Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 352: Water Spirit Pearl

"Tonger ..."

In the room of Dilin Beiyuan, parents and others saw their brother Nie Tong's body, all tearful.

Uncle San has only one such seedling, and now even ...

"He died to save me ..." Nie Yun sobbed.

"Xiao Tong, Nie Xiang, I'm Nie Xiaotian, I'm sorry for you!" Father Nie Xiaotian also burst into tears.

Nie Xiang, third uncle's name.

His father, Nie Xiaotian, had three brothers in total. He was the second child, and the oldest died. He left a girl, his sister Nie Xiaofeng, and his third brother left a child, Nie Tong.

"Nie Yun, in fact ... you don't need to be so sad. People die under normal circumstances and can't be resurrected, but just now I looked at it. Nie Tong died of being attacked by soul attack and mystery, but he had a mind in his body Although the soul was broken, this obsession persisted, and then you healed the wound on his body with the healing gas and sealed his body. As long as you can find the [Soul Summoner], use this obsession Mind as the foundation, may be able to summon their dissipated souls and bring them back to life! "

Seeing the painful people in the room, Bai Hua was suddenly ashamed of something to say slowly.

"What? It can make people resurrect? Soul summoner?" Nie Yun jumped up suddenly, grabbed Bai Hua's shameful arm, "creak! Creak!"

"Hmm ..." Baihua frowned.

"Ah ..." Then Nie Yun found her emotions too excited, Wu Qing grabbing the girl's entire arm.

"These I heard from Master that year, he said that the soul summoner is also a special talent, ranking higher than the sky eye master, and can definitely enter the top ten, very rare. Such people can summon broken souls, also This is where it comes from! "

Knowing that the boy did not do it on purpose, Baihua rubbed his arms and said slowly.

"Summon a broken soul?" Nie Yun's fist clenched, and a sudden light came into her heart.

Although the soul summoner himself has not heard of it, since he is a special talent in the top ten. Naturally, it is not weak, it is very likely that this ability is really true!

Special talents, each of which cannot be underestimated, contains the mysteries of heaven and power, infinite power!

"Nie Tong's body. I looked at it just now. In fact, there is still an obsession in the body, which has not completely dissipated, that is to say, it has not completely died, and should be able to survive! I really do n’t know how old he is. Great obsession! "

Bai Hua looked at the corpse of the boy on the ground with a shameful look.

"This obsession ... I know what it is!" After hearing the girl's words, Nie Yun's eye circles became red again.

Others don't know why my brother has such a strong obsession, but he knows that this obsession is to keep himself alive. Even if he dies, he has to look at himself!

It was because of this obsession that he was subjected to hundreds of prohibition explosions and did not die on the spot. It was because of this obsession that he could hear his heart and know his unwillingness ...

"Brother, don't worry, since there is a way to revive you, I will do it!" The fist clenched secretly. Nie Yun vowed in his heart.

"Although this obsession can resurrect him, but ... this obsession is too weak to support the physical survival, that is to say, over time. His physical body will rot, as it is, the same You must die! "

Seeing the young man's face, Bai Huaxi knew what he was thinking. Helplessly said.

Although there is a persistence in Nie Tong's body, the body has indeed died completely. Physical death will rot, it ’s going to rot, even if the soul fragments are summoned again, it is useless!

After all, the soul cannot survive without a carrier.

Of course, this is also because Nie Tong's soul is too weak. If he reaches the level of spiritual perfection, even if the body is completely lost, he can survive!

"Dead body ..."

Nie Yun frowned and felt that the hope that had just risen was immediately poured with cold water.

Indeed, the talent of the soul summoner has not even heard of the previous life, let alone search. It must be very difficult to find. I do n’t know how long it will take. For such a long time, my brother ’s body must have decayed. !!

Sealing it with a special seal can indeed keep it immortal. Unfortunately, this seal must reach a very high level of the mystery. Even if it is not as good as the previous life, it must at least reach the fifth or sixth level of the secret. Wait until you reach this level, or find it People are willing to help ... I'm afraid it will take longer than looking for a soul summoner!

By then, my brother's body will also rot!

Frozen corpses are just a relief, they cannot completely prohibit the corpses from decaying.

The hope just ignited entered the knot again.

"Actually ... I know a thing that can keep your brother's body unchanged, but ..." Seeing the teenager's sad face, Bai Huaxi suddenly bit his lip.

"What? You say, as long as I can do it, even if it's on the sword, it will be done!"

Nie Yun's eyes showed hope.

"Do you know why everyone Gan Qingzong can keep his face the same?"

