Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 516: 1 finger shatter

The robbing at the mouth of the funnel was more intense. Occasionally, he rushed over and was pierced by Ye Jianxing.

Xie Ye Jianxing is indeed the peerless pride of the eight major gates. The sword skill is amazing. The sword is alive in his hands. Every time he stabs, a person who comes over is seriously injured or killed without any waste of energy.

It seems that after the Gongsun Changfeng incident, his strength was stronger and his sword was more confident.

"Sword Master Master Sword Sure enough, but you have to protect the friend behind you, when it is killed, it will not be fun ..."

I walked all the way, and before I reached the funnel mouth, I heard a cold hum, turned around and saw that Zong Yan and Qian Hong, who had come before, strode over.

A few of them are extremely dazzling existences as the core disciples of Sword God Sect. They are also dazzling here. The people around them seem to know the identities of them.

I was talking about Qian Hong, who looked at Nie Yun's discomfort before. At this time, he looked coldly, and seemed to be unfriendly to Ye Jianxing.

"You can control yourself!" Ye Jianxing also frowned.

"As a brother, I say brother, it's not big or small, I think you're looking for death!" Seeing the other person speak politely, Qian Hong's face sank immediately.

"Let's fight, no one is sure!" Ye Jianxing is also welcome.

已经 Anyway, I have torn my face, so there is no need to pretend.

"Well, Ye Jianxing, the dog bites you, do you still want to bite it? Such a dog that bites when seen, it is estimated that it will not last long!" Nie Yun saw the two hands and talked with a smile.

I was never a fearful person. I was just too lazy to care about this Qian Hong before. Now when I saw him being aggressive, I came over.

"What did you say? OK, OK! Ye Jianxing, this is his own death, Brother Zongyan, I'm going to kill this boy who knows nothing about heaven and earth! I wonder if I can!"

Qian Qianhong did not expect that the copper cloud, which was not very talkative, would be so sharp when he opened his mouth, and his face became iron-blue instantly.

"Dare to insult the disciple of Jiansong Zong, this is your own death. Despite your shot, if Ye Jianxing dares to stop, I will teach you!" Zong Yan smiled slightly and stood in front of Ye Jianxing.

Qian Qianhong asked him what he meant by letting him block Ye Jianxing, how could he not understand it.

"Thank you Brother, hey, boy, you do n’t like talking when you talk about people, but you still do n’t talk about people, that ’s the only thing that is dead!”

When I saw Zong Yan blocking Ye Jianxing, Qian Hong grinned. He came to Nie Yun in two steps, pulled out the sword, and issued a sharp long beep before shaking.

Legend has it that the swordsman and the sword have reached a certain tacit understanding. Once the master is ready to kill, the long sword will automatically tweet. It seems to understand the master ’s state of mind. Now Qian Hong ’s sword sends out the sword, it is clear that he has reached this state. .

I am afraid that the strength of the sword is not worse than Ye Jianxing!

It's no wonder that Qian Hong looks like he's in his twenties. He has actually been in Jianshenzong for decades. He has practiced much longer than Ye Jianxing. Even if the latter is very talented, he is only seventeen or eight years old. How can you compare with a man who has been immersed in Kendo for decades?

"Swords follow your heart, kill the sword, kill me!"

Xi Changjian pulled out Qian Hong without hesitation, and shot directly.

His sword is like a spirit snake, and when it comes out of the hole, it turns into ... Han Xing, straight into Nie Yun's throat.

This ... Han Xing is only one point true, others are false tricks. Once you can't see the false and real, it will become passive and difficult to crack.

"Hmm!" The golden light flashed in his eyes, and Tianyan talent had already seen his flaws in this trick. Nie Yunpiao's sword flickered and turned into dozens of sword shadows.

"Break fast?"

Seeing Nie Yun's response, everyone was stunned.

Qian Qianhong's move is very fast and very fierce. According to common sense, he should directly resist or evade, but the youngsters did not choose to attack directly like the other. Obviously, they intend to attack at a faster speed and force the former to give up the attack!

To break the attack with an attack, you must expect the enemy to take the lead and know the opponent's follow-up tricks. Otherwise, it is equivalent to death. Is this young man so confident that he dares to use his life as a bet?


Ignoring the surprise of the crowd, Nie Yunpiao's wind sword was just like the light breeze. In the blink of an eye, he came to Qian Hong, two beeps, Qian Hong's chest was stabbed out of two mouths, and blood spurted wildly.

"Fast ... But I'm just injured, you can only die!"

Her chest was injured, Qian Hong's face was gaunt, the tip of his sword flickered ... Han Xing kept on, and continued to stab.

Although this copper cloud seems to have the advantage, his attack can only hurt himself, but his attack can make him sure!


Leng Leng hummed, and Nie Yun saw his mercy, but the other side continued to rush forward, his eyes narrowed, and his left finger bounced forward.


With a squeak, Qian Ling's lingering sword was slammed into a force, and it cracked into pieces and fell to the ground.

"One-finger broken sword?"

"Although Qian Hong's sword is only a subordinate spiritual soldier, but he has been with him for many years, he has become spiritual, how can he be broken with a single finger ..."

"I am not wrong, right……"

看 Everyone who was watching the crowd around me saw this scene ~ www.readwn.com ~ all startled, one finger smashed the spiritual artifact, what is this strength?

How can there be such a powerful attack in the field?

"go away!"

I shattered Qian Hong's sword, Nie Yun sighed coldly, and spit out the strength in his palm.


After a brief moment, Qian Hong flew upside down and fell to the ground.

When it comes to the strength of the mana in the body, if Nie Yun calls himself the second, absolutely no one dares to call the first, coupled with the strong physical body, King Kong's glass body training has achieved success, the physical body is not weaker than the Chinese spirit soldiers, blessing Next, let alone Qian Hong's hand is only a sublime spiritual soldier. Even if it is a middle-class spiritual soldier, it is difficult to say whether it can hold up with one finger!

"Okay, okay, okay, I didn't expect me to look away! Su Xu, bring Qian Hong, let's go!"

Zong Yan is indeed a disciple of Da Zong Men. Although he was shocked in his heart, knowing that this was not the place of trouble, he calmed down in a blink of an eye and looked at Nie Yun. , Not very good shot, in Tianyou Valley, you better pray not to meet me, otherwise I will never show mercy! "

After speaking, he took Qian Hong and others and strode into the funnel.

祈祷 "Pray not to meet you? Oh, you better pray not to meet me ... because, I will not be merciless!"

Xie Nieyun smiled slightly, and did not take the threat of the other party as a thing at all.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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