Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 569: Scramble

"Is it the disciples who came for the trial? It looks like they are divided into two teams ..."

Wu Tianyan looked at the group through the ground, and saw that the seven people above were fighting a monster.

The twenty-seven people were clearly divided into two groups, and glanced at Nie Yun, who laughed suddenly, it was his old acquaintance, Chu Yanggongzi and Zong Yan!

The top ten of the trial, the fifth place Luo Meteor, the sixth place Zhang Yan, and the seventh place Yuan Chao, somehow mixed with Zong Yan again and moved forward together. The eighth, ninth and tenth places Chu Yang also became a team.

After thinking for a while, Nie Yun understood that Luo Luo and Zhang Yan are both disciples of the Sword God Sect. When they form a team, they must be together, and the eighth and ninth places belong to the same family as Chu Yang, and they may have been each other before. understanding.

Two camps, at this time are fighting a monster at the peak of the overpass, this monster has been seriously injured, his body is broken, his breath is greatly reduced, it seems that it will not take long for this guy to fall to the ground.

Chu Yang and Zong Yanjing still seem to be incompatible, the two groups are fighting fiercely, and they both want to kill the monsters in advance. As a result, you make trouble for me, I make trouble for you, the battle efficiency is greatly reduced, no one else succeeds, otherwise With their two flyovers late, coupled with the peaks of these flyovers, and countless means, even if the fighting force is very strong, they are afraid to be killed early.

"Huh? This kid also learned to sneak attack, but yes, during the trial, there was no family and friendship, and some just won!"

Squinting his eyes away from the seven people, he suddenly fell on a rock not far away, and glanced at it, Nie Yun couldn't help but laughed abruptly.

人 A figure is hiding behind the rock at this time, it is Ye Jianxing.

At this time, Ye Jianxing, like the tiger waiting for his prey, accumulated his whole body strength and failed to provoke it. As long as he found the right opportunity, the floods and dykes would erupt, and an amazing power would erupt.

In the impression of Nie Yun, Ye Jianxing is a simple disciple with all his mind on the sword. He hopes to do everything himself, and does not want to spoof others. Now that he looks like him, he also learns to fight with the mussels.

No wonder, during the trial, there is only victory and defeat, no affection, and even a simple minded person must plan for himself! After all, there is only one champion!

Yun Tian's eyes swept again, and Nie Yun found that it wasn't Ye Jianxing who was waiting for a good chance to attack, and the fourth place before it was called Ying Long!

应 This Yinglong is hiding under a branch like Ye Jianxing at this time, his eyes are indifferent like eagle owls. As long as everyone separates the results and kills the monster, he will probably rush out immediately and **** the corpse!

The corpse of the pinnacle monster at the pinnacle of the bridge, as long as you get the championship, it can be said to be a matter of course!

"The ten people who came to the trial are all together now ..."

Seeing the situation in front of her, Nie Yun smiled and shook her head with a bitter smile.

It seems that the movement of these seven people and the monsters of Tianqiaojing Peak was too big. Ten people in total have been tested. Now they are all here.


妖 This peak of the overpass realm knows that he can't escape the disaster, his huge eyes roar angrily, and a violent atmosphere is rippling.

"Well, this guy is going to blow himself up!"

Nie Yun for a while.

I guess this monster also knows the purpose of everyone, in order not to let them succeed, they chose to explode.

You can explode when your strength reaches a certain level. Self-explosion is to suddenly ignite the mana of Qihai, turning yourself into a powerful bomb.

The monster monster also has pride. After the explosion, the body will explode into powder. It seems that it is a tool that does not want its body to be invited by others.

"Stop it!"

Wu Chuyang and others also saw the problem and hurried out.

Once this guy blew himself up, he would be hurt and he wouldn't say anything, and he would get nothing.


But the monsters at the top of the overpass want to explode, how can they be blocked by them, the atmosphere of the monsters on the ground is getting stronger and stronger, like a balloon continues to the extreme, it will explode.


At this moment, the monster suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes full of unwillingness, and he died.

"Hmm? What's going on?"

Not only are others strange, but Nie Yun is a little confused.

I saw that I was about to blew myself up. As a result, this big guy seemed to have triggered something, and fell straight to the ground, no matter where he looked, it was a little strange.

"It's dead, whoever grabs it is who!"

"its mine!"

"Dare to grab me, I will kill you ..."

The strangeness of the crowd was only a moment, then everyone's eyes became feverish, the sword power and mana flooded, and they were scattered around. At this time, the previous alliance also became a loose sand, and everyone planned to **** the corpse.

Regardless of how it died, as long as the body was in hand, it was equal to the championship in hand. Who would let this opportunity go?

"This is the opportunity!"

Ye Jianxing, who was hiding on one side, seemed to have finally waited for the moment. The dark eyes flashed a light, and the whole person rushed out of the hiding place like lightning, and with him was Ying Long, who was hiding on the other side.

It seems that they all know that the success rate of the opponent will increase a lot when they take the initiative.

Huh! Huh!

Both of them shot the strongest attack, the most powerful swordsmanship combined with the Supreme Peak Sword, sprinting towards the crowd like a storm, while the other hand was not idle, and each caught the monster on the ground. Passed.

"Want to rob while on fire? Dream!"

Xi Zongyan and others did not expect that the two people were hiding on one side, and when they rushed in, they also shot each other.

For a moment, the two-way force exploded like a firework, and the half of the sky reflected was red.

"Huh, the monster corpse, whoever has the ability to get it, whoever grabs it first!"

Ying Yinglong made a long whistle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Swords like rain, quickly blocked the attack of Zong Yan and others, while reaching out to grab the body.

应 This Yinglong swordsmanship is also very strong. It is not weaker than Ye Jianxing. It is indeed an old disciple of Jianshen Sect. Its understanding of Kendo is horrible.

"Yes, whoever grabs the corpse is the one who counts. Come here!"

Ye Yexing also flipped his sword to block the attack of Chu Yang and others. He also grabbed it with his hands and grabbed the corpse of the monster on the ground. After the two men tore, the corpse moved a few steps across.

I was able to block the attacks of Zong Yan, Chu Yang, and others, not to say that the strength of Ye Jianxing and the two had increased, but that the former had been fighting with the monster for too long, and its strength had been greatly depleted.

"its mine!"

"its mine!"

"Want to fight with me, I will kill you ..."

Seeing that the two were capturing the monster's corpse at the same time, Zong Yan and others were all anxious, mana splashed, everyone stopped fighting, and grabbed the corpse on the ground at the same time!

However, their mana has not yet come to the monster's body. The body that is more than ten meters high has been shaken in place and gently slipped, but it suddenly disappeared!

(To be continued)

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