Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 574: I have evidence

"At the time of the siege of the Golden Retriever, all of us were present. Only you were absent, and this thing was also taken away by you after death. If others used poison, everyone could see it, but you always Nothing has happened, huh, huh ... I don't need to say more, everyone should understand it! "

Zong Yan stared at Nie Yun and said with a smile.

"You said that I was poisoned by this golden retriever?" Nie Yun finally understood his purpose.

As long as you prove that you are a poison division, everyone will be cast aside. How can such a person be qualified to become a disciple of the sword **** and accept the sword **** inheritance?

So vicious!

You don't have to defeat yourself, you don't have to fight yourself, as long as you have a small conspiracy, you become passive.

"Nice!" Zong Yan Lengheng said, "Except for you and us, everyone is in front of you. No one can get started. If you can steal the corpse while we are not on your back, that means you can take the opportunity to poison! Why, what else to say ? "

"He is indeed a poisoner. I saw it with my own eyes while in the Valley of Heaven!" Chu Yang also stepped forward at this time, Lang Lang said.

"That's really possible!"

"Not a poisoner, a boy in a realm, how could he get so many jade cards in Tianyou Valley?"

"Do you mean that he poisoned many disciples?"

"Do you still need to say that, the poison masters are ruthless one by one. They can do whatever they can to achieve their goals. Can such people be good?"

Hearing that Chu Yang said the same thing, everyone looked at Nie Yun and showed all his jealousy. Qi brushed back a few steps and left Nie Yun alone in a place.

"Tong Yun can never be a poisoner, I ..." Ye Jianxing wanted to justify Nie Yun. When he remembered that he had faced Chu Yang that day, he had poisoned the white-faced youth into a young pig liver. .

On the same day, he asked him if he was a poisoner. He didn't answer directly. Does Nie Yun really have such a strange talent?

Ye Jianxing has always followed the rules and made him tell lies. For a moment I wondered what to say.

"Poison division, the special talent of the demon, are you a demon spy?"

Luo Yutian also snorted to Nie Yun Leng, his mana fluctuated, and he would erupt at any time.

The poison division is a special talent of the demon. Humans cannot. If the boy in front of him is a poisoner, it means that he is probably a spy!

"The demon? Poison division? You can tell that I am a poison division, a demon, based on his words? Hehe, don't forget. Within ten days, I practiced one hundred and forty-eight elite swordsmanships of the sword gods. I'm a demon. When was the sword art of Sword God Sect so suitable for demon cultivation? "

Nie Yun Lengheng.

"This ..." Everyone froze.

The sword technique established by the Sword God Sect is naturally the most suitable for human cultivation. If the demon can practice 148 sets of sword techniques in ten days. Real humans can't do it, Sword God Sect is equivalent to hitting his own face.

"Whether you are a demon or not, you must have something to do with the demon. You must seize it and interrogate it!" Zong An on the side said.

"Yes, Elder Zong An is right, no matter if he is a demon or a poisoner, there must be problems, and he must be tortured!"

"Even if it's not a demon. Who did you tell from? Who did you learn swordsmanship? You shouldn't be a silent person when you are young enough to reach the realm of the field!"

"At this age and such strength, talent is part of it. Without financial resources, it is impossible! Even if it is not a demon. I am afraid it is also a spy sent by some great power!"

"This kind of person is unknown, and he wants to enter the palace of the sword to inherit and dream ..."

Several other elders also shouted out, and the whole hall was a mess.

"Okay. Mess, what kind of system?"

at this time. Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the hall. The voice was not loud, but with a strong majesty, the voice rang, and the other voices stopped all of a sudden. No one dared to say a word.

"Great authority ..."

Knowing that the person talking was the Emperor Qianshou Jian Yunxuan, Nie Yun jumped in his heart.

It is very strange for a woman to become a patriarch, and it is reasonable to say that many people will yin and yin, and they do not want to obey orders. Now it seems that Yun Xuan ’s method is terrifying. The entire sword **** sect may have been integrated into her No one dares to bullshit.

It's no wonder Qian Qian can lose in her hands. Even if she encounters this kind of woman, she can hardly deal with it.

"Humans have the ability to become poison masters too? That's fun!"

The crowd calmed down, and Yun Xuan stood up slowly.

A fuchsia robe revealed the graceful figure, slender waist, tall breasts, beautiful and indifferent, high above.

When others see it, they may be beautiful. Forget it, Nie Yun knows that this is definitely a poisonous snake. The more beautiful it is, the more toxic it is.

"If it can be proven that you are not a poison division, I can punish Zong Yan. I cannot prove that I have a drop of venom here. If you swallow it and die, it means that you are not a poison division. I will kill Zong Yan for your funeral and not die. , I will take you on my way! "

Yun Xuan said faintly, her white fingers gently slipped down the robe, as if saying something trivial.

"A drop of venom?"

Hearing her words, not only did Nie Yun feel chilled, but even Zong Yan, who had just been so proud, had a cold hair.

The purpose of designing this is to make this person called Tongyun lose the qualification to compete for the championship. Is he a poisoner or not? Where do I know?

If he can prove it, he will be punished. This ...

"Zongyan, Zongyan is my disciple of the sword god, innocent. If this copper cloud is not a poison division, punish him, isn't it too much?" Zong'an seemed to see the panic of his nephew and called out quickly.

"You are questioning my decision?" Yun Xuan turned her head and said lightly, although her voice was faint, but with a trace of authority that could not be refuted.

"Don't dare!" Zong An froze.

"Well, give you a minute to prove that you are not a poisoner!" Seeing Zong An is not nonsense, Yun Xuan continues to look to Nie Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ to prove ... Sorry, I cannot prove! "Nie Yun shook his head.

He has the talent of poison master himself. How to prove that he is not a poison master? There is no good way to think about it.

"It can't be proven that it is simple, swallow this drop of venom!"

Yun Xuan flicked her finger gently, and a drop of bright red liquid slowly appeared at her fingertips. Just looking at the beautiful appearance, she knew that it must be highly toxic.

"Hehe, Lord Yun Xuan, I have an unforgiving invitation, I wonder if I can tell you!"

Just then, Mihua Suzerain, the Suzerain, who had not spoken suddenly, laughed.

"Master Mihua, please!" Yun Xuan apparently did not expect that he would suddenly be a little confused.

"I have a way to prove that this copper cloud is not a poisoner. I wonder if it can be used as evidence?" Mihua Longsheng said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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