Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 389: Rongtian City Lord

Seeing him like this, Yi Qing knew that a battle was inevitable. When the white halo wrist flipped, a slender lady's sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and he swept forward, the sword slamming.


In the face of Lai Jian, Jiang Xuan sneered again, with a big hand and a five-finger plucked string, and white lines appeared in the air.

Each of the white lines is thick by fingers, and every blink of an eye will seal all the potentials of Yi Qing's sword.


After fighting, Yi Qing's state is completely different from that just now, with a high concentration of spirits, a raised eyebrow, a tough light in the show, footsteps to the side, a wispy willow like a swaying body, and a sword tip passing through the white line The big net pierced the throat of Jiang Xuan.

"Not bad, but ... useless to me!"

Jiang Xuan flicked his finger forward, and the thick mana in Yuan Shengjing greeted the sword tip. Yi Qing only felt that a fierce impact force came from the sword body, and his chest was choked, "Oh! "Stepped back seven or eight steps, his face was crimson.

Although she is a genius, her strength is too weak, which is far from Jiang Xuan.

"Come with me, I will check it!" Shocking the girl back, Jiang Xuanxi laughed, with one hand, a huge mana wrapped around Yi Qing like a rope.


Knowing that once surrounded by the opponent ’s mana, it would be difficult to escape, Yi Qing shook his feet, the butterfly wore flowers, and evaded to one side.

"Butterfly Lingbao is really good, but I can see how long you can hold on!" Jiang Xuan laughed, moving forward again, every time you step forward, the ground slightly shakes, and the scope of Yi Qing's activities is smaller. It seemed as if he was pressed step by step, his body movements were stung.

"Master Nie Yun. Please save the lady. I used to be ignorant of Tarzan and offended you, but the lady is innocent ... She is kind and treats others well. If you save him, you must I can do anything ... "

Seeing that Yi Qing was gradually falling downwind, it seemed that it would not be long before he was caught by Jiang Xuan, and the injured young skinny came to Nie Yun in succession. His face was full of supplication.

The Yi family and the Jiang family have vengeance. Once Yi Qing was arrested by Jiang Xuan, the trouble was certainly not small.


Nie Yun sighed when she saw that the thin young man had suffered such a serious injury, even thinking of Miss.

Although this thin young man is sometimes fierce, he wholeheartedly devotes himself to Yi Qing and has no bad intentions. He is just a reckless husband who does not think about things.

"Ah, right and wrong, you obviously don't want to mess with it. But you have to mess with it!"

With a sigh, Nie Yun looked up.

At this point, Yi Qing was already under the persecution of Jiang Xuan. There was no retreat, and every step he took, he made great efforts, he was sweating, and he would fall off at any time.

"This time is over ... is it really going to be arrested?"

A feeling of powerlessness rose in his heart, Yi Qingbei's teeth bit his lip lightly, and the eyes of his bright eyes blew for a while.

"Don't commit suicide. Concentrate and pierce the sword towards the position of Jiang Xuan's shoulder and eye on the upper left!"

Just as she made a decision in her heart, a lazy voice came from her ear. Listening to the tone, it is the young man who has been standing side by side with folded arms.

At this moment, the boy was still biting a piece of grass, an irrational look. The voice just now was transmitted by him in some way.

"You ... how do you know what I think?"

Yi Qing was startled. Could this young boy be able to read the minds of others?

"Hurry up if you don't want to die, where is there so much nonsense!" Nie Yun was so angry and funny, even in such a dangerous situation, the girl even considered this.

Where can I read the mind. There was a flash of death in her eyes just now. If she couldn't even see this, her natural talent would be lost.


Yi Qing has always been like a princess. Where people are said to be like this, her eyes are red. Although she knows that the other party ’s tone is not good and she is trying to save herself, she ca n’t take it anymore. Now the silver teeth clenched and her sword was picked. , Full of anger vented to Jiang Xuan in the past.

Futian Continent has "shoulders as eyes, arms as torso". When fighting, once the arm moves in that direction, the shoulder joints will have mana in this direction. If you have good eyesight, you can understand the other person by just looking at the joints. The intention is expected to be the enemy.

Therefore, the so-called shoulder-eye is the shoulder joint of the human body.

Jiang Xuan's weak point at this time is exactly here, Yi Qing stabbed straight, and immediately changed his face.


With an exclamation, Jiang Xuan took a step back.

