Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 353: Gan Qingzong

Qian Qingzong's direction, I knew it before, on the Qianqing Mountain not far from the Bright City, Nie Yun took the direction, galloped all the way, ten breaths, and saw a huge mountain gate in front of him.


As soon as he reached the gate of the mountain, two figures jumped out and stopped Nie Yun's way.

At a glance, these two people are both the strong ancestors, who guard the portal. This Gan Qingzong is really terrible.

"In Xie Nie Yun, I want to see your sovereign!"

He promised to be ashamed of flowers, and Nie Yun didn't have to make a fortune and clenched his fists.

"Nie Yun?"

Hearing this name, the two strong ancestors seemed to hear a kind of curse, and they took a full three steps back.

Nie Yun's slaughter of the imperial city and the slashing of the gods have turned into a demon-like existence in many people's hearts. These two people are so close to the bright city, they have long heard of it, but they ca n’t think of anything. The devil will be such a young teenager.

"Wait a minute, I'll inform the suzerain!"

An airbender hesitated, took out a jade card from his arms, and wrote the message.

This kind of disciple disciple cannot contact the suzerain, but can contact the suzerain's true disciple and let them act as a messenger.

A moment later, a flash of light flashed, a line of information appeared on the jade card, and then a person came out of the air. It was exactly the forest dweller who ran to Dilin Beijing to find trouble.

"It is Lord Nie Yun, please come in!"

Lin Can saw Nie Yun know his strength, and did not dare to offend, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Brother Lin Can!" Nie Yun also politely followed, and flew towards the gate of Zongqingzong behind him.

Gan Qingzong is indeed the largest gate in the entire Qihai continent. The aura is vertical and horizontal, and the weather is immense. There are auras everywhere above the mountains. Everywhere is full of cherished medicines. Disciples who have seriously cultivated are everywhere. ratio. Not as good as garbage.

"Extremely strong, top-ranked, top-ranked, top-secret potential-listed ... it really is a big gate, with a strong background!"

Along the way, Nie Yun soon saw dozens of Supreme Powers, and there were also many strong powers in the Top Ten, Top Ten, and Mysterious Potential Tops. That adds up to dozens. In the end, it is a big gate with a strong background.

"This is the hall of the Sovereign's guests, the noon hall, but ... the Sovereign is not here today. I ask you to come here, deputy sect, if anything is the same with him, he can be the master!"

On the top of the mountain, Lin Can said with a smile that was the most sunny hall.

The layout of Gan Qingzong. The arrangement of the "Twelve Noon Array" was used. Each temple was arranged according to the twelve hours of the day. Now it is exactly noon, and the sun shines directly into the noon hall.

At this time, the noon hall is also the strongest and strongest defense of the entire Zongmen formation.

The Twelve-Day Meridian Formation is a formation created by a superpower in the floating continent at the beginning. It can operate according to the change of the ugly and ugly hours of the heavens and the earth.

"Deputy Sovereign? Who is the Deputy Sovereign?"

Bai Huaxi has left Gan Qingzong for too long. Many things inside the door are unclear.

"Oh, the Deputy Sovereign met the Sovereign outside, and accepted the apprentice, that is, our uncle. It is a strong secret power!" Lin Can smiled, with pride in his tone.

"Secret strong? Acting as a teacher?" Nie Yun frowned.

When will the Qihai continent have another secret powerhouse? Can the mysterious strong reach so well?

Capture the heavens and create secrets, capture the heavens and earth. Normal Supreme, it is good to have one of the 100 successful promotion. Especially in a place like the Qihai continent, the natural gas is thin. If you want to break through, it is impossible!

Both Emperor Ziqiong and Huang Chen were fortunate enough to break through with the indoctrination of that Chinese man. Although the ancestor of the Qing Emperor did not know how to enter the secret realm, he was also expected to have an opportunity. How could another one emerge?

"Rest assured, the Deputy Sovereign speaks very well, come with me!" Lin Can didn't know the confusion in Nie Yun's heart and thought he was a little nervous, and walked into the noon hall first.

After entering the hall, Nie Yun immediately saw a young man sitting on the main seat of the room.

Of course, looks are young, and you do n’t know the exact age.

"This is expected to be His Majesty Nie Yun!"

The young man saw that Nie Yun didn't put on the shelf of the secret strong man, but smiled slightly and stood up.

"You're welcome!" Nie Yun also clenched his fists and took a closer look at the Deputy Sovereign.

Regardless of the person's appearance for the time being, his soul is mellow, but he is also a half-step spirit. His breath is restrained and his strength is actually the highest peak in the middle of the secret world, like Huang Chen and Zi Qiong Huang.

"I wonder if His Majesty Nie Yun came over this time, what's the purpose?" The Deputy Sovereign knew that the boy was observing his cultivation, and immediately asked without a smile.

"One of my relatives passed away. I heard that Qian Qingzong had water spirit beads here to keep his body, so I used it for a special purpose!" Nie Yun started the topic without talking nonsense.

"Borrowing water beads?" The deputy sovereign seemed startled, "This thing is so precious, I'm afraid it's hard to survive!"

