Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 529: Blood Spirit

The carrion demon tribe trains its body into a carrion. There is no blood or meridians in the whole body. Only the heart is the gate of life. The mana of the whole body depends on the heart to maintain bursts. Once the heart is destroyed, it will die.

Because of this, the demon fox woman just stabbed Su Guo with a sword, but he was not harmed at all.

"Haha, your opponent is me, not Su Guo, Qing Ming shakes the sky claw, come back to me!"

The martial arts method was destroyed, and the snow-white beard was awake. With a smirk, a huge ghost hand appeared immediately in front of the woman's sword, and a sudden bounce.

"Om!" The demon woman only felt that the palm of her hand was hot, and the long sword deviated from the track, and swiped from the side of Su Guo's body without hurting him.

"Good mana, bad!"

The other person broke his strongest attack with a single finger, and the face of the fox woman changed.

How strong your own attack power is, knowing in your heart that although the opponent is suspected of attacking from one side, you can break your own attack with one finger. The magical power is not to be underestimated.

"It's not too late to know now, let me down!"

Haha smiled, the face of the white-bearded beard was distorted like a bad sweet potato, and he grabbed his hands again and again, every time with a terrifying squall.


The women of the fox family continued to retreat, and the formation was becoming more chaotic at this time, and several women of the fox family had been killed.

The demon corpse and others also paid the price. Several demon people who carried the coffin died first, and two of the top five were injured. Now the white ones with the best combat effectiveness are the white beard, Su Guo, and the corpse.

The attack of the demon corpse is more weird than Su Guo and Xue Bai's beard. It cooperates with the coffin, and acts like ghosts, demon's scent, and phantoms. People can't see which one is his real body and which one is fake.

"Abominable! Pansi ring kill!"

Seeing this, a hate flashed in the eyes of the fox woman, and the slender waist suddenly became weak and boneless. A slip, hiding from the hands of the snow-white beard, the waist was twisted, and it directly caught the latter. Body.

Strangling by wire, as a poisonous snake, as firm as a wire, trapping people is an extremely powerful trick in melee combat. I did not expect that this woman would, and she was so skillful and clever.

But the monster foxes are born with beautiful qualities, which is completely different from ordinary monsters. It is really difficult for her to make a stinky monster.


Wu Xuebai's beard did not expect that the other party would have such a close-up trick, his face changed, it was too late to retreat, his arms opened wildly outwards, but he was **** by the opponent's golden hoop-like body.

"It looks like this white beard is dead!"

Ye Jianxing snorted quietly.

"He is dead? That may not be the case, look at it!" After hearing what he said, Nie Yun shook his head.

Although Ye Jianxing's opinion on battle is not lower than himself, his vision is also very high, unfortunately ... he doesn't understand the demon!

Wu Xuebai's beard is the demon of the Qingming tribe. His strength reaches the peak of the overpass, and the number of mysteries is amazing. Now he is trapped only for a short time. Once the mystery is performed, who wins or loses is still unknown.

战斗 Fighting with the demon, especially the demon with a certain level of strength, must be careful, even if he accidentally dies, he does not know how to die.

"You forced me, mystery, blood dragon breaking!"

Sure enough, the snow-white beard entangled by the demon fox woman sullen for a moment, and the snow-white beard became bright red instantly, like a ghost just out of hell, and shot blood swords all over the body.


As soon as he was smashed by the blood sword, the demon fox woman felt that the arrows were penetrating, blood spewed out, and flew out in the air. Four or five bowl-sized wounds appeared on her body, and blood raged.

She was seriously injured, and her snow-white beard was also greatly depleted. Both her spirit and strength have been debilitated a lot. It seems that the blood dragon has just lost her strength and life span.

"Well, how do you know he can do mystery?"

I saw the snow-white beard defeated and defeated, completely different from what I imagined. Ye Jianxing looked at the young man with a surprised look and was shocked.

少年 This teenager looks almost the same as his age, but no matter how strong, insightful or skillful he is, he is much better than himself. I really do n’t know how he cultivates, so powerful!

"Keep watching, although the snow-white beard is defeated and defeated, it is not so easy to kill this demon fox woman ..."

Ignoring Ye Jianxing's curiosity, Nie Yun pointed forward.

"Forcing me to perform the Blood Dragon Breaking Secret Technique and consuming 300 years of life, you must die for me today!"

Immediately in front of him, the snow-white beard twitched his face, and a strong hatred flowed, striding towards the fallen fox woman.


At this time, the daughter-in-law's whole body was bleeding with blood, and she had no fighting power. She looked up at the woman who was fishing on the top of the lava and was full of relief. After a moment, she became fierce.

"Aunt Lan, don't do stupid things ..."

I seem to feel the woman's gaze, and the beautiful woman who fishes with thought, her face changes.

Her voice is like an oriole, clear and moving, with sincere feelings, completely different from the charming and chaotic of the demon fox family, but it makes people feel a kind of quiet mind.

"Good pure soul! It's no wonder that you can use Lingsi to catch a treasure such as the ghost sword from the depths of the ghost!"

I heard this voice ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nie Yun couldn't help but admire it.

A person's soul is pure or not, it can be inferred by looking at the sounds. The purer the soul, the cleaner the sound. On the contrary, the more turbid the sound, the pollution in the ears.

In the human impression, the demon fox tribe is chaotic and erosive. Although all the women are beautiful in nature, they are all red and evil, they are covetous, the soul is so pure, and the voice is so clear. Number of fingers.

"You fish the ghost sword, turn around and leave, don't take revenge on me, don't let the ghost sword fall into the hands of these demon, all races are the most important ..."

The woman howling Aunt Lan heard the girl's shout, a cuckoo-like howl, and her blood rolled over her body, as if she wanted to use a special secret method to end her snow-white beard.

"No, Aunt Lan, I won't let you die ... Soul burns, speed up fishing!"

When I heard Aunt Lan's decision, there was a ruthlessness in the eyes of the air woman, and a white light shroud in her whole body began to burn the soul!

When you cultivate to a secret realm, the soul becomes more important, even reaching a certain level. Even if the physical body dies, the soul can survive alone. Therefore, the soul is the body, and the physical body is just a boat crossing the river.

燃烧 The burning of the soul by the air woman is tantamount to burning her life and desperately! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Su @ z1872530384 [Gentle and handsome and cute bamboo sound]] If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward on 〓 中文 网 〓, your support is my greatest motivation 】

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