Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 350: brothers!

Elder brother has always supported the family like a towering tree, sheltering herself from the wind and rain. If it is not your brother, let alone now, I am afraid that Nie Haotian was already torn apart in Luoshui City and the family was ruined!

My elder brother cannot die!

My brother, my aunt, and my sister died when everyone died!

Beneath the nest, do you have finished eggs?

Brother Brother, you can't die for a useless person, you should stay useful and do big things!

"Brother, do you remember? It was you who taught me the deepest method of training. It was you who taught me the sword. It was you who cured my crippled legs. Without you, I ’m just a mess. Waiting for the dead waste! Without you, my legs will not say goodbye, I am afraid that even the enemy does not know who it is, without you, I can only look at the same sky every day, I do not know how big the world is! "

"I know, you do n’t care about this. I have complained to you before and I do n’t think you hurt me, but since you held me in the yard last time, I have understood everything, knowing that you did n’t let me practice swords before, It's not that I'm useless, but that I'm afraid of getting hurt! Knowing that you ignored me before, you're trying to find a way to cure me! Knowing that you are willing to be humiliated by others, just for your concern at home ... ... "

"I can feel the joy when you see me in the bright city, I can feel your affection for my brother, I can feel your deep concern and concern for me, I wanted to cultivate and become you someday Your left and right hand became your sharpest sword, and now ... it's not finished! "

"Since I can't make your sharp sword, I won't be a stumbling block to stop you, let me care, brother, forgive my brother's waywardness, brother, forgive my brother's mischief, this is the first thing my brother does for you one thing!"

"Goodbye, brother!"

Knowing that he was suppressed by the prohibition, it was impossible for him to speak. Nie Tong's eyes were blurred, all thoughts were concentrated in one point, and it broke out suddenly!

Boom! puff!

All the restraints blessed on Nie Tong were exploded in a split second. The powerful explosive force made him hurt, and blood spurted!

"Little brother!"

Unexpectedly, I was about to come and my brother suddenly detonated the restraint on his body. Nie Tong's face became pale as soon as possible, as if a knife was severely cut to his heart, and he rushed to rush over, feeling a force coming straight , Shake yourself to one side.

Is a power from my brother!

"Brother, don't come here, there are traps here!"

With a loud shout, Nie Tong struggled to jump up and rushed to the slate.

The Chinese adults over the formation method did not know that Nie Tong, not Nie Yun, jumped up. The prepared force was released directly through the formation method!


There was a loud noise as the world collapsed, and Nie Tong's body was thrown high, and an extremely powerful impact of the soul rushed into his body.

Soul Attack!

的 The soul attacked by Master Hua over there!

The scariest, most powerful and most difficult to dodge soul attack secrets!

Soul attack ignores defense, ignores Rune 冲击, directly impacts the soul!

"Brother ... don't come over ..."

The breath of Tan Nie Tong was drowned in a huge soul attack, leaving only the weakest words floating in the air.


Tan Nietong's body fell to the ground, and he didn't breathe a bit.

"Nie Tong, Nie Tong, brother! Brother! You wake up! You wake up!"

Watching his brother lying on the ground, Nie Yun only felt that his world had completely collapsed. He embraced his brother in his arms, and the healing energy was input into it madly. However, the powerful healing gas can only heal the body. How can he heal his soul when his soul dies?

"Nie Tong, you can't die, I don't allow you to die! You haven't found a holy place for sword practice, and I still have Supreme Sword Skills to teach you, you can't die!"

He held Nie Tong's thin and dry body, and Nie Yun was like a madman.

However, let him shout desperately, his brother is still lying there, motionless, as in his memory three hundred years ago.

Twenty-three years ago, my brother was lying in his arms like this, with 137 sword injuries on his body, and his breathing was cut off!

Yun Jinsheng thought he could give him a good life, but he did not expect that he was lying in his arms in order to save himself, his body was so thin and so thin!

Nie Yun never thought that his brother had not much meat on his body, and his bones were clearly tangible. I really do n’t know why such a powerful body can erupt in such a thin body!

"All of you will die! All of you will die!"

Holding Nie Tong, Nie Yun's eyes became red, and the whole person instantly turned into a demon. With a roar, Xuan Yu's sword straightly slashed past the most upright barren!


