Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 388: Draw

"What? Your head was killed?"

"For so many years in the wilderness, there are no hundred or eighty means of life-saving, how can you be killed by a supreme sword?"

"Also injured Supreme, I don't believe ..."

"I read that right, is the head really dead?"

For a moment, the entire open field was silent, and everyone widened his eyes and looked at the young man in the middle, stupid.

One Supreme, one sword patted the master of Yuan Shengjing into a meat pie ...

What the **** is going on? Is there any truth?

"Su Guo is dead, my brothers killed me all these robbers!"

Ji Yichang first reacted, yelled, rushed out first, and getting into the bandit group was a killing.

"Yuan Sheng Jing ... one sword killed? He was also injured ..."

I was going to kill Nie Yun's skinny young man before. Looking at the young man who didn't care about his face, he felt that he was going crazy.

Yuan Shengjing seemed to him to be a heavenly figure. He was so strong that he turned into a meat pie without a sword in the hand of this humble teenager. He pitifully abused him and planned to kill him by surprise. dead……

Fortunately, I didn't do this, otherwise ...

When I thought of the moment when the juvenile sword was pressed against Su Guo, I felt an irresistible air wave from a distance of dozens of meters, and suddenly my entire face was white and shaking.

I am not only a thin young man, but even Yi Qing is trembling and cannot help herself.

She originally thought that Nie Yunqiang was also a supreme, and she could never be her opponent. Now this concept has been completely subverted.

I claim to be the first genius of Rongtiancheng, but compared to this boy, I am afraid that he is not worthy of stupidity, and the heel is not good enough ...

This is the real genius. You laugh at yourself, and say that you blame others, that they lie ...

"Head is dead, run away!"

When Su Sugu died, the dragons had no head, and the robbers no longer had the ability to resist, and they fled after being killed by the crowd.

"We defeated Su Guo?"

"We actually defeated Rongtiancheng's first robber Su Guo ..."

The gangsters all fled, and everyone felt a moment of embarrassment. They looked at the young man in the middle who was sick and injured, and his eyes were full of awe.

Su Guo is known as the No. 1 robber of Tiancheng City, not that he is strong, but that he is cunning and has many means to save his life. Even if a master of a higher level came to besiege, he let him escape, now in the hands of a teenager However, like the rotten watermelon and the scarecrow, one sword was blown, and the strong shock made it difficult for everyone to digest.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the young man who killed Su Guo, let alone run off the robber, I am afraid that he will be wiped out by the army and no one wants to live!

I thought of this, and everyone's eyes were grateful.

"Master Nie Yun, thank you for saving me and protecting me from the insults of the demon ..." Yi Qing is most grateful.

If it wasn't for a teenager's shot today, once she was arrested, she would think of the demon yin, and the result would be conceivable!

"I seem to remember that someone just said I had hallucinations ..." Nie Yun grinned.

When I heard the young man's ridiculous words, Yi Qing blushed awkwardly, wondering what to do.

对方 Just now the other party reminded himself that the robber was here, and he said that he had hallucinations. Now he said this, he could not wait to find a place to dig in ...

"Hehe, there are still some who are not dead here. I think you still ask who they have collected the money for, they have to kill you!"

Seeing that the girl's face was red and glamourous, and she was looking for ground stitches, Nie Yun knew that she couldn't say too much. She pointed to the robber who had been chopped on the ground and died for a while, and said.

果 Su Guo just said that he had collected the money and he wanted to take everyone there, just to ask.

"Huh!" Yi Qing reacted when he heard the boy's words, and came to the robbers in a few steps.

I only listened to a miserable shout, and after a while, the girl walked over tiredly, "It was made by the Jiang family!"

"Jiang family? Damn, it's so bullying!"

"It's a shame that the first family of Dangrong Rongtiancheng colluded with the demon robbers!"

"I will report this to my master when I go back, and I will ask, do people in the Jiang family want to be shameless?"

I heard the girl talk about the host behind the robber, and all the camels were about to blow their lungs, all shouting, filled with indignation.

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore. Now take a good rest and restore your strength. We will hurry early tomorrow morning and strive to return to Rongtian City within three days. Now that we know the conspiracy of the Jiang family, it will be easy to go back. , Never compromise! "

I interrupted everyone's applause, and Yi Qing's face showed her fortitude.

不错 "Yes, jade burns, never compromise!"

Everyone yelled a few times, with a firm attitude.

"This girl is tough!"

Seeing Yi Qing's unyielding eyes, Nie Yun praised the people, and ignored the congregation, and went into the tent to continue practicing.

"This guy……"

I saw that the younger man was colder than himself. He originally planned to talk to him a few words, but he did not expect to turn around and left. Yi Qing was so angry that he couldn't help but go back to the tent to sleep.