"I know how precious this thing is and won't let you suffer. If the deputy suzerain cannot rule, I hope you will call the suzerain and I will discuss with him!"

Nie Yun knew that the other party would definitely not take it out so easily, he said lightly.

"Talk to the suzerain? The suzerain is not in Shanmen now, so, wait a moment, I will now send a message to the suzerain to let him decide!" The deputy suze laughed, took out a jade card, and sent a message to it.


After a while, the jade card flashed, and the Deputy Sovereign glanced at Nie Yun with a smile. "The Sovereign said that the water spirit pearl is the treasure of our town. It really can't be loaned out, and we still hope Haihan!"

"I only borrow it for a period of time. Once I find the Summoner of the Soul, I will take the initiative to pay it back, and this thing will be used as rent!" As soon as Nie Yun waved his hand, a cold ball appeared in front of the Deputy Sovereign.

"Jiuming Hanzhu?"

Seeing this round ball, the deputy's face shook.

What Nie Yun took out was the Nine Innocent Cold Pearl!

"Yes, although this ninth cold pearl is inferior to the Sovereign's Water Spirit Bead, it is also very valuable. As long as the Sovereign is willing to lend it to me, I am willing to give this thing to the Sovereign! Plus five thousand top-grade spirit stones! "Nie Yunlang said.

For my brother, any treasure can be abandoned for myself! Even if it is your own life!

"Wait a minute, I can't be the master, I still have to ask the lord!" The deputy lord summoned again.

Jiuming Hanzhu and Water Lingzhu belong to the same level of the baby. The other party just took out such a baby by using water Lingzhu. It seems that the water Lingzhu is bound to be obtained.

Of course, Nie Yun was so polite because of Bai Hua's shame, otherwise, relying on his strength, even if he robbed hard, the deputy sovereign might not be able to stop it.

It took a lot of time for this exchange. Nearly Sanxiangxiang time, the Deputy Sovereign stood up.

"His Majesty Nie Yun, our Sovereign has promised that you just have to keep the corpse intact. In fact, you don't need to remove the water spirit beads. As long as you seal the seventy-fourty-nine water spirit breath into the corpse, the corpse can be guaranteed not to rot for 100 years. One hundred years is enough for you to do everything! "Said the Deputy Sovereign.

"Oh? If you still have this ability, there will be labor!" Nie Yun didn't expect to seal his brother's body just by sealing the breath of Shui Ling, and quickly stood up.

"This ... you also know that the breath of water spirit is the root of the water spirit beads. There are seven or forty-nine breaths, which consumes a lot of money. The lord's meaning is not only the nine cold beads, but also 10,000 spirit stones. Hundreds of Chinese spirit stones, three thousand elixir and ten spirit soldiers in exchange! "

Deputy Sovereign Road.

"OK!" Nie Yun nodded.

Although the suzerain has a big mouth, as long as he can keep his brother's body, it doesn't matter that much.

"Here!" Nie Yun took a count in Nawu Dantian, and threw it at the number they requested.

After the robbery of the Ziqiong Mountains and the Bright City Royal Family, plus the treasures currently available in Zihuadong Mansion, there are indeed a lot of good things for Nie Yun, and I can barely get all of the other's conditions together.

"Hehe, I'm welcome!"

The deputy lord grasped the big hand and swept away, so he cleared the fetched things, swiped his palm, and put away.

It seems that he also has a Tanner Dantian.

"His Majesty Nie Yun is a true believer, please follow me, I will take you to get the water spirit beads!" The Deputy Sovereign went forward first.

"Isn't the water spirit bead on your suzerain? Why ..." Nie Yun froze.

"Oh, the lord has put this thing up, right in the Midnight Hall. I will now seal forty-nine water spirits on that corpse to His Majesty Nie Yun!"

The deputy suzerain explained that he went all the way, and soon came to a dark hall.

On a high platform in the middle of the hall, a round bead is crystal clear, dripping and spinning on it, exuding a thick water vapor.

"This is the water spirit pearl. Take out the body of that dear!"

The Deputy Sovereign pointed at the ball on the table ~ www.readwn.com ~ and jumped up.

"Okay!" Nie Yun hadn't seen Shui Lingzhu in his previous life. At this time, he saw that the bead was full of water. It should be true. Then he took the brother's body and put it on the ground.

"Shuiling breath seal, seven hundred forty-nine, the nature changes!"

Seeing the corpse, the deputy screamed loudly, and with five fingers and one finger grabbed seven or forty-nine water spirit breath from the water spirit beads, instilled down from the top of Nie Tong's body.

The water spirit beads on the stage were drawn out of these breaths, the color was dimmed a lot, and it seemed to be greatly damaged.

Water Lingzhu heaven and earth are formed. Like the spirit stone, there is spiritual power in the body, and if it absorbs more, it will become weaker and less functional.


Forty-nine water spirit breath was poured into Nie Tong's body, and Nie Tong's body changed color, and the skin was full of elasticity, and it seemed no different from the dead. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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