Thirty-two dark strength, 9999 is like Qi, 5,000 is like huge force, hurricane swept like a hurricane, hit the barren head, and smashed him into meatloaf in one click!

"He's crazy, run away!"

I saw the boy look so fierce, and Fang Chen and others were scared and stupid.

They are scared!

Although their strength is very strong, the juvenile and indifferent eyes of the teenagers made them tremble. They knew that this time the enemies with the teenagers were counted, and the latter would surely drive them out ... !!

"All die for me, I will let you all be buried with Nie Tong!"

Xie Nieyun was really crazy, feeling the colder body in her arms, and gradually became stiff, anxious to kill everyone to her brother for funeral!


A sword sword cut through thousands of miles, and Qi Tao who was fleeing was hit by a sword and fell from the air, turning into jerky.

"Going to Heaven's Talisman, Go!"

Seeing that Qi Tao could be killed so far, Huang Chen and Zi Qiong were frightened to death. Suddenly, the two of them sacrificed a magical note. "Wow", the space was distorted, and the two disappeared from their place!

Move the Heavenly Amulet, the Supreme Master Hua gave them life-saving Supreme Amulet, which can instantly transfer people to 100,000 kilometers away!

This is the best sign to save your life. Only when faced with a major event are they willing to make use of it. Now they are scared when they see the appearance of a teenager. Nothing more precious than their own life!

"Brother! Nie Tong, don't die, you wake up!"

I knew that the two escaped with Fuyu and couldn't catch up with them. Nie Yun watched his younger brother smile before his death because he was protecting himself from being hurt. His tears were like tears in his heart!

Brother Xi left himself "again", and his brother died "again" to save himself!

"Nie Tong, brother sorry for you!"

Nie Yun's hoarse voice roared out, as if the whole sky was sad, pouring rain, rolling down, completely covering everything around.

Ps: As soon as the character Nie Tong appeared in Chapter Three, Laoya designed this plot, and wrote it here, with a sour heart and unspeakable discomfort.

Xie Nie Tong's life has only two goals, one is an elder brother and the other is a sword, but for his elder brother, he can abandon his kendo!

In order to pursue his life, Nie Tong could eat whatever pains and sweats. When he first gave him a name, he was thinking, and finally he finalized the word "copper". Copper is not gold, but it can emit peace. Glorious as gold, as dazzling as gold! However, it is never gold, and it can never rot.

Volume Seven [Brothers], it is not about how to get Zihua Dongfu. Although Zihua Dongfu is also very important in the later plots, Laoya mainly wants to describe the feelings that Nie Yun and his brother Nie Tong saw.

For his brother, Nie Yun can give up anything. For his brother, he can not even kill his life. This is the real brother.

其实 I actually like the role of Nie Tong very much, and stick to it for my dream ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if he is tired, he will sprint his teeth and never relax. He represents a spirit and strength that will never shrink back.

Writing this, Nie Tong's death has become inevitable. When Laoya wrote this chapter, he revised it seven or eight times, and his eyesight became red three times. But as the story develops here, I can't change anything. Nie Tong's death , Is a huge clue, the future story will become more and more exciting.

I saw some people say that this book is invincible Shuangwen, it is too overwhelming. Here, Laiya explains it. The previous life in Nie Yun's memory has reached the peak of the floating heavens. Small ponds, if such a reborn old monster can't even jump up a small pond, it's too unreasonable.

A tadpole is like you throw a shark into an aquarium, even if the shark is not big, it is impossible to be bullied by grass carp and catfish.

The real big stage is actually in the floating heavens and continents, that is the battlefield of Nie Yun!

Tan Nie Tong died, but he died very happy, because he protected his brother from being hurt, his dreams and hopes were realized in an instant, and he died where he was.

A good story has its ups and downs. Lao Ya is working hard to write and conceive, hoping to give everyone a different feeling.

The story behind will be more and more exciting, I hope everyone will support as always!

I hope you can get genuine support. Recently, subscriptions have plummeted because of more updates. . sweat. please!

Actually ... this book, the best-looking story, has just begun ...

There is a single chapter below, there is an outbreak declaration, please see! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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