Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 530: Xie Zhanghuizi

"Don't ... don't ... you are the future of race, you can't do this for me, a useless person ..."

Seeing the movement of the air woman, Aunt Lan's eyes circled red, and tears shed.

The spirits and the people who are fishing have a special sense. Only the people who are fishing can exert the full power of the treasures. If this woman dies in the air, she will become the biggest sinner in the clan.

"In my heart, in my heart, in my heart, lend me my strength, the sword of the nether, through the ages, born!"

Ignoring Aunt Lan's shout, the beautiful woman in the air drank, as if chanting a special spell, her body's white light became stronger and stronger, and the thin line holding the ghost sword doubled instantly, and "Boom" sounded, moving the mountain Shake, the ghost sword is pulled out from the depths of the void!


As soon as the ghost sword was born, it brought unbelievable power with ordinary people. The space in the ghost Luo ghost field was constantly broken, and the fierce squall wind gathered, and the stars gathered around it like a moon.


Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing, who were hiding on one side, felt the palms of their hands startling. The long sword in the palms of the two of them turned out of control for a moment, pointing straight in the direction of the ghost sword.


Not only that, the long sword on the battlefield also changed direction instantly, pointing straight to the ghost sword in the air, as if an ordinary courtier met the king and had to bend his knees.

"Hundred swords obedience, Wanjian pilgrimage? This ..."

Seeing this, Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing looked at each other, and each saw a deep shock in each other's eyes.

The spirit soldiers are called spirits because they have a certain degree of spirituality, can communicate with the master, and have infinite power. Since there is a spirit, there is a king. In the legend, once the sword of the king is born, all the swords around him will bow and bow. Pilgrimage, dare not be hostile!

I used to think it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true!

Hundred swords surrender, Wanjian pilgrimage ... this is the true king's sword!

"Dare to hurt Aunt Lan, die!"

As soon as the ghost sword was born, it immediately turned into a Changhong. It was held straight by the beautiful woman in the air, and the palm of the hand trembled slightly. The red-colored sword awn cut through the sky and straightly came over the white beard.

"Haha, I'm waiting for this moment. Do you think I know the power of the Nether Sword and are not ready? Monster Corps, Su Guo, do it!"

I saw the sword awns coming in. Instead of being nervous, the snow-white beard growled and his eyes became red.


Seeing the other person so calm, Nie Yun immediately developed a bad feeling.

I am also right, these people know that the people of the demon fox family are fishing for the ghost sword, and dare to come, they must rely on it!

"The Ghost Sword has just been caught and has not been completely sacrificed. Although it has a soul connection with you, it does not actually belong to you. At this time, the Ghost Sword is the weakest. As long as you destroy its spirituality, it will be ours in the future! Spirituality, blood sacrifice breaks the ghost! "

He screamed, the snow-white beard stepped back, and the coffin of the demon corpse moved forward, and a blood-red soul flew out of it immediately.

魂 This soul is horrible, and when it appears, it is shocked with a disturbing soul.

"Yes ... it's blood spirit, blood spirit essence, how could there be such a thing ... Thanks Zhang Huizi, it's Aunt Lan that hurt you ..."

The auntie fox woman, Aunt Lan, saw something flying out of the coffin, her face changed, and looked at the woman in the air, she burst into tears, and the stern sound rang through the clouds.

"Thanks Zhang Huizi? Is this woman Xie Zhanghuizi?"

Hearing the screams of the demon fox women, Ye Jianxing and Nie Yun shook at the same time.

I was talking about Uncle Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhang Huizi before. I did not expect that this beautiful woman in the air was Xie Zhang Huizi!

No wonder Chen Wenxu Tangtang Elder Shenzong can be infatuated with a demon fox tribe. This woman's soul is as pure as white paper, and she is indeed not a demon.

"Yun Tong, do you know what this blood spirit is?"

Ye Yexing knew that this was the uncle's wife who had been waiting for his entire life. He couldn't bear it anymore. He squeezed his fist and asked Nie Yun.

I see Aunt Lan's expression is so anxious, this blood spirit must be extraordinary, can definitely hurt Xie Zhanghuizi holding the ghost sword!

Although she doesn't like the monster people, but this woman is the guardian of the uncle before death, and she must not be harmed!

"Blood spirit is the most greedy and vicious soul, and is a cursed ghost. It is said that pregnant women curse their children every day after they conceive. The child is buried in [Wuxia Falling Coffin] and receives corpses. Repeated tempering, and daily killing of this child with blood, which lasted for 20 years. After 20 years, he was killed, his soul was extracted, and he was locked in a special spiritual day The ground fire burned daily, causing great suffering! "

"Before she was born, she was cursed by her biological mother. She grew up and was eroded by blood and corpses, and then burned by the ground fire. The resentment and hatred in her heart were hard to imagine. Even if the ghost sword is more powerful, the spirituality contained in it will be wiped out in an instant! "

I remembered the description of the blood spirit in my mind, and Nie Yun's face was heavy.

Xue Ling Spirit is a superb mystery of breaking spirits, but it is particularly fierce and tedious. I didn't expect it before. I didn't expect such a fierce corpse to be so fierce. I had already prepared such a fierce trick!

Ghost Sword is a treasure born from heaven and earth. Although this kind of treasure is stronger than artificially refined treasures ~ www.readwn.com ~, but because there is no manual intervention, the spirituality is not very strong. In addition, it has just been fished up. If you do n’t pass the sacrifice, once you are polluted by the evil spirit spirit, you will get out of Xie Zhanghuizi's control and become something controlled by blood spirit!

Blood spirit can be controlled, which means that the owner of the blood spirit can also control it, which is a good calculation!


The voice of Nie Yun's words was very fast to explain. It took almost no time. As soon as Ye Jianxing understood what was going on, he heard an anxiously shouting in front of her, a demon fox woman named Xie Zhanghuizi, her face turned pale and tender. The body receded again and again, seemingly trying to avoid the attack of the blood spirit.

But if the spirit of blood spirit is avoided in this way, it will not be so horrible, it will change the color!

"No, I want to save her!"

When I saw this scene, Ye Jianxing suddenly stood up from the place, with a sword in his hand, the whole person turned into a sword, and flew straight towards the spirit spirit.

"Ye Jianxing, Ye Jianxing ..."

Xie Nieyun did not expect this boy to move so fast, and left the place in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help crying, shook his head helplessly.

的 Although the two sides at war have suffered great losses, after all, there are several peaks in the overpass realm. However, in the early days of the overpass realm, they rushed forward in such a way that they were simply trying to die!

However, it can also be seen from this point that he is a man of deep affection and righteousness, and he has a deep relationship with this uncle named Chen Wenxu [to be continued] [This text is provided by Piao Su @ z1872530384 [Gentle and handsome cute bamboo sound] 『If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe, reward, and your support is my biggest motivation】

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