Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 515: Snatch and practice

Nie Yun now has a total of seventeen special talents, including things, fire, taming animals, tracking, healing, vigorous, Xiangshui, blood pupil, camouflage, sky eyes, beacon, vitality, steal, walk, hide, poisonous, Fairy sound.

The strongest attack is the 25th Beacon talent. Although the vitality talent is ranked high, it is not the main attack.

So, there are still some shortcomings in attacking. If you can get the talent of Kendo, the strength will definitely soar again!

"What are the requirements for this trial?"

Although knowing that the rewards are very generous, Nie Yun also knows that trials are definitely not so easy.

"This trial ..." Ye Jianxing was about to explain in detail, and he heard a loud voice sound right in front of the funnel-shaped square.

"The trial of the sword **** will begin soon, and the rules are now announced!"

Alas! Woo!

Accompanying the sound, several old men flew over from a distance, suspended in the air, and a volley of swords pierced the sky.

"Suddenly the elder Taishang of the sword **** Zongna virtual reality?"

When I saw these old men, Nie Yun couldn't help but stun.

主持 This trial is hosted by a powerful virtual reality leader, which is truly extraordinary.

The swordsmanship of these elder elders is very amazing. They may be dismissive of them in the previous life. Now they can easily kill him if they come here.

Oblivion [Demonic saliva], Nie Yun now meets the virtual reality powerhouse only to escape, can not fight at all.

"The rules are very simple, that is, **** and practice! I have 1,273 sets of swordsmanship here, and each one is printed on the jade card. After entering the trial disciples, after getting the jade card, we must practice the above swordsmanship. , Only if the cultivation is successful, will you be eligible to enter the trial site! "

场地 "The venue is deep in the Valley of Heaven. Entering it, you must not only protect your own jade cards, but also **** others. After the snatch, you can practice swordsmanship. If you **** the sword, you will not be swordsmanship, you must be eliminated!

"The more you rob, the more you cultivate, the more successful you will be. Of course, you also need to prevent the sneak attack of the demon in Tianyou Valley ..."

"... This trial will take ten days. After ten days, no matter how many people are left, they will all be teleported out. Those who have the most jade cards and sword practice will be sent to the Sword God Sect for a more severe test. The last success is the first place! "

The old man in the sky explained the rules of the trial in detail.

I listened for a while, and Nie Yun completely understood.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, the person who enters it must obtain the jade card containing swordsmanship, and then rob others of their own cultivation. The more they cultivate, the more they rob, the more successful they are!

This kind of trial without other rules is destined to kill, which is really crazy.

"Everyone understands the rules?"

The old man in the air said loudly.

"I see!" The crowd in the square shouted in unison, the sound of thunder was so loud that the ground kept shaking.

"Okay, now that you understand, the trial will begin now. This is a jade card of 1,273 swordsmanship. Only those who grab the jade card can enter it. Let's do it!"

As soon as the old man grabbed his hand, the jade cards dropped in the air, and each jade card had a strong seal on it.

The hands of the virtual reality strong will never be damaged in the snatch.

"Do it! Grab it!"

"This is mine, dare to rob me, and die!"

"I must participate in this trial, kill anyone who grabs me!"

As soon as Saitama dropped from the air, the scene on the square immediately became confused.

The whole square has come to participate in the trial, there are tens of thousands of people, now there are only more than 1,000 jade cards, which means that at the beginning, nine out of ten people will be disqualified.

"Hongling Seven Swords!"

"Ten Strikes in the Clouds!"

"Return to Yan Hongxin Boxing!"

"Bo Miao Fu Yun Zhang!"

"Jiuhe six yuan array!"

Uh ...

All of a sudden, various attacks on the square one after another, and even some people who got the jade card could not escape, so they had to arrange some killing arrays to prevent others from coming to snatch.

Mana is like rainbow, blood is like rain!

Before the trial was completely opened, it was already hot.


Nie Yun did not snatch, a jade card just landed in front of himself, was about to put it away, and saw a blink of an eye, four people surrounded themselves.

"Kids in the field, bring the jade card!"

Being a bald head, the light flashed in his eyes, and there was not much nonsense. The sword in his hand was straight, and a sword light shot straight.

剑 This Jianguang breath is vertical and horizontal, like a huge fishing net, covering all around Nie Yun's body, even if you want to escape, you can't escape.

"Breakthrough and Extinction!"

When I saw this set of swordsmanship, Nie Yun recognized it immediately. When he was in Qihai Continent, Mu Shengxue had performed on himself.

人 This man has performed this trick hundreds of times better than Mu Shengxue. His sword is misty and his sword is endless. It seems that there is no flaw at all!

Moreover, the bald head of this sword technique has reached the initial stage of the flyover, which is not much different from Ye Jianxing.

"I know the best, let me die!"

Seeing the boy shouting the name of swordsmanship, the bald head smiled, the swordmane shot again, and the power of swordsmanship surged again.

"Who doesn't have to die!"

Although the opponent was in the early days of Tianqiao and his sword skills were also very clever, Nie Yun didn't care. He smiled slightly, his palms shook, and the sword on his back was in his palm.

This sword comes from Zihua Dongfu ~ www.readwn.com ~ It is called [Floating Wind Sword], which belongs to the top grade spiritual soldiers. It is regarded as a senior in the core disciples of eight major gates and even the elders, and it is exactly the weight of Xuanyu's sword. On the contrary, flowing and smart is elusive.

As soon as Wu Piaofeng sword was shot, Jianmang became a urging Yan Luo. Although the bald-headed sword is powerful, but it is not worth mentioning under Nie Yun's sword method, there are countless flaws.


With only one sword, Piaofeng Sword pierced the bald throat, blood splattered, and the weight of the bald corpse dropped from the air, until he died, he couldn't figure out why the young sword would be so fast!

Understand the three sets of four seasons swordsmanship. Nie Yun's swordsmanship is better than Ye Jianxing. Naturally, it is not comparable to the bald-headed meditation.

"So strong!"

Ye Jianxing, not far from Nie Yun, was still shocked when he saw Nie Yun's second shot.

"The idea is hard, let's grab other people's ..." Not only Ye Jianxing felt strong, but the others around him were also startled. Which one would be a fool to participate in the trial, but didn't want to enter Tianyou Valley? I sent my life here, screaming and fleeing.

Anyway, there are still many jade cards. If you ca n’t grab this one, you can rob others. If it ’s as hard as a bald head, it ’s dead for nothing!

"Haha!" Nie Yun smiled when everyone ran away. When he turned around, he saw Ye Jianxing also grabbed a jade card.

"Let's go!"

The two men said at the same time and flew straight towards the mouth of the funnel. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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