Seeing that she had been passive just now, according to the juvenile's statement, she only stabbed a sword and became active. Yi Qing's eyes flashed with excitement. When the juvenile glanced away, her arms were light and her sword skills were like rain.

"Tiantu, Xuanyuan, Canopy, Purple Palace, Yutang ..."

The voice of the boy in the ear continued to speak, all talking about acupuncture points, can practice to capture the heavens and create secrets, naturally understand the acupuncture points clearly, at this moment, rest in peace, do not dare to neglect, according to the position of the other party, a sword The sword greeted Jiang Xuan.


Yi Qing's face was so proud, Jiang Xuan on the other side fell into a deep valley.

Originally, she was holding the winning ticket, but the girl did not know why Zhaozhao found her weak link. As long as she was stabbed, her anger would be immediately interrupted and become a waste!

"Abominable, abominable, this is your own death, don't blame me for being ruthless! Tigershoe palm ..." With a strong complexion, Jiang Xuantangyuan Yuan Shengjing was forced to be like this by a little girl in the early stage of mana. With a hissing, his hands were raised, and the strongest attack was made.


The palm wind is like a knife. When the whole bone joint moves, a tiger howling is issued, and the momentum is appalling.

"This trick is probably unstoppable ... forget it, don't watch the excitement, give me down ..."

Nie Yun saw Jiang Xuanshi exhibit this trick, knowing that with the strength of Yi Qing, he would definitely not be able to resist it. Shaking his head at the moment, the soul in the middle of the spiritual level condensed into a thin line, like Jiang Xuan stabbed in the past!


Jiang Xuan was just a soul at the beginning of the spirit level. He was stung by Nie Yun, his eyes were dark and drowsy, and the tiger howling fist that he had cast half of had instantly turned into a sick cat. "Tongtong!" The whole man fell to the ground.

"kill him!"

Jiang Xuan stabbed to the ground with his soul, and Nie Yun spoke to Yi Qing.

The Jiang family ran over to block it openly, and teamed up with the demon Su Guo to show that the conflict with the Yi family can no longer be resolved. Since it is an enemy, Nie Yun will never show mercy.

"Kill him ..." Yi Qing was startled, the long sword reached Jiang Xuan's neck, his face was red and white for a while, it seemed that his thoughts were fighting fiercely.

"Yi Qing. What are you doing? I am an elder of the Jiang family, dare you kill me and want the Yi family to suffer revenge completely from the Jiang family?"

Jiang Xuan was fainted by the impact of Nie Yun's soul, and he woke up. He saw the girl's sword on his neck, and he was full of emotion.

"No matter, I will tell my father about the union between you and Su Guo. Let my father find the judge of the city. It is fair and easy to understand. It is not that you can hide the truth by talking nonsense!"

Speaking of Yi Qing's palm, he lifted the sword back and turned to look at Yi Chang and others. "Let's go!"

Just leave.

Seeing the girl turning her back to herself, Jiang Xuan's eyes flashed with hatred, and her fist suddenly pinched.

"Go, where do you go, die for me!"

With one more dagger in my palm, I stabbed Yi Qing!

This sneak attack is vicious and vicious, and it should not be something a strong man in the Yuan Shengjing can do.

It stands to reason that the Yi family and the Jiang family are both Rongtiancheng big families, and even if there are conflicts, they will take care of their faces. Doing so is tantamount to tearing his face, but Jiang Xuan can't swallow this breath. The elder Dangyuan Shengjing was defeated by a young girl in the early stage of Mana Realm. It was too shameful to kill him.


Yi Qing did not expect that he had spared the other person's life, but the other party had to start, and his face was so scared that it was too late to try to avoid it.


Just then, a sharp noise flashed in the air. A small stone came out of the air, and in the middle of Jiang Xuan's palm, he smashed the bone of his hand with just one click.

"Ah ..." The severe pain made Jiang Xuan scream, and he took a few steps back in horror, and his eyes were incredible.

At this time, if he no longer knows that there is a master hiding behind Yi Qing, it is really a fool.

"What's going on? A big noise outside the city, what are you doing?"

When Jiang Xuan's expression was uncertain, Yi Qing was a little angry, and a loud drink was heard again in the air, and a middle-aged man fell down.

"City Lord, Elder Jiang Xuan wants to catch us, bully a weak woman, and trouble you to decide for us!"