There was nothing to say overnight, and everyone set off quickly at dawn.

I walked for three days in a row, and sure enough I saw a city running across my eyes.

After these three days of recovery, Nie Yun's injuries are intact. Although it is still far from the full replenishment of Qi Qi, the strength has doubled, which has doubled his combat effectiveness more than twice.

The power of 100,000 is matched with the mid-level soul, the power is great, the Yuan Shengjing peak comes, and I am afraid I can be killed by a sword.

In the past three days, everyone knows that the young man in front of him is strong, his attitude is different from before, and he is full of respect.

Nie Yun knew that this was an inevitable thing, and shook his head at the moment, not paying much attention.

For three days, Yi Qing talked to Nie Yun a few times alone. After listening to his breath, it seemed that he wanted Nie Yun to help them, but Nie Yun finally refused.

I still have a lot of things to deal with, my father and others haven't found it, my brother hasn't rescued her, and she ...

I really don't want to be in trouble.

"Master Nie Yun, you will be in Rongtian City right away. You saved us once. This time, let us change the house of the landlord to do something for the landlord!"

Seeing the city right in front of her, Yi Qing came over.


I know that the other party still draws on himself, but after thinking about it, Nie Yun nodded.

When strength was restored, Nie Yun sensed it, and found that his father and others were very far away from him. If he flew past, I do n’t know how many years, and even if he is not weak, flying over the floating heavens is still dangerous Yes, you must find a way to ride the teleportation array!

既然 Since this Yi family is a big family of Rongtiancheng, maybe they can find a teleportation array and let yourself leave quickly!


Before the two of them had finished speaking, they heard a series of whistling winds sounding directly in front of them, and several tall figures strode over.

Near the city, monsters dare not besiege humans, and can fly freely.

"Elder Jiang Xuan, what are you doing here?"

As soon as a few people hit the ground, Yi Qing recognized it, and his face was somber.

Jiang Xuan who walked in the forefront was the elders of the Jiang family, the superpowers in the late Yuan Shengjing period, and suddenly came here at this time, I am afraid there is nothing good.

"Our Jiang family now suspects that your Yi family is collaborating with Su Guo, a robber demon. If you want to be detrimental to Rongtian City, don't you come down and get me checked?"

Elder Min Jiangxuan took a step forward, sneer, eyes full of sinister.

"We gangster Su Guo colluded? The collusion should be you!" The skinny young man did not expect the Jiang family to be so shameless. The thief yelled and yelled.

"Presumptuous! What the **** are you, dare to talk to me like that!"

Elder Min Jiangxuan's eyes glared, and his fingers suddenly moved forward, "snap".

The poor, thin young man was pumped to the ground again, spitting blood.

家伙 This guy looks thin and has a lot of blood. Slowly spit it out, and you are used to spitting and spitting ... Seeing this scene, Nie Yun thought about it maliciously.

"I don't know the number of polite dogs, we have the evidence. If you say that you did not collude with Su Guo, why can you safely pass through the wilderness without being implicated? Come, bring the witnesses!"

Qi Jiangxuan sneered again and again.

"Yes!" Then two figures came over a middle-aged person.

This is a middle-aged demon with a **** atmosphere, and at a glance, I know that it is a long-time killing robber.

I was the one of Su Guo's bandits who fled that night.

"This is a subordinate of Su Guo, now you talk about what's going on!" Jiang Xuan hummed.

"It's them. They colluded with our leader Su Guo and gave us a lot of money. They wanted us to attack Rongtian City sneakily! Our leader was killed without their consent ..." The little demon leader pointed at Yi Qing and let out Yell.


I did not expect the other party to do so, and even joined the demon to want to frame themselves ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yi Qing felt that his lungs were about to explode.

怎么 "Why, what else do you have to say? Come on, take me all these guys who collusion with the demon!"

Qi Jiangxuan laughed loudly and sang loudly.

"Whoever dares to do it, I will kill him!"

Wu Yiqing knew that once he was taken away, it would be too late if he wanted to distinguish again, and his sword was like a Tao.

"Your dad is here, maybe I'm still a little bit afraid, just because you want to stop me? Dreaming!"

Min Jiangxuan took a step forward, his eyes flashed with evil coldness.

"Then you try it!" Yi Qing didn't budge. He glanced at the boy and saw that he was leaning on the camel's leg, his teeth were biting a grass. , Stomped with anger, silver teeth bite.

I ca n’t really blame others. They meet with themselves but they have saved themselves once. They ca n’t be saved for the second time!

Save your friendship, do not save you justice, only you owe others, they do not owe themselves.

"Hey, since you're looking for death, then I'm welcome!"

Qi Jiangxuan was waiting for her words, with a smirk and a flutter of her body, the breath of Yuan Shengjing was released unveiled, powerful and surging.

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