Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 349: endure

It's a pity! "

I wonder how long it took, and finally Nie Yun, who was sitting in front of the heart of Dongfu, stood up

Refining the heart of Dongfu can not only take the entire Zihua Dongfu into your pocket, but also hone your own soul. After this period of training, Nie Yunyuan thought that he could break through the qi of the sea and reach the spiritual level. Now it seems , Still underestimated the difficulty of the spirit-level soul, no matter what, there is only a slight difference, one less opportunity for breakthrough.

虽然 "Although the soul has not reached the spirit level, the heart of Dongfu has indeed been thoroughly refined!"

Xu looked down at the heart-shaped jade block in front of her. Nie Yun moved it into the chalk body as soon as her heart moved.

"The top ten halls of Zihua Dongfu, the first one, you can enter as long as you have reached the mysterious place. There are countless spirit stones, even top-quality and best-quality spirit stones! No wonder that any Chinese master is so good. This cave is really powerful. terrible!"

Now my own strength can't even open the first palace, but it doesn't affect myself to know what this palace hides. The first palace is filled with all kinds of spirits, and there are definitely many treasures. All the savings of a large gate in the floating Tianchu Great Chalk Land.

"It seems that I must reach the mystery as soon as possible, and when I reach the mystery, I can use these spirit stones to soar into the sky, and my strength will leap forward!"

Ning Yun exhaled, holding his fist in his heart, his fist clenched.

"The second palace ... I need to be able to enter when the second level of the mystery is in, or don't look at what's inside, it won't be available anyway, and it's nothing!"

Seeing the chalk limit system in the second hall, Nie Yun shook his head helplessly.

The Secret Realm of Seizure of Heaven is divided into Jiuzhong as well as the Qihaiquan Realm. The first method is the chalky realm, which is the realm of Huangchen and Ziqionghuang!

There are also four small levels in the middle of each big realm of Secret Realm, early, middle, late, and peak!

The strength of Qihuang Chenchen and Zi Qionghuang are the peak of the middle of the chalk power realm, and Xiaofeng is just the beginning of the chalk power realm!

At the same time, the requirement to open the second temple turned out to reach the second level of the secret realm. Now Nie Yun is still far away, and it is useless to see, it is better not to see.

虽然 "Although I can't even open the first temple now, the entire Zihuadong Mansion is under my control and see if there are any treasures left elsewhere!"

As soon as my heart moved, the spirit immediately swept through the entire Zihua Cave.

Regardless of the outer hall or the inner hall, as long as you have good luck, you can get a baby. Now Zihua Dongfu is in control and just look at what baby there is!

"Well, there are really a lot of good things, but these are useless to me. With Xuan Yu's sword, these spirit soldiers have no effect on me ... eh? Pin Ling Shi, this time the demon holy corpse should be able to stimulate 50% of the combat power! "

To fully inspire the strength of the demon holy corpse, ten top-grade spirit stones are needed, and now one hundred middle-grade spirit stones can only inspire 50% of the combat power of the ancient corpses!

Even if it is 50%, I am afraid that the strength can still catch up with the masters of the peak of the power of the chalk chalk.

As soon as Xun's heart moved, he came to the place where Zhongpin Lingshi was held, and grabbed it with a large hand, and put it into the body of the monster holy corpse.

原来 "It turned out that these spirit stones are to maintain the life and death psychedelic ... I did not expect that this life and death psychedelic also has the role of tempering the flesh body, if his brother will absorb it, his power will definitely increase again!"

He controlled Dongfu and knew everything about Dongfu. Nie Yun looked at the life and death psychedelic that he encountered when he walked in from the outer hall, and a smile appeared on his face. This life and death psychedelic, in the previous life, I only knew that I could be trapped in a fantasy state. I could not imagine how to live or die. It was also a treasure that stimulated the muscles of the muscles. .

My younger brother ’s muscle activity is reduced to just use these breath burrs, which greatly increases his strength.

"Little brother………"

I think of Nie Tong, a smile appeared on Nie Yun's mouth. His younger brother is simple, cute, and obsessed with sword practice.

"In fact, the eight swordsmanships left by the Zihua Tao chalk man, I can pass on to him! If given to him, I will certainly carry forward swordsmanship and truly appreciate the essence of this swordsmanship!"

I remembered my brother's talent in swordplay, and Ning Yun secretly had Muding.

If my younger brother practices the eight swordsmanship of the Zihua Tao chalk man, his strength will certainly advance by leaps and bounds. It is only a matter of time to surpass himself!

My younger brother is more than himself. He is not jealous, but feels more relieved.

He died for himself in this past life, and this life must be well protected, and this kind of thing must not be allowed to happen again!

"Relax, brother, your wish Brother Chalk will help you achieve it, one day, sooner or later, Brother Chalk will let you tell your own Kendo, your own swordsmanship in a high-profile situation!"

Nie Yun laughed, with a strong sense of happiness on her face, and was about to continue to observe the situation of Zihua Dongfu. A jade card was taken out of Nawudan chalk field.