Bai Huaxi did not answer Nie Yun's question, but asked suddenly.

"This ... didn't you say there was any secret technique?" Nie Yun froze.

People want to keep their looks unchanged. Only when they reach the secret place, the body is transformed by the created air, and the life is prolonged, they can maintain the same appearance. The flowers are ashamed and beautiful, unique in the world, and they look like they are only one or twenty years old. eccentric.

If she didn't say that, she really thought it was the cause of some secret technique. Now it seems that this is really not the case.

If it is really mystery that can maintain a person's appearance, let alone the Qihai continent, even the floating sky continent will definitely be speculated by people!

After all, there are too many women who want to be beautiful forever, and the secret world is not accessible to everyone!

"Actually, it's not mystery, but [Shui Lingzhu]!" Bai Huaxi said.

"Water Lingzhu?" Nie Yun froze.

"Yes, a treasure that my master got by chance, can emit aquatic scent, make the skin tender and never aging! If you put this kind of waterdrop beads in front of the corpse, the corpse will not decay, and it will always be Keep it! This treasure was set a secret by Master. No one can say that Brother Luo Tao misunderstood me last time ... because of this! "

Speaking of which, Bai Hua was ashamed of not remembering anything, and her white face was rosy.

"Misunderstanding you? Only when you touch the water spirit beads, you can keep your face with the spirit of water spirit. He said last time that you passed the old secret method to me. There is no water spirit beads on your body. How can there be a misunderstanding?" Nie Yun was a bit strange.

Last time Luo Tao saw himself, because he did n’t know his true age, he wondered if Baihuasha passed on the old secret method. At that time, I did n’t think about it. Now I know that this secret method is just a treasure. Learned this secret method?

"This ... The reason why I can maintain my face, in fact, I have a breath of water and spirit injected by the master. As long as ... as long as I break my body and be better with me, the man will get this breath and look old, And if I lose this breath, if I cannot break through the mystery within a year, I will become very old and die directly ... "

After hearing the young man's questioning, Baihua hesitated and said slowly.

"Uh ... that's it!" When the girl said that, Nie Yun shook her head.

No wonder the other party is reluctant to say that it is so particular.

"Where is this water spirit bead now? In your master's hands?" Somewhat embarrassed, Nie Yun had to change the subject.

"It should be in the hands of my master. He has always regarded it as a treasure and carried it with him!" Said Bai Huaxi.

"That being the case, I'll borrow Water Lingzhu from your Master now!" Nie Yun gathered his brother's body into Zihuadong Prefecture and stood up.

"Borrow ... my master will definitely not borrow it, Nie Yun, can I ask you for something?" Bai Hua's shameful expression of pleading.

"What's the matter?" Nie Yun asked solemnly when she said it.

"My Master has the grace to foster and pass on the art to me. I am sorry for him, and now I have leaked the matter of water spirit beads. If you ask my Master, can you be reckless and not conflict with him?"

Bai Hua shy said.

"This ... well, I'm asking for help this time, I'm sure I won't be reckless, you can rest assured!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Huh!" Bai Hua nodded with satisfaction when he heard the teenager's promise.

"Dad, madam, I just got a baby. There is more aura than here, so you can go there to cultivate, just to prevent them from being attacked by the dust!"

Nie Yun looked at his parents and others.

According to the truth, Huangchen and others used the moving heavenly amulet. They are closer to Guangming City than they are, and they are also strong in secret. They should have been to the Imperial City long ago, and they have made it so large that even the entire Imperial City is destroyed They didn't show up, it was weird.

Moreover, they must also know that they value their parents and others very much. If they come early and grab their parents and others, they may not be able to do anything about it. Why is there no movement at all?

Didn't they all come?

This is impossible!

They all know to rush the road overnight, they should know it too!

Anyway, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com No matter if they come or not, it ’s better to be careful. Putting parents and others in Zihuadong House and taking them with you will definitely be safe.

"Baby who can let us in? Dongfu?"

After hearing the words of the teenager, Nie Xiaotian and others didn't feel anything. Mu Qing and Mu Xia were startled.

"Well, come in!"

Nie Yun knew that their lives were extraordinary and they knew a lot, and they moved everyone into Zihua Dongfu as soon as their spirits moved.

Zihua Dongfu recognizes the Lord, and whoever he wants to come in can come in. It is very simple.

"You leaked the secrets of Shimen. If you go to Gan Qingzong, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. Go to Dongfu, I will go to Gan Qingzong myself!"

Nie Yun glanced at Bai Hua with a shame, and also took her into Dongfu. As soon as her body moved, she flew straight out of the bright city. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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