Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 560: Conspiracy (below)

"Also, did you notice that you lost 147 jade cards? The one called Yuntong had just practiced 148 swords. I lost 22 jade cards. After Ye Jianxing, Twenty-two more ... "

Xi Zongyan continued.

"Huh?" After hearing Zong Yan's words, Chu Yang seemed to realize that something was wrong.

"I asked you, did you meet Ye Jianxing before your jade was robbed?" Zong Yan saw him faint, knowing that his words had effect, and then asked.

"Meet Ye Jianxing? Yes, I met Ye Jianxing and the poison division, and then he hurt my people. When he healed in the cave, you rushed to fight me, and then I lost my jade card!" Chu Yang said slowly.

"Me too, I met Ye Jianxing, and you appeared when fighting with him. Not only did I lose all the jade cards, the flying soldiers were stolen!" Speaking here, Zong Yan's teeth clenched.

In the flying spirit soldier, he has accumulated a treasure that he hasn't known for many years. He was ransacked and cleaned, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

"You mean ... It is Ye Jianxing who pretends to be you and me, stealing the jade brand from us, and let us kill each other?" Chu Yang is not stupid, but I don't understand here, it really is a problem.

"Well, if you guessed it well, that should be it! But it's not Ye Jianxing, it should be the poisoner named Tong Yun beside him! This guy did not know how to steal our things, and then gave us two. Good fisherman! "Zong Yan said.

Xi Zongyan's words originally meant to frame Nie Yun, and he didn't even believe it at the end.

Of course, the facts also gave him the guess that nine or nine were close to ten, and the difference was not much different.

"Abominable, abominable! That's it ..." After thinking about it for a while, Chu Yang finally understood, and his teeth bittered "Giggle!"

I was killed because of my subordinates before, things were stolen, anger burned, and I didn't think about it carefully. Now I think about it, there are really big problems, maybe Zong Yan is right!

"You asked me not only to clarify it, it's that simple, just say anything!" Suppressing the anger in my heart, Chu Yang looked to Zong Yan.

As the core disciple of Sword God Sect, the other party may become a candidate for teaching. There should be no need to explain to yourself. The reason for this is definitely to have a purpose and idea.

"Oh, talking to smart people is simple! We are so miserable by Ye Jianxing and this kid, if it is just too easy to let them go?" Zong Yan saw the other party hooked and laughed.

"What to do if you don't let it go? This is Sword God Sect, and these two are the first and second place in the trial! Do you dare to kill them?" Chu Yang lengheng.

"Kill him? Don't take our own shots, I have a good way here ..." Zong Yan smiled and said his plan.

"Okay, okay, it's ruthless, even if you don't die today, you will be killed by the sword **** sect! Just do it!" Chu Yang also opened his eyes when he heard his plan.

既然 "Now that you agree, let's start, hey!" Zong Yan stretched out his palm and Chu Yang patted each other, turned around and flew away.


"Be careful when hunting for treasures here, you will encounter terrible monsters if you don't know how to die. I don't know how to die when I die. I have taken you this way many times. There are not many monsters with strong strength! Ye Jianxing laughed as he flew forward.

"Hmm!" Nie Yun didn't hesitate to say what he was doing, while scanning, he would scan the road with natural eye talent.

I am not distrusting Ye Jianxing, but the monster is a living creature and cannot be fixed forever. Maybe this road was safe some time ago, and now it has become a dangerous place!

If you want to be safe, it is best to scan it with natural eye talent.

However, experience is indeed very useful. The two have walked for nearly half an hour and have penetrated into the depths of Jianling Peak. He is a monster and has not encountered it.

"There is a [Blizzard]! Although it is not very valuable, it is considered a baby!" Ye Jianxing walking in front of it suddenly smiled, grasping a medicinal plant in the palm of his hand.

Blizzard, the main medicinal material for refining [Cyclodactyl], Cyclodactyl, can make people calm and calm, and the soul is calm and undisturbed by evil fires. Below the realm of the field, there is almost no use for them.

A mosquito is a flesh no matter how small it is.

"What are the treasures in Sword Spirit Valley, are they all medicinal materials?" Nie Yun asked, not even caring about a Blizzard.

"That's not it. Occasionally some congenital soldiers emerge from heaven and earth. However, these things were guarded by some big monsters before they were born. It is difficult to get them! If you want to get them, you can only face them. Confrontation! "

Explain Ye Jianxing.

"Congenital spirit soldier?" Nie Yun froze.

Wu You Sword belongs to the congenital spirit soldier. It was born from heaven and earth, not artificially made. This kind of thing was born in a place with abundant aura and strong laws of heaven and earth. It can be seen here, which shows the magic of sword spirit peak.

"In fact, even if the innate spirit soldiers that can appear are not high-level, they can't be compared with the ghost sword! At most, they are one level higher than the best spirit soldiers!" It seemed to see Nie Yun's surprise, and Ye Jianxing laughed ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ If you only talk about the quality of the ghost sword, it is better than the best spirit soldier (necessary spirit soldier). The entire floating heavens may not be able to breed such a powerful innate spirit soldier, let alone this sword spirit peak.

"Oh!" Nie Yun relieved.

The level of congenital spirit soldiers of Xun and Shangpin spirit soldiers should not be as powerful, and this thing does not necessarily appear for decades or hundreds of years, which is a small probability event.

"If I say, the most precious thing here is not medicinal materials, nor innate spirit soldiers, but monsters that accept the virtual realm! The monsters are treasures. They can cultivate to this realm, which is equivalent to a mobile treasure house. , To be able to hunt one head, hehe, it is difficult to get the first! "

I thought of something, Ye Jianxing let out the light.

"Receive a monster in the virtual realm?" Nie Yun shook his head silently, this guy really dare to think.

The monsters are stronger than humans in terms of defense or whatever. The monsters that accept the virtual reality are even more fierce. Normally, the powerful ones are not opponents. The two of them want to hunt and kill ... use four words to describe that. -Purely looking for death!

But he also makes sense. The monster is indeed a treasure. The flesh and blood is a big supplement. The bones can be refined into elixir. The scales can be refined into the spirit soldier. The crystal nucleus can help people to advance and maintain a large array of operations. Increase the power of spirit soldiers ...

If you can kill one, you will definitely win the championship this time!

It ’s just that the virtual reality monster can be transformed long ago, and the wisdom is not lower than that of people. If you want to kill, you will no doubt be crazy! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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