Seeing this middle-aged man, Yi Qing looked better, took a step forward, and said with a fist.

The visitor is the master of Rongtian City, the peak of Yuan Shengjing.

In the past three days, Yi Qing and Nie Yun also talked about the division of the power of Rongtian City. The owner of the city is actually not the strongest in Rongtian City. The strongest is the ancestor of the Jiang family, which has reached the third stage of the secret realm!

Yi Qing's father, Yi Cheng, has the same strength as the city owner, and the peak of Yuan Shengjing.

Over the years, the Yi family and the Jiang family have been arguing endlessly, because of the interests, the contradictions of large and small have continued. Although the Jiang family has the third best master in the secret world, the Yi family also has secret details, which should not be underestimated. There are a lot of small contradictions, but no big ones.

It was just that this balance was broken this year. The young master of the Jiang family, Jiang You, participated in a trial of the Zongmen and successfully became an inner disciple. With the intervention of the Zongmen, the situation changed and the Yi family was recently suppressed. Breathless.

"To arrest you, why would Jiang Xuan arrest them?"

Hearing the girl's words, the city owner looked at Jiang Xuan with a dignified face.

"Citylord, don't listen to her nonsense. She colluded with the demon robber Su Guo, trying to use the robber's hand to deal with our Rongtian City, and you should see that I was injured now. Besides, I have witnesses here, don't believe you can Ask! "

Jiang Xuan points to Yi Qing.

"Collusion with Suguo?"

"Yes, it was she who approached our leader and said that it would be a big business. She also said that as long as we attacked and killed the people in the city's main government, we would give us 50,000 top-grade spirit stones as reward ... These spirit stones on my body are evidence. Otherwise I am a little demon, how can there be so many spirit stones? "

Jiang Xuan didn't say anything. Just now the little leader of the demon hurried out shouting, shook his sleeves, and dropped hundreds of sublime spirit stones. These spirit stones are full of aura, and at a glance, they know that the quality is not low.

"Citylord, you set the rules in person, colluded with the demon, tried to persecute the security people in the city, punished severely, and now this Qing Yi has done this. You should not be soft!"

Jiang Xuan said innocently.

"Of course it won't be soft, Yi Qing. Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, what else can you say?" The owner of the city raised an eyebrow.

"Citylord, can I just convict me on one side?" Unexpectedly, the citylord would say so, Yi Qing's face became hard to look.

"One word? You mean that I am doing something unfair? Now that the witnesses and physical evidence are all there, what else do you have to say? I now give you two choices. First, follow me back to the main town immediately. Accept me Investigation. Second, let Jiang Xuan take you away and let him handle it. You can choose for yourself! "

The city owner carried both hands, with an irresistible majesty in his tone.

"City Lord ..." Yi Qing was so white and embarrassed.

"The lord of the city is wise, by the way, the lord of the city and Yi Qing, I suspect that there are demon people mixed in, and they must be taken away immediately. Or kill them on the spot to prevent future troubles!" Seems to want to find the person who just broke his hand bone with a stone.

However, after looking around, he never found out that maybe he never dreamed of it. He shot a supreme kid several levels younger than him.

In his eyes, the supreme level is just a ants-like existence, nothing at all.

"Well, yes, in order to prevent the demon from mixing in and disrupting the normal order. It must be dealt with seriously. You guys go with me to the city's mansion. I want to interrogate them one by one! Resisters. Kill in place!"

The Lord of the City nodded, Lingyi Dayi.

"City master, you just listen to the letter. It's all my Yi family. How can there be any scumbags?" Yi Qingqiao blushed, holding back her anger.

I thought the city owner would deal with it impartially when I came here, but I didn't expect to listen to Xinxuan's words, which made her feel that her lungs were exploding.

"Huh. There are countless ways for the demon. These looks may be your clan, and I am most likely a mix of the demon! You must investigate seriously!"

The lord's discourse was firm and irrefutable.

"You ..." Yi Qing was so angry that he was about to refute a few words again, and heard a lazy voice interrupting his discourse.

"Hey, I didn't want to do more than that. Now it seems that it won't work out, Miss Yi Qing, don't you see that this city owner has long been contaminated with this Jiang Xuan. It's useless to say more!"

It was Nie Yun who spoke, and Yi Qing might not be able to see it. He was an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years. If he could not see such an obvious situation, it would be better to hit him with a head.

