Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 539: Ghost Sword Guide

"Oh!" Ignoring Ye Jianxing's shock, Nie Yun's fingers were highly concentrated. "Tracking Qi induction, looking for the way Chen Wenxu's predecessor has gone!"

The air of tracing slowly rose from his fingertips, like a well-behaved child, with eight tentacles on all sides, gently touching around.

Eight tentacles looked carefully in each direction, looked for a while, and stopped.

"How?" Ye Jianxing asked quickly.

"Strange, why can't you feel anything?" Nie Yun frowned.

It stands to reason that his current strength is too much than that of Luo Yu at the beginning. There should be no problem with the way Chen Wenxu has traveled before. Why can't I feel anything?

"Did Chen Wenxu have any special talent?" Suddenly remembered something, Nie Yun asked.

"Special talent? Haven't heard of it ..." Ye Jianxing shook his head.

"Maybe Wen Xu's predecessor will have a sword technique that can cut off his breath and make people unable to pursue ..." After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, and Nie Yun had to secretly figure it out.

The tracker talent does not rank high among special talents, and may not even enter a thousand. This has led to many powerful people who can completely cut off their connections and make them impossible to trace, as if they were in Qihai. Mainland parents and others were arrested. Although they were trackers, they could not detect anything at all.

No trace of the trace of gas, there is no way for the two of them!

"It seems that we have to ... huh?" Rubbing his brows, Nie Yun was about to return the same way. Suddenly his face was frozen, his palms were flipped, and the ghost sword appeared on the palms.

At this time, the ghost sword has lost the ghost spirit of the previous one, and it is replaced by crystal and brilliance, cold and radiant, just like the extreme sword in the right way.

The sword itself has no distinction between demon, human, and demon, but only its spirituality.

Thanks to Zhang Huizi's soul as pure as a blank piece of paper, the soul of the sword formed by her soul, so that the ghost sword completely out of the ghost flavor, but rather like a righteous sword.


The Nether Sword trembled gently.

Just now Nie Yun sensed the abnormality of the sword and took it out.


Xu shuddered, the ghost sword straight out of the shackles of Nie Yun's palm, the sword tip crossed, pointing in one direction.

"Hmm ..." Seeing the movement of the Nether Sword, both were stunned.

"It's Ghost Sword showing us the way. It may not point in the direction your uncle once walked, but it must be a safe road. Go!"

I became the master of the ghost sword. Nie Yun could sense the attachment and care of the sword spirit to him, and he would never harm himself. He smiled at the moment, grabbed the sword body, and quickly flew away in the direction pointed by the sword tip.

"I hope so!" Ye Jianxing smiled bitterly, and followed him quickly.

The two flew for a long time, and they really saw a narrow channel appearing in front of them, and the aura of light flickered outside the channel. At first glance, they knew that it was a huge array.

"It's the seal of Da Luo Tian Sword God! This exit should still be the Valley of Heaven, go, look out!"

He grabbed the palm of his hand and put the ghost sword into his body. Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing looked at each other, changed back to their original appearance, and slowly flew towards the seal.

I can't have the seal of Da Luo Tian Sword God. It seems that this place should still be the Valley of the Heavens, but which one of the eight regions is not known, but no matter which one, as long as it is not the burial ground for the two, it is safer!

The sky valley is divided into eight areas, namely, soul, beast, demon, treasure, medicine, palace, soldier, and funeral!

The most dangerous burial place has already been. If it wasn't for rushing into Yaoluo Nether Realm, the light stayed in it, and the continuous blown ghost gate Youfeng would have blown them out.

I can imagine the end of the faint in such a dangerous place.

When the body was stretched, the two got out of the seal.

"What is this place? Maybe it's not Tianyou Valley ..."

I looked forward, not only did Nie Yun die, but even Ye Jianxing was a little confused.

地方 This place is completely different from the previous burial place. There is no haze, but it * is bright and beautiful, with green mountains and rivers everywhere, a vibrant appearance.

Yuntian Yougu is the place where disciples of the Sword God Sect tried, and there were killings everywhere. How could there be such a place?

Did the two go the wrong way, out of the valley of heaven?

Thinking of this, the two faces showed ugly colors at the same time.

The purpose of entering Tianyou Valley is for trials. Once you have been disqualified from running outside the valley, and then you want to get the trial champion and enter the temple of sword practice, it is equivalent to dreaming.

轰轰 轰轰!

Suddenly, when the two were in doubt, suddenly heard a series of explosions in the distance, and the huge spiritual power gathered madly towards the explosion.

"Someone is fighting, check it out!"

The two men nodded and flew in the direction of the explosion.


Qi Jianqi was vertical and horizontal, dozens of people were fighting in a mountain stream.

"This is what we discovered first, dare to grab us and kill!"

More than a dozen people were clearly divided into two groups, one of them looked at the other, with magic power like rain and sword strength.

"What you see is yours? It's ridiculous. Whoever is born here is strong enough to belong to anyone, don't listen to his nonsense, do it together and kill them. Not only can you get the jade card, you can also get this golden black flower!"

The other group is also screaming.

"Is a disciple of trials, it seems that we have not left Tianyou Valley ..." Seeing both sides of the battle mentioning the Jade brand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ye Jianxing was relieved.

Continue to test without leaving the valley, so don't worry about it.

Sword God Trial pays attention to **** and cultivation. Many people choose to team up with others in order to prevent more jade cards to be killed during sneak attacks during cultivation.

This is obviously the two teams fighting.

Of course, team formation is also very dangerous, especially in the last few days, everyone has more jade cards, it is difficult to guarantee that someone will move other thoughts, after all, as long as the test is only the top ten!

"Jinwuhua?" Nie Yun lost interest when he saw that everyone was not fighting for the golden plant grass he wanted.

Although the name of Jinwuhua is similar to Jinzhucao, it is also a rare medicinal material, but it is useless to itself and can only be used to refining a precious elixir of mana recovery. The chicken ribs are almost the same, let alone the medicinal materials, it is not important to **** or snatch.

However, the jade card must be snatched. For Nie Yun, the insights of the two generations, plus the essence of martial arts of Chen Wenxu, as long as it is not the highest sword skill, any sword skill cultivation should not be too difficult! Therefore, there is no need to worry about the problem of looting too much training.

"There are precious medicinal materials. This seems to be the medicine field in the eight major regions. Brother Nie Yun, these people are not too strong. After they have completed their killing, we secretly go and hunt them down and **** the jade cards. come!"

Ye Yexing is also a militant. After looking at it for a while, he smiled and passed on to Nie Yun.

"Huh!" Nie Yun nodded.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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