Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 387: Shot

"Boy, you want to be punished for talking wildly!" The young skinny youth looked indifferent to Nie Yun.

"Okay!" Everyone was talking about each other. They looked at Nie Yun with contempt, and heard a cold drink. Miss Yi Qing came out of the tent.

"Miss, this boy ..." The thin young man saw the young lady coming out, and took two steps quickly, and said respectfully, but was interrupted by Yi Qing before he finished speaking. "It goes without saying, I know! Nie Yun , I do n’t care what you ’re from, if you want to follow us, just follow the rules. In the future, I ’m lying about a robber or something, be careful I ’m welcome! ”

Yi Qing said, looking at Nie Yun, he was full of emotion.

"This ... there is indeed a robber!" Nie Yun did not expect to be treated as a donkey liver and lungs, and he was speechless for a while.

"We are all camels, people who have experienced life and death can detect even a small amount of murder. Are we not more sensitive than you? I tell you, you feel wrong. There is no robber at all, it's just your illusion ... ... "Yi Qing waved.

Obviously she did not believe what Nie Yun said.

"Miss is a secret powerhouse, she is so talented, she said that there is no robber, there must be no more!"

"Let's go back to rest, and continue to hurry tomorrow, Yi Chang. You will be playing a gong when you hear a kid talking in the future, be careful I'll beat you!"

"He saved his life with good intentions and disturbed us to sleep. I don't think this kind of people should stay in the camel team and get rid of it!"

When I heard that the lady was sure that no robbers were talking about it, she looked at Nie Yun's eyes and showed a less friendly light.

No matter who gets pulled out of the bed in the middle of the night, I'm afraid I won't be happy.

"Well, it's my hallucination. Don't blame me when you die ..."

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Nie Yun didn't bother to explain, turned and walked towards his tent.

"Do you think it's okay to talk and go back to sleep? It would be at least beheaded to misrepresent the military situation in the army!" The skinny youth saw Nie Yun's indifferent expression, and immediately came to anger.

"Well, let's go back to rest!" Seeing no control, she would quarrel, and Miss Yi Qing sank.

Sure enough, she gave a cold drink. Everyone was startled, especially the thin young man, no more arrogance, scratched his head awkwardly, and took a few steps back.

"Have a good rest. Continue to hurry tomorrow ..." Yi Qing snorted coldly.


She hasn't finished speaking. I heard a series of arrow rain screaming from the sky. These arrows had the power of infuriating on them. Hundreds fell down at the same time. "It's crackling!" He was completely smashed.

"Well, it's a robber, defense ... defense!"

Seeing the arrow rain falling in the sky, no matter how stupid people knew that the robber had really come, they all shouted in panic. The long sword was raised against the rain of arrows.

"Well, I didn't expect a little Yi family to have a master who could detect that I was sneaking in. Yes, yes!"

After the arrow rain, a cold laugh sounded from a distance, then the ground shook, the dust rolled, and a group of demon rushed over on the horse.

This group is two or three hundred. The first one is full of breath and full of muscles, and he is a strong man in Yuanshengjing.

"Su Guo? Our Yi family gives you gifts every year. You should stop us at this time. Some shouldn't!"

Seeing that robbers came. Yi Qing knew that the boy had been wronged, and Xiupu apologized. Then he turned his head and raised his eyebrows. A step forward, came to Su Guo.

"No? Nothing shouldn't be. We robbers are doing rations, but we don't eat you, what do we live for?" The demon named Su Guo smiled, his face sulking like a zombie.

"Thirty thousand spirit stones, I will give you a thousand spirit stones!" Yi Qing's teeth clenched.

"A thousand spirits? Are you our brother who came out to drink the autumn breeze in the middle of the night? Tell you, no matter how much money you give, someone has already made a deposit and asked me to take you back. Today, you just go and obey me. Brothers, do it! "

Su Guo screamed, and the robber on the horse rushed over.

Most of these robbers are strong sects, and there are also a lot of extremes. Once shot, the sky's true energy is intertwined, forming a waterfall-like energy circle, surrounding Yi Qing and others.

"You are bold, miss, I protect you!"

Seeing Su Guo rushing to Miss Xiang at first, the thin young man jumped over in a hurry and stabbed at him with a long sword.

"I don't know what to do! Give me a kneel!"

Su Guo yelled, his toes moved forward a little, and a huge force pressed on the young man's sword.


The young man fell to his knees directly on the ground, his head was bleeding, and his original handsome face suddenly became like a shoehorn.

"You dare to hurt Miss, I fight with you!"

The middle-aged man in the mana realm was also standing in front at this time. Su Guo didn't even look at him and kicked him again.


The middle-aged man also fell to the ground, spraying blood.

The gap between Yuanshengjing and Manajing is too big, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

"With such strength, I also want to fight with me, and die!" He snorted disdainfully, and Su Guo raised his hand and grabbed Yi Qing.

"Although you are a strong man in Yuanshengjing, it is not so easy to catch me! Fragrant fragrance swords!"

Seeing that his subordinates couldn't stop Su Guo, Yi Qing's eyes were dignified, a ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, the sword in his hand shook and turned into numerous flower rain, and immediately stabbed at the demon in front of him.

"A bit fun, but ... what the hell!"

Su Guo laughed softly, grabbed his big hand forward, and the rain in the sky was pinched in his palm, while his wrist flipped.


Yi Qing also lay on the ground, her face pale, like wax paper.

"In the early days of a little mana, dare to fight with me, obediently go back with me, let me enjoy it, maybe I can save your life, dare to do something with me, ten more are not opponents!" Looking at the girl Su Guo's face was chuckled with smashing skin.

"Nie Yun, I was wrong. Are you still watching the excitement?"

Hearing the smirk of the demon in front of her ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yi Qing was so scared that she turned around and saw the teenager who had warned her just now, and she looked at her with humiliation with a smile, and was instantly angry. Come, roar out.

I still blame the other party just now. Obviously, this young boy was a pig and a tiger, and all his hopes were pinned on this young boy in an instant.

"Shoot? You let a wounded Supreme deal against me? You didn't wake up!"

Su Guo heard the shout and gave a vigilant glance. When he saw that he was an injured Supreme, he almost broke his breath.

But ... his laughter was not over yet, and he suddenly saw a bladeless sword slap over his head.


The whole person turned into a meatloaf and fell to the ground.

"Whoever says the injured Supreme cannot kill anyone ..."

Then he heard the last word of life in his ear. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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