Obviously, the "just and rigorous" city lord is actually in the same group as Jiang Xuan, otherwise he would not speak like this.

Originally, Nie Yun only wanted to enter the city and use the power of the Yi family to find a teleportation array. He didn't want to mess with right and wrong. After all, this is not the same as Qihai Continent. Qihai Continent is the first person here. Like a bigger goldfish, it may be able to be in a fish tank. Dominate the king, once you show up in the sea, you are dead.

Who knows if there is a spy, spy here for that adult? Once found, you cannot escape!

But if you don't want to mess with right and wrong, there may not be right and wrong. The owner of this city is bullied to the head. If he can bear it, he can be a turtle.

"Nie Yun ... the city owner is the most powerful existence of Rongtian City. How can the Yuan Shengjing peak strongman collude with the Jiang family ..."

After listening to the young man, Yi Qing understood it. Although he was angry, he also knew the strength of the city owner and quickly reminded him.

"Hey, just know that I am the Lord of the City. As the Lord of the City of Rongtian, I handle things fairly and fairly. Yi Qing, even your father dare not make nonsense. What is your subordinate? Dare to make such nonsense! This is you The subordinates are so unruly? Well, there are such unruly subordinates who do n’t know the etiquette. It seems that the collusion of the demon need not be checked. It must be done. I will now sentence these people to death and execute them immediately ... this Be the first one! "

Before Nie Yun answered, the city sneer sneered, and his eyes were eagle-eyed, showing a naked intention to kill.

The lord of the city's fingers had large five joints, and his kung fu was very strong. He lifted his right hand and grabbed Nie Yun.

The air around this shot seemed to be imprisoned. It seemed that no matter how Nie Yun escaped, he could not escape from the other side.

"Ha ha!"

Nie Yun didn't dodge, he laughed softly, took the straw stick in his mouth, and banged it.


Under the blessing of the soul in the middle of the spirit level, even if a straw stick is fast, it is no different from the magic weapon of the magic soldier. Just one click came to the right hand of the city master.


The city's thick fingers were cut off two.


"The master of the city's iron palms can barely crack even the top-class weapons of the royal family, and his finger was cut by a straw?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the scene in front of them, and their eyes fell to the ground.

"So strong ..."

Yi Qing even shook her body. She originally thought that Nie Yun was very powerful, but she never expected to underestimate the boy.

"Ah ... you're looking for death!"

His fingers were severed, and the eyes of the city owner became red, and the backhand did not know where to grab a spear, and stabbed at Nie Yun.


The strength of the Yuan Shengjing peak strongman burst out with the help of a spear, surging powerful mana, the hurricane generally exploded, and several weak winds fell to the ground in a roll.


Seeing the power of the outrageous Lord, Yi Qing's face turned pale.

The peak of Yuan Shengjing is too strong. The powerful self does not even have the resistance to resist. Can the boy in front of him really stop it?

When she was thinking about it, she saw that the teenager who had never cared about suddenly moved, lightning-like, holding a spear coming from the gun, and swiping a few strokes to reach the owner of the city, at the same time, it was not gross. Gently grab his arm forward.


The city owner wanted to dodge backwards, but found a flash of blood in his opponent's eyes, and then he fainted before him.

"Speaking to you is to give you face, the emperor has killed several, and still care about you a broken city master? Pretend to be in front of me, what is it!"

Holding the city owner's neck, Nie Yun snorted. The palm of UU read www.uukanshu.com trembled.


The city owner was severely dropped to the ground, his body stiff and his face lost.

ps: four more thirteen thousand, continue to ask for tickets!

Seeing everyone saying that they don't like spikes, Laoya will now add combat descriptions from now on. Khan, I really do n’t know how to write, but I will learn hard, and strive to write as much as possible!

This chapter is a 5,000-character chapter. It was written and changed. I originally planned to post it at 7 o'clock, but I was dissatisfied with how to write it, and it was still twenty minutes late. .

Finally, continue to ask for recommendation tickets, no money for recommendation tickets, we are dozens of votes away from the list, cast your precious vote, and Laoya can go up! Also praise, Laoya brushed more than eighty votes by himself, sweat, and the results fell down again, I can't do it now, like every chapter, please ask friends for help, there are only two points for a chapter Money, but can get a good recommendation.

Now there are just over a dozen likes from the list, asking for votes! !! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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