"Nie Yun, your brother is now in our hands. If you are interested, just come out of the misty swamp alone, do not notify your master, otherwise his life and death will not be controlled by us!", ‘

"What? Brother!"

I saw the message from the wasteland on the jade card, "Nie Yun's anger was burned blindly, and the powerful infuriating anger exploded. Then, the surrounding rocks were blown into pieces.

杀 A sense of killing flowed out from the heart, paddling] breaking the sky, straight into the sky!

Since rebirth, with the compensation of affection, his killing intention has been reduced a lot. As long as the other party does not persecute too much, he usually does not easily shoot, it seems that he is wrong! Sometimes you ca n’t stay behind!

"Desolation, you dare to touch my brother, I will let your gods and holy empire royal chickens and dogs all stay dead!"

With a roar, Nie Yun's eyes were red and he sensed the position. The body of the chalk fluttered Zihua Dongfu into the chalk. At the same time, the sharp chalk used the chalk conveying ability of Dongfu to appear in the wild outside the swamp. People's location.

外围 On the outskirts of Zihua Dongfu, there is only one chalk transfer array. Otherwise, it would not be possible for Huang Ling and others to be transferred to the same location.

呵 "Oh, Nie Yun, you're here, yes, your brother is in our hands now, I hope you are still calm!"

I saw the juvenile who appeared suddenly, He Ling smiled and walked up.

Xie Nieyun glanced, and it turned out that his brother was being restrained by Huang Ling and others to lie on the ground.

"Nie Tong ..."

I saw my brother caught, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and he suffered a serious injury. Nie Yun only felt the anger blowing out from Tianling Gai, and he hated to chalk all the people in front of him!

Alas, he also knew that he couldn't!

Brother Xi is in the right hand, and once he is impulsive and in the middle of his arms, his life will not be guaranteed.

I forbear! endure! endure!

In any case, for the sake of my brother!

The older brother can bear it for the sake of himself, even if he can't hold it anymore, he must bear it!

I ca n’t help but also bear it!

"What are you doing?" Hold back the chill in his heart, Nie Yun looked at Huang Ling and others.

"What are we going to do? You know very well in your heart that everyone came here for a lifetime, and you didn't get anything. Do you think we won't let you go without the baby?"

Desolation sneered.

"My brother, baby, I can give it to you, let it go, everyone will burn the jade, as long as I tell my master, not only will you die like any of your Chinese masters!" Nie Yun's eyes narrowed.

Now he can only rest on this needless master, hoping that this so-called master can deter these people.

"Oh, your master? I'm so scared!" Huang Ling sneered, and suddenly turned sharply.


He slapped his face on Nie Tong's face, extremely crisp.


I saw that my brother's face was instantly red and swollen, and the whole man resisted the pain, and his eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations. Nie Yun's heart burst into anger, and it seemed to burn chalk to burn half of the sky.

"What's wrong with me? I was beaten by your brother for thousands of times. I thought about it today. I hit your brother seven or eight thousand times before I say it!" Huang Ling laughed and couldn't explain the madness.

"Okay, you say, what do you want, as long as you let my brother go, I will give you everything!" Gritted his teeth, Nie Yun also knew that so many masters looked at each other, it was impossible for him to save his brother. Suppressed the anger, said slowly.

"What you want is very simple. You must have been in control of the entire Dongfu for so long in Zihua Dongfu. As long as you hand over the Dongfu, we can not only let you die, but we can spare your younger brother!" Huang Ling said lightly .

"Okay, I agree!" Nie Yun nodded.

Zihuadong Palace is precious, but it is nothing compared to his brother's life! Either way, Nie Yun will only choose his younger brother!

一个 For a person ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is not important what Wang Tubaye, what crown is the world, family is the most important!

"Oh, that's right. In this way, you put the heart of Dongfu here, and we also let go of your brother, and at the same time, no one should lie, we will never offend your opponent like this when we get to the treasure! I hope you don't force us into desperation! "Huang Ling stepped back, pointing at a smooth slab in front of himself.

"Okay!" Nie Yun backhand took out the heart of Dongfu and slowly walked over to the slate.

Nie Yun didn't know what the smooth slate was, but Nie Tong knew that it was the formation of Brother Chali that they were going to frame!

"Hmm ... no ... to ... no ... to ......"

Tan Nietong's whole body strength was banned, and he could not make a sound. When he saw Brother Chalu step forward, he could only shake his head desperately, making a loud voice.

However, in the eyes of Nie Yun, these sounds seemed to warn him not to exchange, and did not have any substantial effect.

"Brother Chalk, if it's not you, I'm just a waste of disability in both legs. If it weren't for you, I can't learn anything about swordplay, let alone have my current strength. I die when I die. It's not worth it for you. Brother, it ’s dangerous ahead, do n’t come, do n’t come! ”

He screamed in his heart, and Nie Tong watched Ge Chae holding the heart of Dongfu and strode forward without hesitation, tears rolling down.

(To be continued [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 人间 修罗 6]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starter" to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Welcome to join dawn .)

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