Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 570: End

"Lost? Where did you go?"

"Who took you?"

The monsters were killed just now. Almost every one of Zong Yan, Chu Yang, and others put a seal on it, so that in the case of long distances, they could not be collected by the darts. Otherwise, there is no need to compete and the spirit is swept away. The corpse is gone!

I want to take it away. Only by touching the body with the palm of my hand can we do it. However, all nine people are here. No one touches the body, how can it suddenly disappear?

"Nine people are here ... Ye Jianxing, you have a deep plan. You came alone to attract our attention, Tong Yun hid on one side and stole the corpse, I am right!"

Su Zongyan suddenly thought of something, looking at Ye Jianxing with a cold face.

"Yes, it must be that copper cloud, otherwise the body will never disappear out of thin air!" Chu Yang also sneered.

"Tongyun? How do you like to say, I have no time to accompany you, goodbye!"

Ye Jianxing was a stunner at first, seeing that everyone's eyes had all shifted, knowing that the explanation was useless, maybe it was really Nie Yun's, and immediately laughed, and fled.

The whole person turned into a sword-mangling, disappeared from the crowd in the blink of an eye, and penetrated into the depths of the forest. His strength was not the strongest among the crowd, but his escape was extremely fast, and it seemed that Zong Yan could not catch up.

"Abomination! Abomination! We managed to get the fruits of victory to be stolen by these two guys!"

Seeing Ye Jianxing turn around and fled, the others also understood that they were yelling loudly.

"Jiang Lingfeng's rules are like this. No matter what baby, whoever grabs it first. If we have a plan, don't blame others, let's go and find another way to get other baby!"

After a while, Zong Yan said fiercely, and turned away with a few disciples of Sword God Zong.

"Hum!" Chu Yang also snorted, and left the place with the two family children.

………………………………………………………… Ye Jianxing galloped all the way, and quickly found a hidden cave, and saw no one chase it, and then laughed bitterly.

"Don't come out yet?"

"You know I'm following you?" As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly emerged from the ground, which was Nie Yun.

"I don't know, but guess it too! You stole the monster's body!" Ye Jianxing asked when he saw the boy appeared.

"Oh!" Nie Yun nodded.

"I knew you would be fine, but why did it take so long? I thought you were discovered by the flame unicorn!" Ye Jianxing stepped forward and saw that the other party was not hurt, so feel relieved.

"How could it be!"

I was discovered by the flame unicorn, but I was okay, and the two monsters became corpses ... Of course, Nie Yun wouldn't say these words with a smile.

"The cooperation is completed, and it is time to share the spoils. This monster corpse is for you and medicinal herbs for me. With these two things, Jianling Ling trial, you do n’t have to look for other treasures!"

As soon as Nie Yun's wrist was turned, she placed the huge monster body on the ground.

This is a golden-backed ironback beast. The body is placed on the ground. "嘭!" The look gives a mountain-like feeling.

Put the corpse on the ground, flipped the palm, and threw out the medicinal material stolen from the flame unicorn again, naturally it does not include the burning bamboo shoots.

"Huh? Lingyun flowers, poisonous scent roots, white grass ... are precious medicinal herbs belonging to the genus Huo, and the value of these herbs adds up to almost 100 contributions!"

Looking at the medicinal herbs on the ground, Ye Jianxing calculated and smiled.

"100 Contributions?"

The contribution of Sword God Sect I only heard about today, naturally it will not be calculated. Looking at Ye Jianxing's expression, it should be considered a lot. I also smiled and asked: "The body of this golden retriever, probably How much contribution can I count? "

"The monster corpse's contribution level is based on the level of the monster's life, and there is a uniform standard. The golden-haired ironback's strength during the lifetime is the peak of the bridge, and it should be exchangeable for 200-300 contribution!"

Ye Jianxing thought for a moment and said.

"The body of a monster monster at the top of the flyover and the crystal nucleus is worth 200-300 contribution?" Nie Yun couldn't help but quiver.

Even if the strongest peak of the sky bridge realm is in the eight major gates, killing such a powerful monster can only be exchanged for less than three hundred contributions. The contribution of the sword **** sect seems really rare!

"Well, the contribution of Sword God Sect is indeed very difficult to obtain. Otherwise, I would not have killed the Venom King last time!" Ye Jianxing sighed and then looked at Nie Yun. "This monster body is your first What you got should be yours. These medicinal materials are our cooperation. I take half of it! Oh, it seems that this time, you are the champion again ... "

"The corpse of the monster is for you!" Nie Yun shook his head. "I just happened to meet, this corpse is better for you!"

"How does this work? Whoever gets the body counts, this is the rule. You can take it from so many people, even if you have the ability ..." Ye Jianxing quickly quit.

"Oh, don't use it, you should hold it ..." Nie Yun smiled.

Changing to another person has the chance to win the championship, he will definitely not let it go, and Ye Jianxing quits, so that Nie Yun has a little admiration for his character.

The two evaded each other for a while. In the end, under the insistence of Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~, they still gave the monster beast to Ye Jianxing, and Nie Yun handed in those medicines.

I didn't want him to win the championship. Killing the Golden Lightning Thunder beast would definitely cause a lot of movement. At this time, it is still low-key.

After the loot was distributed, the two stayed in the cave for a long time, and they heard the sound of Elder Luo Yutian from Jianling Peak, knowing that the assessment of Jianling Peak was over, and immediately left the cave and flew towards the entrance.

In the half-day period, because Ye Jianxing was there, Nie Yun did not think of a way to refine Peerless Dan, and even if he wanted to refine it, half a day would definitely not be enough. Instead, the medicinal materials obtained from Jinguangfeng Thunder Beast were quietly put into Zihua Dongfu.

Since the elder Luo Yutian said that he couldn't hide the treasures obtained at Jianling Peak, it would definitely be detected if he placed it in Dantian, but it was different in Zihuadong.

的 The prohibition outside Zihuadong Mansion can even block the void and chaos, and its hidden treasure, if it is so easy to detect, you don't have to look at the remaining stone rooms and sigh.

嗯 "Huh? Why are there so many elders?"

"A bit wrong!"

"Is the rule different this year than in the past?"

Before Ning came to the entrance of Jianling Peak, Nie Yun heard a murmur, and the ten people who came to take part in the assessment came from all directions.

(To be continued)

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