Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 364: Death Trial

"The owner ..."

"The landowner was kneeling down after being banned from backstabbing. How could he be so powerful?"

Seeing the scene before him, Mu Shang and others were about to be scared to death.

No wonder they can't break the prohibition, and even the owner's strength can't be broken, how can they stand up?

"The owner ..."

The attendant was startled, and hurriedly came forward, intending to lift the owner, but only took two steps, and felt a force suddenly pressed down, his knees softened, and he knelt opposite the owner.

All of the five people in the room were on their knees all at once. You look at me, I look at you, weird words.

"Zhuangzhuang, what is going on? Is that supreme stronger than yours? How is this possible!" Feeling the pressure on his body, the attendant was unable to resist at all, and was frightened.

The owner ’s secret realm is the second highest peak of the Yuan Dynasty. Even if the strength is in the top of the ancient city, he is forced to kneel just by cracking a ban. How strong should the other party be?

"Abominable, abominable!"

The landlord did not answer the question from the attendant, his face was red and white, the steam rolled over his head, it seemed to be hitting the restraint with all his strength, and he planned to stand up.


After a shock, a spit of blood spewed out. Not only was it not lifted, but the pressure of the ban was getting stronger and stronger, and he knelt on the ground, unable to move!

"Hehe!" Nie Yun looked at all of them with his eyes and smiled slightly.

In fact, the prohibition against Mu Shang and others did not have such great power. The reason why this happened was that he just quietly shot again!

In the middle of the spiritual level, only the power of the soul is used, and the spirit is not used.

When the secret is reached, the power of the soul becomes even more important. If the soul is strong, as long as the opponent is not approached, the soul storm alone. Can annihilate the opponent's spirit and let it die directly!

Of course, if these people have a soul to defend the spirit soldiers, they can block this soul attack, and Nie Yun will use this trick. It will be self-defeating. Found by the other party!

Now he has a strong soul, but his combat power is far worse than that of the Yuan Shengjing strong. He really needs to be found and can't escape!

That is. If the opponent does not have a soul defense, the soul is strong and almost invincible. If there is such a thing, it is useless. So, no matter what, strength is the capital!

If Nie Yun now has the second-strength strength in the mysterious realm, and cooperates with the soul power, it is estimated that this Twilight Villa can be swept away in an instant, and there is no need to pretend to be a ghost and use these means.

"If you can't crack the seal in front of the Temple of Heaven, you can only dream of stealing the water of the Temple of the Rhinoceros, or go back first. It's troublesome when the other party finds it!"

As soon as his heart moved, Nie Yun was about to leave, but before his body moved, he felt a few powerful breaths rushed straight up, "wheezing". Right in the yard right in front.

"Is the owner of Butterfly Wing Mountain Villa? Who are the remaining people? The strength is actually on par with him. The former one is more powerful. I am afraid that my soul has reached the middle of the spiritual level like me ..."

See clearly what the visitor looks like. As soon as Nie Yun's face changed, his body lightly shook. Hiding in a corner of the yard that nobody noticed, motionless, as if the whole person suddenly disappeared from the air.

The strength of the people who came here is not much different from the owners of Butterfly Wing Mountain Villa and Muya Mountain Villa, and there are even stronger ones. Do n’t think about it, it must be several other farmers and so-called city owners!

The strongest city in the ancient city is the city owner, the third-level, middle-level soul of the mystery, even if there is no soul to defend the spirit soldier, you can kill yourself when you encounter yourself!

"Mu Qi, the Holy Spirit Children's Competition will be held three days later. I called the other four owners to discuss the competition ... What's wrong with you? What do you do on your knees?"

Before entering the room, the city owner shouted out loudly, but only halfway through it, he saw the owner of the Twilight Villa and others, kneeling on the ground, inexplicably weird.

"Haha, I think the owner of Mu Qi has got some kind of exercises. He is teaching everyone to practice together! This is your fault, owner Mu Qi. With such a good method, he still treasures it ... When the owner of Butterfly Wing Villa saw him, he immediately laughed and rejoiced.

"Kneeling? It ’s great, but I do n’t learn it for nothing. I think it ’s Mu Qizhuang ’s own use. When the cultivation reaches Dacheng, your whole villa will kneel as soon as you go out. Prestige ... "said another owner, shamelessly.

Although the Five Great Villas are not hostile, because of the competition, the relationship is not very good. At this time, there is just a chance of falling down and how to let it go.

"I may not see the prestige. I think that the owner of Mu Qi has been practicing under his leadership. They have become the first villa in the ancient city. The richest villa is very easy!" Said another owner.

"The richest villa? What's going on?" A farmer looked puzzled.

