Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 556: Shocked

"This is true. A teammate with poor strength can indeed reduce his performance. Nineteen jade cards. It seems that Ye Jianxing is dragged down by this teammate!"

Another elder sighed.

"Well, the kid you said actually got a jade card, and it's also practiced, you won't know if one or two ..."

"Two? Dreamers, you can get one. I am afraid that it was also trained under the guidance of Ye Jianxing. I also want to practice two sets of sword skills on the jade card. It is not enough to rely on the strength of his field!"

Hearing the conversation of several elders, Zong Anhe laughed.

"Ye Jianxing, 41!"

Just as several elders talked, suddenly Luo Yutian shouted.

"What? 41? My mother, is this still not human?"

"You can win the championship with more than ten pieces in the last game. He actually ... got 41 pieces? It is indeed the peerless pride of the eight major gates. Great!"

"Too strong! 41 pieces, I worked hard to make two sets of swordsmanship, and I felt that my talent was good, this guy ..."

I heard the number of jade cards received by Ye Jianxing, and everyone was crazy.

"Isn't Ye Jianxing nineteen? How did it become 41?" Hearing Luo Yutian's voice, the elders who had always supported Ye Jianxing were stunned, and then exulted.

41 have exceeded the number of previous sword **** trial jade champions.

"Surely after the soul seal jade sword was blown up, he snatched another 22 jade seals and practiced the sword technique above!"

"Twenty-two swordsmanships have been practiced again in less than a day, this guy is too genius!"

The elders thought for a moment, and they all understood that, one by one, their faces were flushed with excitement, but Zong'an was so angry that his face turned green, as if his stomach would explode at any time.

I originally thought that my nephew could not win the championship, at least he could get a runner-up. Now it seems that the runner-up cannot be won.

"Hehe, Elder Zong An is not in a hurry. The soul seal jade sword is broken. We don't know what the final result will be. Ye Jianxing can reverse the practice of 22 swordsmanship in one day. Zong Yan may have a chance!"

An elder saw Zong An's depression and complimented with a smile, "Maybe the 148 records were made by Zong Yan, but the jade seal is broken, we haven't had time to observe it!"

"Yes indeed!"

Hearing the elder's compliment, Zong An's eyes brightened.

虽然 Although this hope is a bit slim, it is not without reason. Ye Jianxing can practice 22 sets of swordsmanship in one day, and Zong Yan may not!

Xun Xin was thinking again about the one who received the 148 jade cards. It was really his nephew Zong Yan. How sensational he should be, and the elder Luo Yutian's slightly trembling voice sounded slowly.

Luo Luoyu has always been indifferent, like ice, and he will not feel shocked when the sky falls, but now his voice is shaking, which shows how shocking this incident is to him.

"148 jade cards, copper clouds!"


"Tongyun? The kid in that field?"

"It was him who got 148 jade cards? How could it be ..."

I heard this voice, everyone stopped walking at the same time, even breathing seemed to have forgotten, turned to look at the elders of Luo Yutian, the whole hall quietly fell needles can be heard.

I just laughed at Ye Jianxing's selection of the elders of the wrong teammates, and his mouth seemed to be stuffed with duck eggs, and he could not close his mouth anymore.

Relative to the elder's shock, all the other disciples participating in the trial were crazy.

They worked hard, worked hard, and exhausted all their energy to practice one or two sets of swordsmanship. They thought they were very good, and they actually practiced 148 sets!

I wo n’t read it wrong!

He thought so, but when he saw the pile of jade cards piled up in front of the boy's eyes, they all dumbed down.

As for whether Guangyu grabbed the jade card and practiced its sword skill, they would consider it at all, it is impossible to activate the seal above and transfer it to him without practicing sword skill.

"You really practiced all the sword skills on the jade? Within ten days?"

Tong Ming knew the result, and Luo Yutian still felt shocked and couldn't help asking.

"Brother Yuntong actually practiced it in less than eight days. In the rest of the day, he also grabbed 22 jade cards and helped me practice their sword skills. If it wasn't for him, one day In time, I can practice two sets of swordsmanship very well ... "

Before Ye Nieyun spoke, Ye Jianxing laughed.

"What? The 22 swords you finally practiced are his help ..."

"What are you talking about?"

I heard Ye Jianxing's words, and all the elders passed out.

I thought that this boy dragged Ye Jianxing's hind legs, and for a long time, Ye Jianxing dragged people's hind legs!

到底 Where did this kid come from? Is there such a comprehension in the realm of the realm? Is it a Kendo teacher?

Suddenly his heart moved, everyone thought of this talent, but then shook his head.

The ancestral ancestors of the Sword Emperor Shenzong were kendo masters, so they knew this talent very well. They had kendo-like spirit on their bodies, and when they were born, they shone like a sword.

少年 Although this boy also has swords like Rutao, he looks too far away from Kendo!

"Next ... um? How did Chu Yang and Zong Yan get this look?"

Xu wakes up from Nie Yun's shock, Luo Yutian continues to check the number of jade cards of the remaining people, and when she sees Chu Yang and Zong Yan, she suddenly stuns.

At this time, the two were no different from Jiaohuazi. Zong Yan no longer had the temperament of a previous kendo master, and Chu Yang also lost the grace of a handsome boy. At this moment, the two were tearing in a ball. You are holding my hair. Your ears, the market is rogue.

"What are you two doing? This is the trial of the sword god, not a rogue fight!"

Seeing that his nephew was so ugly, Zong An almost died of fainting. He was so angry that he flew down from the sky and slap on Zong Yan's face.


Xi Zongyan fell to the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking at Chu Yang, he still showed a strong intention to kill ...

"What the **** is going on with you two? No matter what your grievances are, hand in the jade first!"

Luo Luo said in the rain.

"Yes!" Although the two were so close to the sea, when they saw the elders in front of them, they were too afraid to stand up, and they did not dare to pretend. Four, Chu Yang five.

这 "This ... Zongyan, what's the matter with you? Didn't you get twenty-two jade cards and practice them? Why are there only four?"

Seeing that his nephew only brought out four jade cards, Zong An almost planted them out of the air and burst into anger.

"It's not him ... Chu Yang, this bitch, I have to kill you ..."

Not to mention this matter, mention that Zong Yan lost his mind again and shouted!

"You still have a face to tell me, snatched more than a hundred of my jade cards, and I'll settle accounts with you ..."

When I heard Zong Yan's words, the son of Chu Yang was also furious.

(To be continued)

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