Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 538: You are Nie Yun!

"Senior, do you go back to the demon fox tribe or stay here?"

I put away the ghost sword and Nie Yun slowly stood up. The injury just now had been completely cured by treating Dan Tian. He came to Ye Jianxing in a few steps to help him consolidate the injury and gave him a medicine.

Ye Jianxing is now in the early days of Tianqiao. He is stronger than himself and cannot be completely treated for Dantian. However, he suffered only trauma. It was not particularly difficult. He quickly restored his ability to take action. After taking the elixir, although he was not alive and well, At least it's not a big deal.

After Wu Zhixing Ye Jianxing, Nie Yun looked at her aunt Lan and asked a question.

Although she doesn't have any good feelings about the demon tribe, this aunt Lan, Xie Zhanghuizi didn't blame it at last, because she respected her opinion, she didn't need to kill it.

Of course, healing is avoided.

If you can live, you can live, if you can't live, you have nothing to do with yourself.

"Let's go, leave me alone ..." Aunt Lan sighed, her expression lost, she still didn't seem to return from Xie Zhanghuizi's death.

"Let's go!" Nie Yun glanced at Ye Jianxing, picked up Xie Zhanghuizi's body, and flew straight on the way.

Xun quickly found the place where Chen Wenxu's body was buried, and put Xie Zhanghuizi down to bury him.

From now on, these two bitter lives are truly together, no longer need to consider what ethnic group, what ancestor.

The world is rolling, the strongest person will eventually turn into a cup of loess, the only constant is the true love.


"Brother Yuntong ... No, if I guessed right, I should call you Brother Nie Yun!"

After finishing the matter of Chen Wenxu and Xie Zhanghuizi, the two were suspended in the air, considering where to go. Ye Jianxing cast aside the negative emotions in his heart and said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, I am Nie Yun!" Nie Yun nodded.

He sacrificed 12 corpses such as Mi Xing himself. Such an obvious thing, if Ye Jianxing can no longer recognize it, it is really a fool.

"Brother Nie Yun has concealed me so much. I have always thought that the version of Nie Yun circulated outside is fake. A person is even more talented, at best like me. Now it seems that you are indeed much stronger than me. It's up! "

Ye Yexing shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Too modest!" Nie Yun made no comment.

Now most people outside think that they have a Supreme Master Elder of Yunzong as a master, and they are relying on this. They are not chased and killed like street mice. Although they believe that Ye Jianxing will not spread, they also Can't guard against others using the means of soul hunting!

Therefore, if you can't let others know, you can't let others know.

"I'm in fairness. In these years of cultivation in the sword **** sect, no one among my peers has been out of my right. I feel that the heroes of the world are just like this. When I saw Brother Nie Yun, I knew that there was someone out there, and there was a sky outside!"

Ye Yexing shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Let's think about how we can go!" Interrupted his compliment, Nie Yun looked at the vast world in front of him and said.

The Nether Realm of Nine Demon is like an independent world, which can be passed in all directions.

"Of course you can go back the same way, how can you go?" Seeing the teenager didn't want to talk more, Ye Jianxing also said no more.

"It's okay to return the same way, but in that case, you will have to enter the burial ground again. There is a dizzying ghost door and wind in the burial ground. If you can't find a way out, you will be buried in it!"

Xie Nieyun caressed his chin and slowly analyzed the matter.

I did n’t know the horror of Guimen Youfeng. I did n’t know that I had entered the Luoluo Nether Realm very fast before, and I was not lethargic by it, so I did n’t realize it. If I go out this time, I will look for it at 1:30 I did n’t know how to die before I fainted there.

"What should we do? The demon Luo Yumian domain is vast and immense. If you walk around aimlessly, you will not find a second exit even if you have walked for a month. Our trial time is only ten days. If we cannot get out in ten days, we will be sure. Was abstained! "

Ye Yexing is somewhat helpless.

The nether realm is a special existence, it is the passage to the demon world, and there are many links with the floating heavens and continents, not only one burial place, but even if there are other entrances, the scope involved is too wide. If you are looking for It is impossible to find it without ten days and a half months, or even a few years. But after ten days of trials, it is over. What is the feeling of the sword god!

"Hehe!" Knowing that Ye Jianxing's concerns are not wrong, Nie Yun chuckled and said, "You listen to me, I have been thinking about a question, the people of the demon tribe can enter the demon world of the demon Luo through the demon world, but you Uncle Chen Wenxu, where did you come in from? If the burial place you said is true, he should also know that it is impossible to come in from the burial place! "

Tian You Gu is a trial place for Jianshen Sect. Chen Wenxu, as the elder of Jiansong Sect, naturally knows more about it, and definitely knows the division of the eight major areas. Since he knows that the burial place will die, he will definitely not come. Is he ... Come here?

"Eh? I remembered that when you said that, everyone of our sword **** ancestors knows the terrible burial ground of Tianyou Valley ~ www.readwn.com ~ No one wants to come here! This is something my uncle personally told me , He certainly won't go, so to speak, he went the other way? "

Ye Jianxing's eyes brightened.

I know that the burial site will surely die. If Chen Wenxu rushes in, he will know that things are strange and he will not die with precautions. The only explanation is that he took another way to enter here!

"But ... even if we know what this truth is all about, Uncle Wen Xu is dead, how can I find the way he went?"

Ye Yexing shook his head.

"Oh, you can't find the way to go when you die? You're wrong!" Nie Yun smiled slightly, her index finger erected upwards, and her fingertips instantly produced a gray mist.

Follow the gas!

处理 When Ning Yun dealt with Chen Wenxu's body just now, he used the traced air to feel the breath on his bones, so that he might be able to sense the way he had traveled.

At the beginning, Luo Yu could sense the position of his uncle with some relics, and found Luoshui City from the Shenfeng Empire, which shows the power of tracking!

At the time, he was not a soldier, but now Nie Yun has reached the fourth realm of mystery, and his strength is at least a hundred times worse.

"Tracking air? Are you still a tracker?" Ye Jianxing was startled when he saw the mist.

The therapist, the disguise teacher, and the darling Dantian, and now there is a trace of tracking ... How many special talents does this guy have? [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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