"It's not easy. Kneeling when someone sees it, who doesn't give me some money? Can you be rich if you have less money? Well, owner Mu Qi, I'm afraid of you. I still have two bad products here. Lingshi, you just hold it up, a big landlord, kneeling in front of me like this, I'm really embarrassed ... "The former landlord said as he took out two soulstones, and his words were full of gloom.

"You ..." Hearing the irony of everyone, Mu Qi, the owner of Muhuang Villa, was so angry that the three corpses jumped, and his lungs were about to explode. Understood, do you still plan to go to the theater? "

"Uh ... this ... get up!"

The city owner originally wanted to see a good show for a while. When the owner of Mu Qi was a general, his face turned red, and he had to wave his hands.


The blessings on blessings such as Mu Qi disappeared in an instant, and several people felt the pressure eased.

The soul of the city's mid-level spirit is the same as Nie Yun's. He cracked the prohibition invisible as soon as he shot.

"Master Mu Qi, what's going on? Why are you ... all kneeling on the ground? Whose hand is it?" The city owner lifted the restraint, and the city owner asked.

"Not to mention this thing, I will report this feud myself. Since you are here for the Holy Spirit Children's Competition, please sit down, let's discuss this first!"

Standing up, Mu Qi's ugly expression turned around a few times, and soon suppressed the anger in her heart, sitting on her seat, beckoning everyone.

Kneeled down by a supreme left hand, Rao is Mu Qi's thick-skinned and doesn't want to speak out in front of everyone, otherwise, I'm afraid that Twilight Villa will be a laughing stock forever!

Besides, a supreme person has such a powerful means. There must be extremely powerful babies. If you say it, it is equivalent to handing over good things. How can he be willing!

"That being the case, everyone sit down!"

Seeing that the other party was unwilling to say more, the owner of the city would not be able to follow up. He said quietly, and the remaining four owners also sat down at the same time.

"Mu Qi, you have been occupying Lingxiquan for 30 years, and this year we have decided to change the rules of the competition. Otherwise, your children will be nourished by spring water and become stronger and stronger. ? "

A landlord said first.

"Yes, everyone knows the benefits of Lingxiquan. It is not a good thing to have a villa alone!" Another owner sneered.

The Five Great Villas, Butterfly Wing, Muya, Qionghe, Xuyang, Mingxia, Muya Villa have won the championship three times in a row, and have continued to control Lingxiquan for 30 years. Thirty years are not long for practitioners, but for the practitioners There will be great problems in the growth of the younger generation.

Ten years is a generation, and thirty years is equivalent to three generations. These three generations control Lingxiquan and do not control Lingxiquan. There is a big difference!

Let Mulu Mountain Villa continue to develop like this, I am afraid that the other four mountain villages have no power to fight with him!

"We are in accordance with the rules to control Lingxiquan at Twilight Villa. We rely on our strength. If you have the ability, let your disciples be more upset and don't make wedding dresses for others!"

Mu Qi showed no mercy when he heard the tone of the people was not good.

"Well, there is nothing to quarrel. Since everyone wants to gain control of Lingxiquan, I ca n’t see it this way. This time, the Holy Spirit Children's Contest, we will have a trial of death!" Suddenly, the owner of Butterfly Wing Mountain Villa interrupted The people quarreled and turned to look at the city owner, "City owner, what do you think of my suggestion?"

"Trial of death? No, this is absolutely not possible!"

"The people who can participate in the Holy Spirit Children's Competition are all the future of our ancient city. The death rate of death trial is too high, which will hurt many people!"

Before the city owner spoke, two landlords called out, apparently disagreeing with this method.

"Let's listen to the Lord of the City, what's the use of your quarrel?" When one person interrupted the two, he also looked at the Lord of the City.

"Trial of death ... It is also possible. It can gather the potential of all the children and reach some of them! So, here I have five blessing jade cards, which have the spiritual power I injected. You five prestigious villages must have the most As long as the valued child is placed on this child, he will not be in danger or die! In this way, you do not have to worry about death! "

The palm of the city lord turned over, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com had five small jade cards in his palm.

"The city owner's method is good, so that we can let the peripheral children and some weak children die, and achieve the children they value most, so that each villa can benefit, and there is no need to fight!"

The owner of Butterfly Wing Villa seems to know that the city owner would say so, with a slight smile, he immediately took a jade card.

"Let the peripheral children and some weak children die, and achieve the most important children? I agree too!" A landlord nodded.

"I agree!" Another owner agreed.

"Well, you have discussed all this, now it seems that you are being forced to agree with me ... you guys are cruel!" Seeing that everyone agreed so quickly, Mu Qi didn't know that it was nasty, and his face became very ugly.

However, he was only the owner of a mountain villa. The four owners and the city owner agreed, and he could not refuse, but nodded. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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