Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 559: Conspiracy (on)

"There are three steps in the trial of the sword **** of the sky valley. The first test is to obtain the jade brand and cultivate the jade brand. Ten of us are the best among them. They can stand out from so many people, indicating that you have not only had The strength of people, as well as the strong understanding of swordsmanship! The second test is to find spirits at the sword spirit peak! Use this treasure to reduce the contribution! The third is the sword heart perception! "

Seeing that everyone was firm, Luo Yutian scratched his beard and looked around for a week and then said: "Now what we are going to do is the second assessment, looking for spirits! The rule is very simple, it is to find things in this sword spirit peak, whether it is medicinal herbs The spirit soldier or whatever, as long as there is value, the assessment will be based on the value of the treasure will be converted into contribution, the higher the contribution, the higher the ranking! "

"Some requirements below! First, the assessment only takes one day!"

"Second, the killing is banned, and the baby who is found at the same time, whoever grabs it first, even if anyone!"

第三 "Third, you are not allowed to hand in the treasures you carry with you, and you can count them up. Once found, there is no amnesty to kill!"

第四 "Fourth, during the assessment period, you are not allowed to leave Jian Lingfeng and leave abstaining!"

第五 "Fifth, all the treasures obtained at Jianling Peak must be turned in. Once found in private, there is no amnesty to kill!"

"Well, just these five, now the assessment begins, everyone go!" Luo Yutian savvyly explained the five-point rule again, with a big wave of his hand, the seal in front of him was torn open, revealing how tall a person was aisle.

The channel is a huge mountain, with strong and powerful auras on it, and the aura is compelling. Before entering, you know that there must be a lot of treasures in it.


Hearing the rules, Nie Yun and Ye Jianxing looked at each other, and flew inward as they stood.

"I'm not late!"

刚 As soon as they entered Jianling Peak, they heard a laugh behind them, and then saw Zong Yan nodded to Elder Luo Yutian and rushed in.

Ignoring Zong Yan, Nie Yun looked at Jian Lingfeng in front of him.

山 This mountain is part of the Sword God Sect territory. It is shrouded by an extremely powerful seal, gathering countless auras, and it is easy to produce treasures, but the rich aura is also suitable for monsters to survive. I am afraid that there are treasures and many extremely powerful monsters!

"Sword Spirit Peak is where our core disciples earn their contribution, and there is a chance to come here every year!"

Seeing Nie Yunjing standing still, Ye Jianxing thought he was a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

"Contribution?" Nie Yun had heard the word for the second time and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, the disciples of Sword God Sect want to get more resources and more cheats. They are all exchanged for contribution. This contribution can be exchanged for completing tasks, or you can turn in some unwanted treasures for exchange. Sword Spirit Peak is Disciple of Sword God Sect seeks a good place for the baby in exchange for contribution. I have been here three times, but they are all walking around and I dare not go inside. It is said that there are monsters in the virtual reality! "

Ye Jianxing said.

"Receive the monster of the virtual realm?" Nie Yun pursed his lips.

The admirer of the virtual realm can be regarded as the pinnacle of the entire floating continent. It is really scary to have such a powerful monster here!

Now I have almost consumed my hole cards. I really meet the monsters of the virtual reality. I can run as fast as I can, otherwise, I will be slap-afraid of death!

Unless ... the soul reaches the peak of the spirit, and can control Yahiro Gang's body!

"I don't know if there is any golden plant in this place ..." Suddenly, an idea came into Nie Yun's mind.

Hiromi's body has been completely refined, but the other party is the super strong who is at the top of the virtual realm. Although he is refined, he cannot control it! Only his own soul reaches the peak of the spirit!

Now there is a peerless poisonous fetus. The medicine for refining peerless Dan is only one gold plant. If it can be found here, it can be used as an elixir, and the soul will be broken.

Spirit-level peak soul, this is only for those who accept the virtual realm. Once it is reached, even if the overpass real top peak comes over, it will slap to death without leaving any trace! Even when you meet the strongest in the early days of Nai Realm, you can deal with it one or two times, instead of now, there is no fighting back!

"Golden plant is a kind of light property plant. It is golden in color and grows in a place full of sunshine and aura. It looks eligible here! It seems to look for it!"

I looked around and found that this place is suitable for the growth of golden plant grass. Maybe I can really find this rare elixir. Nie Yun couldn't help but smile.

Find Jin Zhu Cao, train to Peerless Dan, upgrade to the soul of the pinnacle peak, and then you can feel the spirit of Kendo and become a Kendo teacher, even if you really have the support of the floating continent!

"Brother Nie Yun, I know there are more spiritual things in a place, come with me!"

Seeing a smile on Nie Yun's face, Ye Jianxing also laughed and whispered.

"Good!" Nie Yun knew that the mountain was too big. Even if he had the natural eye talent to search, it would take a lot of time. One day was not enough. It might as well follow Ye Jianxing to find something good.

The two left first, and the remaining eight were in groups of two and three, each looking for treasure.

"Huh!" Chu Yang glanced at Zong Yan ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seemed that the hatred in his heart had not subsided yet, and he turned to fly towards Jian Lingfeng, and before going far, he heard a voice in his mind. Ringing.

"Chu Yang, can we talk?"

I turned around and looked at Zong Yan.

"If you want to die, I can fulfill you, chat, save!" Chu Yang snorted, hate flowing in his eyes, his fists squeezed.

He now hates Chu Yang more than the turbulent river. If this is not the Sword God Sect, I'm afraid I've already shot!

"Oh, I know you would say that, but don't you think it's weird to have conflicts between us? We're old acquaintances. Even if I want to **** your jade card, I should find a reason!"

Yan Zongyan passed the sound.

"Huh, who knows which nerve you made!" Chu Yang hummed.

When I heard this, Zong Yan was almost not drowned by drool. It was because of your nerves that when you saw me, you were bombarded ...

However, I also know that now is not the time for conflicts, to hold back the anger in my heart, "Even if I am guilty of nerves, if I want to rob you of things, I will not use my own appearance to appear, this will only let the Chu family and the sword **** sect It's not good for me to make contradictions, right? "

"This ..." Chu Yang was stunned by anger before, and never thought about it. It really made sense to hear Zong Yan say this.

Although the Chu family is nothing compared to the sword **** ancestor, it is also a well-known family, and the sword **** ancestor will not be particularly despised. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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