasps are not big, they are monsters after all, and each has a demon core, but these demon cores concentrate their most toxic parts. The toxicity is extremely strong. Even if they are strong and absorb the power, I am afraid Will be poisoned alive.

Now this kind of thing is not involved. Jiuqi Hanzhu is at hand, except for evil, breaking all methods, and innocent poison. As long as you use this filter, these demon cores can become spiritual open, and provide oneself continuously. energy!

I have swallowed all the elixir of the Ziqiong Mountains and the Holy Empire royal family, and only supplemented 80% of the Qihai. Now these swamp wasps are used as supplies, it is difficult to fill up!

"Her Majesty, these swamp wasps swarmed in endlessly. If they were killed in this way, we would surely be alive if they were not poisoned. Now I am rushing with my brother Nie Tong to see if I can find the hive Destroy! Free everyone from crisis! "

I thought of this, and Yun Yun couldn't bear it anymore. Suddenly, there was a long howling, and he pulled Nie Tong a hand, and his toes swept into the swamp wasp swarm, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

If you openly devour the demon nucleus here, it must be too shocking, and Nie Tong rushed into the wasp swarm, avoiding everyone, kill as much as you want, and absorb as much as you want, unbridled!

Otherwise, it can also make these people more poisoned by the swamp wasps. Why not? (To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335]. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you want to dedicate the fastest and best updates to friends like us, please click search Baidu breaks dawn, join us.)

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