Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 555: Trial is over

All 148 sets of swordsmanship have been practiced?

I looked up and saw the young man's innocent expression. Ye Jianxing finally wanted to understand. Tears flowed directly. He couldn't compare with this guy. Seeing him like this, if he got more jade cards, he would definitely succeed in training, it is a freak ...

I said that I am a genius and a pair of pride, and to leave him alone is nothing good?

轰轰 轰轰!

When Ye Jianxing was helpless, the whole earth suddenly sounded a fierce roar, and then a loud voice sounded.

"The end of the trial of the sword god, take out all the jade cards you have obtained and put them in front of you, and the jade cards will form a teleportation array and teleport you out!"

The sound of snoring sounds through the entire valley of the sky, and can be heard by people everywhere in the eight major regions.

"Let's go!" Hearing the voice Nie Yun knew that ten days had come and the trial was over.

Xun and Ye Jianxing entered the Yaoluo Nether Realm one day back and forth for more than a day. It took eight days to practice the swordsmanship in the Jade brand. Now it is almost one day to protect Ye Jianxing, which adds up to exactly ten days.

The sword sword **** trials lasted for ten days. As soon as this time came, the trials were over, and they would be teleported out, ranking according to the jade card and sword method.

虽然 Although the trial of the sword **** is not long, Nie Yun's level is still in the middle of the field and has not increased, but the real combat power has been improved several times!

Youming sword, martial arts skill, supreme swordsmanship ... these three, each of which doubled their combat effectiveness, the three combined, the strength is even more amazing.

Although I lost twelve overpasses here, the benefits far outweighed the value of them. Generally speaking, it still took a big advantage. Not to mention the other five swords stolen from the rock The jade brand plus the cheats for breaking the dust lore swordsmanship is much more valuable than the twelve puppets!

"Let's go!"

Both the two stood up at the same time and put their respective jade cards in front of them.


The seal on the Saitama card was activated instantly, and the white light enveloped the whole body. "Hoo!" The two disappeared from their place.


"Who can practice 148 sets of swordsmanship?"

Xi Zong'an stood in the large room of the hall and walked around, showing his inner impatience.

"Well, don't even think about it. To practice so many swordsmanships, you must first get so many jade cards. Of these people, only a few have this ability. Since it is not Zong Yan, it is Chu Yang or Ying. Long, these two are from the Chu family and one from the Ying family. The means are countless. It is difficult to guarantee that there is no hole card! "

Elder Ni Xu waved his hand.

Ying Yinglong is a Ying family member. He is not as weak as Chu Yang in the younger generation, and is also a recognized genius. However, Nie Yun tried it all the way and did not encounter it.

"Elder Ni Xu is right. I think Chu Yang has a better chance. Ying Long likes to be alone. After Chu Yang brought a group of people into the trial, many people will take the initiative to form an alliance. Robbing so many jade cards in a short period of time, even if Ying Long has strong personal strength, I am afraid it will not work! "

An elder road.

"Well! But neither Yinglong nor Chuyang are our sword gods. It's a bit difficult now!"

Indifferent elder Luo shook his head in rainy days.

"Yeah, it's not enough to grab the jade card. You must practice swordsmanship to meet the rules. This requirement is actually set up for our disciples of the sword gods. Now others have won the championship. Do we really take it to the sword? Hall, practice Supreme Sword Art? "

"Supreme Great Sword Art? A guy who is not Sword God Sect, what qualifications?" Luo Yutian lengheng.

"But this is the reward for our sword **** trial ..." Elder Ni Xu seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's very simple. This trial is only for the top ten. To enter the sword **** trial requires various assessments. At that time, we must find a way to prevent him from winning the championship!" Luo Yutian said.

"Well, it seems that this can only be the case. There are only two purposes for outsiders to participate in the trial. The first is to show the generosity of our sword gods. The second is to better sharpen the disciples in a competitive way. Generally speaking, Come, this champion cannot be given to outsiders! "Said another elder.

"Look at it, if Chu Yang and Ying Long are the children of a big family, they must understand the rules. When you dial a little, you should understand!"

Luo Luo snorted on a rainy day, and separated the hall with several elders at the same time, and saw the flash of the funnel mouth flash, and a personal image was transmitted.

人 Some of these figures fell to the ground with excitement and frustration. Some people succeeded and others failed.

"I did not grab other people ’s jade cards and those who did not practice swordsmanship, please quit automatically! Those who got jade cards and practiced swordsmanship, please hand in the jade cards here and calculate the ranking!"

Luo Luo suspended in the air on a rainy day, ignored the excited and frustrated crowd, and said coldly.


Hearing his words, the disciples of the trial walked away most of the time.

There were more than a thousand in the trial of Tianyou Valley. After ten days of killing, there were less than three hundred. Now those who have not cultivated into swordsmanship and those who have not snatched the jade brand add up to two hundred. .

In other words, there are less than a hundred people left alone.

More than a thousand people tried ~ www.readwn.com ~ less than one hundred, ten were brushed down and more than nine were indeed hard.

It's not a killing grab outside the funnel!

"Really cruel ..."

Nie Yun sighed when he saw the people who did not get the jade card leave sadly.

Although I am emotional, I will not sympathize. This world is like this. Weak and strong, but not strong, are destined to be eliminated!

"Jiang Yong, two!"

"Xu Yan, one!"

"Du Jiang, three ..."

Uh ...

The Luo Luo rainy days slowly counted the number of jade cards each trial disciple obtained. Most of these people were one or two, and more than three were very few.

"No wonder you can become champion by getting twenty or thirty swords and practicing swordsmanship. Now it seems that it is ..."

After watching the circle behind the crowd, Nie Yun finally understood it, and then she knew how abnormal her behavior was.

"Ye Jianxing is here, um, you can get nineteen jade cards, and you have successfully trained all the sword skills above, it is already very good!"

Several elders in the air saw Ye Jianxing walking slowly behind the crowd, all smiling slightly.

This kind of talented disciple will later become the boss of heaven, and now he can win.

"Hum, I think if he is not teaming with that boy named Tong Yun, but teaming with Zong Yan and others, I'm afraid it's more than 19 jade cards now!"

The elders who had always supported Ye Jianxing snorted.

[To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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