Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 575: prove

"Miyazong Miwa Sect is mainly proof of Tongyun?"

"This ... this is impossible!"

"Mi Shenzong is deservedly the second largest gate in Futian Continent. Its status is higher than our Sword God Sect. The lord is like a supreme emperor. How can he give a certificate of casual repair?"

"I don't understand, look at it ..."

Everyone heard that Mihua suddenly spoke, and everyone felt that they couldn't turn their heads.

Who is Mihua? The Supreme Master of the Mi God Sect, this kind of person is not only strong, but also high in status, and is similar to the emperor. When have you seen an emperor defend a beggar and speak for him?

Not only was everyone confused, Nie Yun was even more strange.

Doesn't this Mihua want to get rid of herself every day? Why do you suddenly have to prove for yourself? This is too weird!

He killed his subordinates, snatched his fiancee, and let him shave his face, how could he even help himself? No matter where it came from, this incident revealed a strangeness.

"Oh? The Lord Mihua shot it himself, of course it is reliable, Yun Xuan would like to hear the details!" Yun Xuan seemed to be a daze, but he was indeed a dignified suzerain, and then laughed, recovered the venom, and sat in the seat.

"Hehe, it's very simple. Human races and demons cannot coexist. The talents unique to demons cannot be used by humans. The talents unique to humans cannot be used by demons. This is a fixed number! At least so far, I have not seen a human being with a special human being. Talent, there are special talents of the demon! "

Mihua smiled and looked around for a week, and said, "The poison division is a talent unique to the demon tribe. We all know that there should be no problem. If this friend named Tong Yun has another talent unique to the human race?"

Ten thousand avenues of heaven and earth, human beings only accounted for three thousand, and the demon realized that there are a full seven thousand. Ten thousand avenues correspond to 10,000 special talents, which belong to the demon tribe. It is difficult for humans to obtain, but it is entirely a special human talent. There is no such thing as a demon, which is a theorem.

"Yeah!" Ye Jianxing also brightened his eyes when he heard Mihua's words, and quickly shouted, "I know Tongyun has the talent of a therapist!"

The talent of therapist Nie Yun had treated him for injuries, and Ye Jianxing had a deep memory.

"The therapist's talent? Oh, this talent cannot be proven!" Ye Jianxing shouted. Mihua laughed.

"Huh?" Not only Ye Jianxing froze. Nie Yun is also surprised. Why can't the therapist's talent be proved?

"There are 10,000 avenues in heaven and earth, 3,000 in humans, and 7,000 in demons. There are actually many overlaps between the two. Talents such as the therapist's talents and the stunner's talent belong to the superposition of humans and demons. There are also human races and demons. Do the count! "

Seeing that they did not understand something, Mihua explained it.

"That's it!" Nie Yun knew little about special talents at first. He heard explanations and understood them.

It's no wonder that the holy corpse of the demon had also possessed the dharma dantian. Now it seems that the special talent of the dharma dantian is applicable to the human race and the monster tribe. The talents of both races cannot be proved.

"I have the talent of the beacon!" Understand these. Nie Yun nodded and grabbed the palm of his hand, a hot flame burning.

The beacon talent should belong to human-specific talents!

"Beacon? The 25th beacon?"

"This temperature is terrible ..."

"Tong Yun has such a special talent. It's really a good seed. As long as it doesn't fall, there will be absolutely limitless achievements!"

All the elders in the hall were startled when they saw the flames bursting out from the palm of the teenager. There was a fiery expression in his eyes.

The 25th special talent is very famous. Even in the Eight Great Sects, it is very rare. If it is not the case, Yi Qing would not have been taken so seriously by Linglong Xianzong.

"This should prove it!"

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Nie Yun knew that it was a shock to the beacon talent, and immediately recovered the flame, and said.

"It seems that you still don't know the difference between the special talents of the demon tribe and the special talents of the human tribe.

Mihua shook her head.

"The five elements are talented and demon?" Nie Yun froze.

I do n’t know what special talents and demons have, but as far as I know, the blood pupil talent, soul summoner talent, and poison talent are 100% of the demons! And one hundred percent belongs to the human race. I really do n’t know which ones are there.

"What kind of talent is unique to the human race?" After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure out what kind of talent unique to the human race, could not help asking.

"The special talents that are unique to the human race and do not coincide with the demons are only 891. For example, such special talents as fairy sound master, animal trainer, array mage, assassination division, and defense division are all human-specific. ! "

Seeing the teenager did not even know these, Yun Xuan Xiu frowned slightly, said.

"Only 891?" Nie Yun froze.

In his opinion, the human race is very strong. There are at least two thousand independents on the Three Thousand Avenues. For the demon can not interfere, only 891 are heard now, and he can't help but shake his head.

It seems that the human race is not as strong as they think!

There is nothing about the human race and the monster race, and what makes Nie Yun even more shocked is that he has all the talents of the human race and the monster race. What is this unknown method? It's too good!

"Boy, if you can't prove that you have the special talents of the human race, then you are a poison division, disguised by the demon!" While thinking, I heard Zong An Leng humming on one side.

In his opinion, Nie Yun has the twenty-fifth beacon talent, which is already considered to be against the sky. If you want to have other talents, it is absolutely impossible!

Without the unique talents of the human race ~ www.readwn.com ~, it is impossible to prove that he is not a poison division, so Zong Yan will be safe.

"Zong An, you're wrong. Being able to have the talents of the Beacon and recognizing more than 140 sets of swordsmanship within ten days has proven that he is related to the human race. I don't believe that a demon can have such a level!" Knowing that Nie Yun is a beacon master, many elders have different attitudes. One of them interrupted Zong An's words and hummed.

"Yes, the demon's means are fierce and vicious. This boy looks bright and clear, should not be a demon!" Another said.

"Whether he is a demon or a human, as long as there is no special talent unique to humans, he cannot prove himself. That is the poison division. If he wants to prove that he is not, he will swallow the poison of the sovereign. Hey, choose one of the two, hurry up, Do n’t let your time go! ”

I ca n’t prove that I ’m not a poison teacher. I ’m sure to disqualify, take poison, and I will die. No matter which one, Zong An will take Nie Yun with a smile on his face.

ps: Huh! 100 finally broke out, and the whole person also collapsed, asking for tickets! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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