Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 328: You kill slowly, I will rest for a while

... Ninth turn Nirvana is the third peak of Nirvana? "

Thinking about this, Nie Yun also clearly felt the time of the next transformation of Jiuzhuan Nirvana.

I watched Yuyu again, and now the Nine Turns Nirvana in the body has been a little different from what I practiced in the previous life. I used to calculate Nirvana once before mystery according to normal calculations, but now I can only reach the highest peak Nirvana three times.

"Nine revolutions of Nirvana, each time the energy required by Nirvana will multiply geometrically. This time it will definitely need more. My energy sea will consume too much energy. If I do Nirvana again, I will be dissatisfied. ......... "

Although the strength increased, and the time for the third Nirvana was also known, the depression followed.

The current Qihai is opened up by the unknown method, which is a hundred times that of ordinary people. It contains as much aura as it can be called horror. It is difficult for a big stomach king to maintain it. However, once Nirvana, the energy required is even greater. many!

Even if you want to advance, you have to find so much energy!

The holy empire and the treasures of the Ziqiong Mountains have been searched for many years. So many treasures of elixir have been swallowed by themselves and filled with dissatisfaction. Nirvana requires at least ten times this energy. I am afraid that in the future, if I collect energy, Worrying!

Pit! What should I do?

"Forget it, there must be a road to the front of the mountain. I don't want to do it anymore. Now the strength reaches the extreme late stage. The energy of these swamp wasps is useless to me, and it doesn't make much sense to kill more. Just wait for a while, Nie Tong!"

A defensive circle was clothed with infuriating air, so that the swamp wasps could not get in, and Nie Yun sat idly on the water.

In the later period of reaching the highest level of strength, the qi form changed. The energy of the swamp wasp core was too low to use it. If it is not available, there is no need to expend energy to continue killing. It is better to rest and take a look at your brother by the way.

Wow! Wow!

Not far away, Nie Tongzheng's sword followed by the sword before the sword was finished, the next sword has appeared, endless, rain, and in the eyes is simply a treat.

Now he might be able to show more powerful sword tricks than his younger brother, but to be as endless as he is, like heaven, it must not be done!

I really don't know how my brother, who has petrified legs without gas, has practiced such a weird sword.

"Doesn't ... the birth of a younger brother has talents beyond ordinary people that only caught Nie Haotian's attention. He intentionally bite it with a red-tailed devil snake to petrify it?"

Suddenly, Nie Yun's mind suddenly came up with an idea.

As soon as this idea emerged, it could no longer be contained. It is certainly true otherwise, why did he not persecute me but persecute my younger brother than me? Definitely feel that I have nothing to do to not threaten them!

In the past life, there were only three Dantians. If it were not for the two secret methods of Nine Turns Nirvana and Spiritual Rhythmic Remedy, plus the death of a loved one and being persecuted by hatred, it would be very good to reach the Bingjia Realm, never There may be the achievement of the peak of Dantian acupoints!

The younger brother is likely to show Superman's talent as soon as he was born. This only caught Nie Haotian's attention and persecuted him!

But ... even so, my brother's previous life practiced a very strong swordsmanship to save himself when the demons broke through the city ... so you can imagine how terrible his brother's talent is!

I am afraid that his talent is not in Qihai but in the flesh. The spiritual rhinoceros refining formula given by him just makes up for this deficiency!

"Brother, my strength has reached the limit, the poisonous gas of the swamp wasps has no use for me!"

I don't know how long, Nie Yunzheng was immersed in the memory, was interrupted by the younger brother's voice, looked up, and saw that although the younger brother had no strong breath at this time, standing there was like a stalk just unsheathed The sharp sword makes people dare not look straight. It seems that the killing during this time has made him more progress!

"How much more powerful than before?" After looking at it for a while, Nie Yun realized that he couldn't even see his brother's specific strength, and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Even if that dust comes over, I can fight a war!" Nie Tong shook the sword in his hands, the sword flower fell, and said confidently.

"Okay, you are better now than your brother! Haha!" Nie Yunxin laughed comfortingly when he saw that his brother was getting stronger and stronger.

In the previous life, he died for himself, and he could not repay it. In this life, as long as he is still alive, he will become stronger and stronger and live happily! No harm!

"Right, brother, shall we go to the hive now?" Nie Tong asked.

"Looking for the hive? Find any hive, anyway, we are not in a hurry to go back, just find a place to rest for a while, and wait until they are almost fighting the swamp wasps!"

Nie Yun said that looking for the hive was just a reason. How could it be found? Now that I've been promoted, I'm just enjoying the leisurely time. I'm just looking for a place to lie down and wait for the barrens to come over.

Anyway, he hummed and looked at him, not afraid that they would leave.

"Don't look for it? Oh, I know, my brother wanted to overcast them ... Hey!" Nie Tong thought for a moment, then understood, jumped up in excitement, and applauded again and again. "Brother, out of the water in front of me There is a clearing, and we can just dig a hole there and rest for a while! And let them suffer a lot! "

"Oh, just do this!" Nie Yun was also glad to see his brother elated.

He never admits that he is a good person, and it is even worse to abuse them, and it is best to let them suffer!

Anyway, I own the Nine Hades of Cold ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition to thousands of evils, breaking all kinds of methods, all poisons do not invade, with a little bit of real energy can form a mask that the swamp wasps ca n’t come in, even if it is a barren, etc. Countless human means cannot do it.

At the moment, the two dug a hole in an open area outside the water and sealed the hole. Nie Yun took out a table and two stools and some wine and vegetables from Nawu Dantian.

At the beginning, I collected treasures in the Ziqiong Mountains. Even the treasure racks were collected, and the tables and chairs were naturally taken. I lay down on the chairs to drink and eat meat.

"Come, Nie Tong, show you their situation!"

Nie Yun pointed a finger, and a breath of heavenly eyes penetrated into Nie Tong's body. Nie Tong's eyes flashed and he saw the situation of Huang Ling and others.

The special blessing of special talents can also achieve special effects on ordinary people, but this time is very short, but with Nie Yun in front, the source of the heavenly eye is constantly flowing, and it is almost the same for Nie Tong as he suddenly became a heavenly eye master .

Of course, as for how this heavenly eye is, Nie Yun can only push it to Master again, saying that he focused on himself ...

Anyway, bragging does not pay taxes, it is more troublesome to explain, so I can only say this ... (to be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335]. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you Want to contribute the fastest and best updates to our friends just like us, please click on search Baidu to break dawn, join us.)

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