Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 363: Muyu Villa

"How does the Holy Spirit Children's Competition compare? What are the items?" Mu Xia asked suddenly.

It seems that she has only heard of the competition and knows the purpose, but does not know the specific method of the competition.

"I'm not quite sure about this either. The method of each competition is different, but the most important thing is to participate in the Lingxiquan Trial. You can communicate with the Lingxiquan and have a good understanding of it to win the championship!" Mu Yandao.

He knew everything about Nie Yun and explained it in detail.

"Communicate with Lingxiquan, do you have a sense of understanding?" Nie Yun didn't understand.

"Now I can't tell you clearly. When you enter the trial site, you will naturally understand!" Mu Yan laughed when he saw the teenager getting a little dazed.

"Oh, thank you Uncle Muyan for pointing me!" Nie Yun nodded quickly.

From Mu Yan's attitude and expression, he seems to be unaware of the transfer potential that the owner said. Nie Yun knows that it is useless to ask too many questions. If he knows everything, it will cause the other party to doubt and stop talking.

"Then I'll go first, if you need to inform the people outside!" There was nothing wrong with seeing the two of them. Mu Yan said a few words of shame again and went out.


"Nie Yun, what shall we do now? Are we going to participate in that Holy Spirit Child Competition?"

Mu Yan left, looking at no one around, Mu Xiabu next seal, spreading quietly.

"Isn't there three days left for the Holy Spirit Children's Contest? In these three days, I just checked the Lingxi Heaven Palace first to see if I could steal the Lingxi spring water! If it can be stolen, we can just go straight, there is no need to take any so-called Lian! "Nie Yun chuckled.

The purpose of coming to Lingxiquan this time is to keep the younger brother's body active. When it is time to not, try not to do so, and also reduce some trouble.

"Exploring Ling Xi Tian Gong? I advise you better not to go. Ling Xi Tian Gong is the most precious place in the entire ancient city. The inside is heavily guarded, and if you are not careful ..."

Mu Xia was nervous. Although the latter words were not spoken, listening to the tone, I knew that it must be "must die."

"Relax, as long as there are no more souls in this place than mine, there will be no problem!" Seeing her worry, Nie Yun grinned. He waved his hand, "Cultivate first. Wait until it's dark to go!"

Even if the defense of the Rhinoceros Temple is even stricter, there are many ancient formations, and they are not afraid of it, and they have the talent of natural eyes. Various formations will reveal the original shape, coupled with super soul power and camouflage talent, it should not be too difficult to mix in!

Of course, these things can't be told to Mu Xia, otherwise there are too many special talents. I'm afraid she can't bear it and she will be scared to death.

"Yes!" Mu Xia knew her identity and knew that the young man dared to say this. He must have his own way. He stopped asking questions immediately and found a room to sit down and start practicing.

Butterfly Wing Villa has a breath of excitement, and qi and blood run several times faster when practicing. She definitely catches up with other places for several days. This kind of opportunity, she does not want to waste!

See her practice. Nie Yun also practiced. I didn't know how long it took, and my eyes suddenly opened.

"It's time!"

With a slight smile, I stood up.

"Before you leave, you must pass this off!" His eyes opened. A golden light shot out of the pupil, where a figure in the corner of the yard hid quietly, motionless, without the slightest breath.

If it wasn't for Nie Yun's natural talent. I'm afraid I can't find this person either. His body fits perfectly around him. There are no shortcomings.

"It's just a hidden talent, not a hidden teacher!"

I looked closely, knowing that the other party was not a hidden teacher. Nie Yun shook his head, and the soul in the middle of the spiritual level turned into a straight line, which suddenly stabbed in the past!

The Hidden Master is truly more hidden than his own. Now he can see it at a glance, surely not! If it is a hidden teacher, as long as you feel the hidden atmosphere, you must have another talent.

With this talent, the chances of success will definitely increase a lot if you go to Lingxi Temple again! It's just that the other party is not a hidden teacher, so there is no need to keep it.


Stuck by Nie Yun's powerful soul, the shadow of the figure fainted as soon as it became dark.

"You sleep for a while, and when you wake up, you will forget this ..."

With a slight smile, Nie Yun's body turned into a shadow in the darkness, and disappeared from the place instantly.

A higher level of soul can crush a person. This person's soul is just the beginning of the spiritual level. Nie Yun is just one level higher, making him comatose and forgetting that although things are complicated, who is Nie Yun? The old monster of two generations, the countless secret methods he knew, made him faint, forget things, simple can not be simpler.

After leaving the yard, Nie Yun didn't dare to figure it out. He sneaked all the way and soon came to a towering mountain.

Under the peak is full of buildings, people come and go inside, and at a glance you know that they belong to a certain powerful force.

"A great seal, it is indeed passed down from ancient times, terrible!"

