Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 573: Calculating contribution

"Well, take out what you each got at Jianling Peak, Zong Yan, you come first!"

Not knowing the changes in Nie Yun's heart, the Elder Luo Yutian heard the suzerain openly and quickly ordered.

"Yes!" Zong Yan knew that Luo Yutian's arrangement was to make himself express himself, and he took two steps forward quickly.

"Master, elders, this is something I got fortunately at Jianling Peak!" After speaking, Zong Yan took a step forward and turned his wrist, and a huge corpse lay on the ground, making a noise!

"This is the head [Red Phosphorus Golden Eagle], the peak of the overpass has been reached during his lifetime!"

After speaking of Zong Yan, he took a step back, showing his contentment on his face.

"The corpse of the peak monster in Tianqiaojing? And a flying monster!"

"He actually killed a monster in the overpass?"

"When did he kill? It's amazing ..."

Seeing Zong Yan take out the body of this monster, there was an uproar in the crowd, even Nie Yun felt a little incredible.

What kind of strength Zong Yan has, he has played against him, and he knows very well. Even if the hole cards are displayed, he may not be able to play the top peak of the overpass, let alone the monster of the overpass.

But this corpse is indeed the peak monster of Tianqiao Realm. There are no mistakes. If he did not get it at Jianling Peak, many elders present should be able to identify it. Since no one has expressed an opinion, it means that he killed at Jianling Peak of!

This is really weird!

Nie Yun wondered, Ye Jianxing's face changed too.

I originally thought that my golden retriever was a stable champion, now it seems that it is far less than the opponent's red phosphorus golden eagle!

You should know that the same monsters at the top of the overpass, the bodies of flying monsters are even more precious!

"It can kill the peak monster of Tianqiao Realm, and it really turns out that the hero is a teenager. The disciples of Sword God Sect are eye-opening!"

Seeing the body, Mihua praised it.

"According to the contribution requirement, the flying monster corpse of the peak flyover can be exchanged for 300 contribution!" Luo Yutian said.

"Well, good. Next!" After hearing the praise from Mihua, Lord Xuan Xuan smiled slightly.

The second one who came over was also a disciple of the sword **** sect, and the harvest was quite rich. He took out a rare ore and finally exchanged for 80 contributions.

Soon to Chuyang. Chu Yang brought out a top-notch spirit soldier. The age is old, I do not know where to get it, and finally exchanged for 90 contribution.

Others didn't get much, and two others only redeemed five points of contribution. Only the guy named Ying Long has exchanged 70 contributions, ranking fourth.

"Mine is just some herbs!"

Nie Yun was the second-to-last. The medicinal material stolen from the fire unicorn was taken out.

"A total of 100 contributions from these herbs!"

After checking it, the elder Luo Yutian reported the value, which was almost the same as Ye Jianxing's speculation.

"I am also a monster corpse at the peak of the overpass!" Finally Ye Jianxing came up and took the golden retriever.

"The Golden Retriever, the peak of the flyover during his lifetime, can contribute to the exchange rate of 220!" Luo Yutian checked it and began to announce the results: "Since this, the rankings have been determined, Zong Yan first, Ye Jianxing second, Ying Long Third, Tongyun fourth, Chuyang fifth ... "

"Elder Luo Yutian, please slow down. I think there is something wrong with this golden retriever!"

When Luo Yutian reported the news, Zong Yan, who was rated as the first, suddenly came up and said.

"What's the problem?" Luo Yutian apparently did not expect Zong Yan to speak suddenly, frowned, and frowned.

"This monster's corpse remains very intact. The muscles are also very stiff. I don't think it was killed by killing, but it was poisoned and fatal!" Zong Yan glanced at the golden-haired ironback in front of him.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at him when he said that.

Poisoned monsters are indeed different from killing and killing. The former has stiff muscles and black bones. If you don't look closely, you don't feel anything. At this time, he mentioned that everyone saw the problem.

Luo Yutian stretched out his hand, and the golden-backed ironback exposed a bone, as dark as ink, and couldn't help taking a breath.

"It really was poisoned by poison!"

It can blacken the whole body of the poisonous monster after death, which shows the terrible degree of this poison!

"This monster had the peak strength of the flyover during his lifetime. The ordinary poison was no longer effective, and very powerful poison, let alone killing the monster. If you touch it, you must immediately stand up! Want to use the poisonous Poisoning a monster can only tell one thing ... the person who killed the monster is a poisoner! "

Seeing everyone seeing that the monster was lethal to death, Zong Yan said solemnly.

Using poisonous poison to kill everyone is not something everyone can do. A little carelessness will poison themselves, just as Nie Yun used the demon saliva to poison Mi Xing and others, if not relying on Xiangshui Talent, controlling the flow of water, I am afraid I will also be hurt.

It can perfectly control venom and gas, but it has not been discovered by others. There is only one kind of talented person, that is the poison division!

"Poison division? Talent of the demon tribe?"

"Poison sacrifice poison by human life, this kind of person must kill!"

"With this talent, it must be the spy of the demon and must be killed!"

"You say Ye Jianxing has this infamous talent?"

After hearing Zong Yan's explanation, the crowd first looked at each other, and then looked at Ye Jianxing in unison, showing a sense of vigilance.

Poison division ranks 21st in this talent, and is notorious, making people instantly fearful.

"Zong Yan, don't let the blood blow out, I am Ye Jianxing. I have been practicing in Jiansong Sect for many years. Do you have any talent for poison? Everyone knows what you mean?" Seeing the questioning eyes of everyone, Ye Jianxing was angry.

"Hehe, Brother Ye Jianxing doesn't have the talent of a poisoner. I certainly know that, but your friend Tong Yun doesn't have a talent of a poisoner!"

It seems that Ye Jianxing knows this question ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zong Yan smiled, eyes fell on Nie Yun.

"Huh?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Oh, do n’t pretend to be innocent. When we were besieging this Golden Retriever, all of us were present. At that time, the Golden Retriever was about to explode, but it suddenly fell to the ground and no one died I know what the reason is, I'm not mistaken about this! "Zong Yan continued.

"Yes, this is what I saw with my own eyes, and Chu Yang can prove it!" Chu Yang Langlang said.

"I can prove it too!"

"I can also prove ..."

Soon everyone agreed with Zong Yan's words.

At that time, Nie Yun also saw that the Golden Retriever did fall suddenly to the ground. When thinking of these, Nie Yun's eyebrows frowned, and he felt as if he had fallen into a conspiracy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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