Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 329: Should I smoke?

Nie Yun, who was drinking and eating meat while watching, was terribly comfortable, while the other side was almost unable to hold on.

The swamp swamp wasps emerged in groups to forage, forming a kind of beast tide that can last for three days and three nights. It is obviously still a while before the end.

"Your Majesty, I can't stand it!"

The strength of His Majesty's Yuanfeng's distant wind is lower among the crowd. Although he was not stabbed by a poison bee, he breathed more poisonous gas and still could not bear it.

As the lord of the empire, a lot of antidote elixir was prepared, but there was too much poison gas, no matter how powerful the elixir could not resist.

The distant wind at this time, eyes darkened, Qiqiao bleeding, and the sheep trembled like crazy.

"I have a poison detox, maybe I can ease it!" Huang Ling gritted his teeth and threw a medicine.

瓶 I took this bottle of antidote, but it took a long time for my ancestor to refine it, and I couldn't bear to cry ... But this is a good time to win people's hearts, and I can't bear the child's entrapment!

"Suck!" Yuan Feng swallowed this elixir, and the Qiqiao bleeding really eased a lot, only Wuqiao still shed.

I persisted for a long time, and three or four people began to simmer.

"Mo Wudao, you use sky eyes to see where Nie Yun went? Have you found the hive?" When more and more people were poisoned, they could no longer bear it, and Huang Ling hurriedly yelled.

"it is good!"

I have been fighting for a long time, and Mo Wudao did not care about looking at Nie Yun with his natural eye talent. Now he heard the command, his eyes glowed, and he suddenly looked forward.


I glanced at Mo Wudao and almost collapsed.

Nie Yun and his brother Nie Tong, who appeared in the eyes of Tian Tian, ​​were lying on a lounger, drinking a little wine, unpredictably chic.

However, this vision is only flashing in the eyes, then it is blurred, and nothing is seen.

Wu Mo knew that it was Nie Yun who used his powerful soul power to cover his sky eyes, so that he could not find their specific actions.

"What's wrong? Did they find the hive?"

When I saw Mo Wudao glanced and screamed, I didn't know what happened and asked quickly.

"Did you find the hive?"

Wu Mo was speechless for a while, his face turned green and sneered, "They didn't go to the hive at all, but lay down on the ground to drink!"

"Lying on the ground and drinking? Isn't they afraid of swamp wasps?" Huang Ling couldn't believe his ears.

There are so many swamp wasps, so rich in poisonous gas, they can be poisoned by breathing. Drinking alcohol in this environment is either wrong or wrong.

"I don't know, anyway, don't count on them, let's go forward while killing!"

Wu Mo didn't know that he only glanced at one right, but shook his head.

"Well, everything is on your own, keep going!"

Biao Lingling also knew this. Long fists waved, and hordes of wasps fell from the air.

"Ah ... I'm dead!"

"I can't take it anymore!"

This lasted for more than two days, and finally someone couldn't hold it anymore. Originally, there were more than 20 people in the Six Party Forces. Now there are only eight left. poison.

After their death, the Zihua Yuyin on their body immediately took the strong man they brought. Although the barren was unhappy, they could not rob it openly, so they had to stop there.

Of course, even if you want to snatch, you have to have this strength. At this time, the barren's face is dark, and the whole person's tongue is spit out. Like the pug, the poison is very deep and it can't hold it up.

尽管 Although he is the No. 1 strongest in the mysterious potential list, he always has a certain amount of true energy, and has no rest for more than two consecutive days. Rao is maintained by countless elixir, and is still really dry. The whole person is about to collapse.

The other few people are not much better. One by one is waxy yellow. Under the long-term invasion of poisonous gas, some cells on the body die, and the body is as hard as steel.

"Look, the swamp wasps are going to retreat!"

Suddenly Mo Wudao shouted, and everyone looked up. Sure enough, the wasp began to ebb and disappeared after a while.

"Are you all right!"

As soon as the Wasp retreated, the two figures flew over with anxiety. It was Nie Yun and Nie Tong who "we looked for nearly three days and finally found the hive. They threatened the bee mother with their strength and let them ebb ... ... "

As soon as Nie Yun came over, he believed blindly.

Regardless of whether this statement can win people's hearts, always explain it, you can't say that you drink and eat meat, and sleep a few times!

So when I saw that the Hornets had a tendency to retreat, I immediately rushed over and gave credit to myself.

"Looking for the hive? Intimidating bee mother? You ... you fart! You obviously lie down on a chair to drink and eat meat ...". After hearing Nie Yun's shameless words, Mo Wudao almost gave life to death, although it was just a glance, But he absolutely believes that he read it right!

"Lying on a chair to drink meat and eat meat? Mo Wudao, didn't you wake up? There are swamp wasps everywhere, can't escape and escape, where can I drink and eat meat? You are so poisoned that you're crazy! "

As soon as Nie Yun shook his hand, the invincible breath was pulsating out. It seemed that Mo Wudao would be slap to death if he was wrong.

"You ... others do n’t know, do n’t think I do n’t know. Although you blocked my sight with your soul power, I still saw a part of it. Although I do n’t know how you blocked the **** wasp, you are drinking Meat! "Mo Wudao was so angry.

"Dare to slander me ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems I'm still very kind to you!"

Leng Leng hummed, and Hong Yun suddenly shot!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Without mercy, Nie Yun's palm rolled seventeen or eight palms on Mo Wudao's face in succession. Mo Wudao was not his opponent originally. Now he is very poisonous. Where can he escape? Jinhua, almost fainted.

住 "Stop, Your Majesty Nie Yun, we should be together in such a dangerous place now. It's too much of you to hit your partner for such a small thing!"

Fang Lingling and the rest of the Fang personally brushed up and surrounded each other with anger in their eyes.

Now they have quietly alliance, and see Nie Yun take action, for fear he killed all of them at once, and stood together immediately.

"Excessive? I'm excessive? You ask Mo Wudao yourself, shouldn't I go too far, should he draw?"

Seeing everyone around, Nie Yun also seemed to know something, smirking with his hands behind his back.

"I should smoke, Lord Nie Yun, you can smoke me well, it's okay, try to smoke me!"

刚 As soon as his words fell, everyone saw Mo Wudao looking to Nie Yun with a pleading look, his eyes full of longing.

Ps: Is this swollen? Guess the prize ... quack! Can write cottage. . Actually want to be beaten. "(To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 小艾 332335]. If you like this work, welcome to support the author. If you want to contribute the fastest and best updates to friends like us, please click Search Baidu to break dawn, join us.)

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