Nie Yun didn't approach, but used the talent of Tianyan to take another look at Shimen in the mountain peak and take a closer look, not only stinging.

The front of Shimen is densely lined with various seals, each of which is incredible and incredible.

These are the arrays left over from ancient times, each of which has tens of thousands of tricks. If you don't stop the array, even if you have a natural eye talent, you cannot successfully enter it!

It's like the hole in a fishing net is only the size of a finger. Even if you know that you can succeed by drilling through a hole, you can't go through without a sound!

"Three of you waste, tell me things well, what is going on?"

While observing how to enter Shimen, suddenly heard an angry roar from the building in front.

Tianyan swept inside, Nie Yun couldn't help laughing.

It is really a narrow road for enemies. It is Mu Shang, Mu Long, Mu Qiaoxian and others who learned by themselves during the day.

At this time, they were in a wide hall, still maintaining a kneeling posture, an old man in front of them, his eyes raised, his eyes were dark, and anger was burning.

"Grandpa is a peripheral child of Butterfly Wing Villa. He is so strong that even Uncle Mu Qiao is not an opponent, and I can't help it ..." Mu Shang was aggrieved.

"Huh, three shameful things, we have lost all of your face at Muyu Villa!" The old man growled.

"Yes, yes!" The three kneeling men looked sad.

They also did not expect that the young man would have such strength, and even the secret powerhouse was not an opponent!

"The owner, I don't think it's necessary to untie the restraint on them first, and kneeling outside for a day, it must be very uncomfortable!" The owner said to the previous old man.

This old man is a small servant of the owner, and now he has reached the second stage of the Secret Realm. The strength is extraordinary.

"It's normal to suffer as much as possible!" Hummed, the old man nodded, and looked resentful. "Well, lift them off, anyway, you represent our Muye Villa, dare to deal with you like this That pair of dogs and men must die, and Butterfly Wing Villa must pay its due price! "

"Yes, the owner!"

The attendant nodded, his hands crossed, his fingers twitched forward like a dancing string.

The power of Yuan Shengjing poured down like a waterfall in an instant, completely covering the three men, with heavy mana and mercury, penetrated into the pores, and rushed to the restraint left by Nie Yun.

"Break me!"

The attendant's eyes widened, and the steam rising from his head turned into a tiger's head, a bull's head, a snake's head ... and evolved into the zodiac.

Zodiac Signs!

A kind of royal style method, after the completion of the zodiac can transform the power of the zodiac, transform each other, the infinite power.


The attendant's power was running to the limit. The entire room was like an earthquake. The three men, Mu Shang and Mu Qiaoxian, turned red and white under strong pressure.


Suddenly the attendant's soul seemed to have been hit hard, his face was stiff, a blood spurt, and the whole man's chest became stuffy and flew out!

"Great restraint ... Zhuang owner, I can't break it!" His mouth gasped heavily, the attendant trembling all over, seeming to have been seriously injured.

Although he was only in the early days of Yuan Shengjing, he was backstabbed and injured just by cracking a restraint, which shows that the prohibition is terrible!

"Waste! It's all waste! Changsen, have you been with me for so many years, haven't I taught you? This kind of prohibition is called [King Kong's magic seal]. The harder you attack, the greater the resilience will have to be. Peel off the same layer by layer, and then break it down in one fell swoop! You slammed like this and exerted your strength to the limit without being attacked! "

The owner of Muhuang Villa raised his eyebrows, and some hated iron.

"Yes, yes, the owner's lesson is right, it's the subordinate's recklessness!" The attendant coughed a few times, his face pale.

"I'll crack this prohibition and show it to you. You have to learn it carefully. In the future, don't let me do everything myself!"

The owner took one step forward and two steps to the three of them, and took a closer look at "[King Kong's magic mark] is very powerful, but the mental strength is not enough, it is specious and full of loopholes! I will crack it now and let you see Just look at it later, don't be so passive anymore! "

A command was given, and the landlord took two steps forward, grasping with his big hand, a vortex of mana gushing out of the palm, spinning continuously, producing a huge engulfing force.

"Tuning off the cocoons! Break me open!"

A cold humming ~ www.readwn.com ~ The landlord moved forward again, and the vortex flew to the top of the three, and a huge force shrouded in the restraint of the three.


The vortex is like a behemoth that swallows the sky, pulling away silk and cocoon, intending to devour the so-called King Kong's magic seal.

Seal stripping!

This method can be regarded as a secret technique, which can peel off the fierce seal layer by layer to prevent backwashing.


Just when the three felt that the power to suppress them was getting smaller and smaller, a sudden and violent explosion exploded, and the owner seemed to be backwashed fiercely, his face turned pale, and "Hou" stepped back a few steps.


Also kneeled on the ground! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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