Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 576: Sword Heart Assessment (Part 1)

"Elder Zong'an, this is difficult for you to be a strong man. It is already very powerful for Tong Yun to have a beacon talent. Is it a bit too much for you to let him show human-specific talents?"

I heard Zong An's words, Ye Jianxing's lungs almost exploded, and she could not help shouting.

"Presumptuous, Elder Elder speaks, you have to intervene! Who gave you the courage!" Zong An's eyes narrowed, and his eyes condensed into an arrow. "Yeah!" Hit Ye Jianxing's chest, and the latter turned red , Took a few steps back, and seemed to be hurt lightly.

Although the core disciple is the pride of the heavens, the gap between the status of the elders and the elders who accept the virtual reality is still too large. The two are completely incomparable. He spoke with the elders of the elders and committed the ceremonial respect of Zongmen. No one can say anything.

"Are you OK!"

He took a few steps back, and Ye Jianxing felt that the palm of his back was holding him gently, and then the injuries in his body slowly recovered.

"Thank you!"

He turned around and looked at Nie Yun gratefully, and Ye Jianxing stood aside.

知道 He knew that if it was not Nie Yun who supported him, he would fall into a fight and be seriously injured. It would never be possible to stand upright and talk calmly like he is now.

"Boy, don't delay time, just say that there is no unique talent in the human race, don't pretend here, we don't have so much time to spend with you!" Seeing Nie Yun holding Ye Jianxing, Zong An was more annoying and raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, if not, hurry up and admit that you are a spy, don't leave us in trouble!"

"This is the Temple of Sword God, the Sovereign is watching it, if not, please hurry up!"

Another two elders chanted with Zong'an.

I saw the three people's faces that were slightly embarrassed because the winning ticket was in their hands. Nie Yun shook his head, smiled slightly, and looked up at Yun Xuan in the middle of the hall.

"Oh, sorry, I have disappointed you, the human race has unique talents, I ... just have the same!"

Xu said that at the end "just the same", the sound suddenly sharpened, but it was not harsh, on the contrary, it had a pleasing effect, like a fairy sound, lingering around the beam for three days, endless, letting people hear involuntarily indulged in.

仙 音 师 Talent!

"This is ... Xianyin Master?"

"The 50th best talent for a fairy teacher?"

I heard that voice trembled in my soul, and was intoxicated. Someone in the crowd shouted out, and looked at Nie Yun with a brush, his eyes fiery again.

Master Xianxian, the 50th special talent, even this boy has it!

No wonder the field has such strength in the middle of the realm. These two special talents are concentrated on one person, which is really too bad!

"No, isn't it just the exquisite fairy maiden Huo Ying who is a fairy goddess? Why is there such a copper cloud? It must be fake!"

When the crowd was shocked, Zong'an on the side suddenly thought of something, and his face shouted loudly.

Everyone was immersed in Nie Yun's fairy sounds and could not extricate themselves. Hearing his roar was as uncomfortable as eating abalone and shark fin dinner, all of them looked angrily.

怎么 "Why don't you believe it? Huh, don't believe you ... you ask Lord Mi, the exquisite virgin Huo Ying I just said is his fiancee! He must know!"

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Zong An quickly tried to justify himself, and suddenly Mi Hua, whose eyes fell on the subject and guest, shouted out.

Wu Zong'an has been consolidating the practice that he just broke through, and then worked on his nephew's affairs. He did not know what happened to Mihua and caused a sensation in the floating continent. He thought he had found a witness and was proud of himself.

After hearing Zong's question, Nie Yun twitched his lips, and quickly turned to look at Mihua, only to see the expressionless supreme right man, his skin involuntarily beating, the blue tendons on his neck protruding, although He didn't speak, and from the expression alone, he could see that he was already angry.

"Mr. Mi, is it true? I just testified for Tong Yun, can you help me prove it?"

Xi Zong'an did not have Nie Yun's heavenly eyes. In the face of the Mihua Sovereign, he did not dare to scan with mental power. He did not see the slight changes in his expression, and still said loudly.

When I heard Zong An ’s words, there were people in the Zongmen who knew the situation, and there was sympathy in his eyes. Hey, I ’ve seen silly people, I ’ve never seen this silly person, everyone was brought with such a big green hat, you still Must mention ...

"Mr. Yun Xuan, I suddenly thought of a set of techniques, it is a bit tricky, I wonder if I can show it?"

The facial skin twitched again, and the Lord Mihua ignored the questioning Zong An, suddenly turned to look at Yun Xuan and said with a smile.

"Hand-held method? Mi Shenzong has always been known for hand-held method. The palm-handed method that can make the master of Mihua ancestors must be extraordinary. Yun Xuan wants to see it!" Yun Xuan smiled slightly.

"Then show ugliness!" The Lord Mihua also did not stand up, and gently squeezed a method to look at Zong'an. "Elder Zong'an, can you accompany me to try the method?"

"Try palming?" Zong An froze, scratching his head, not knowing what nerves of the Mihua Sovereign suddenly made, and he asked him to testify. Instead of answering directly, he suddenly remembered to master the palm. Is he ... Feeling like a moldable talent, happy in your heart, planning to teach yourself a set of skills?

Xi Zong's heart was a joy.

Emperor Shenzong is the second largest gate in the floating continent, and the background is much larger than that of the sword gods. How can he be taught to use his skills?

Aware of this, Zong An quickly looked at Sovereign Yun Xuan, only to see a slight smile on the cold appearance of the Sovereign, and he was more sure of his thoughts. He nodded quickly, with a respectful expression in his face.

"Well then, I'll do it for you!"

Mi Mihua nodded, and the fingerprints in her palm suddenly shot.

This time, the speed is extremely fast, as soon as the shot is carried with the sound of heavy wind and thunder, Zong An has not yet responded, and saw a huge palm in front of him.


With a flower in front of her eyes and a sore face, she fell heavily to the ground. Half of her face was swollen like a watermelon.

"Master Mi ..."

How can Zong An never think that the other party is not teaching acrobatics, but shot to teach himself, his eyes are flushed, but he is afraid to say anything. The other party is the Supreme Sovereign of Mi Shenzong. Although he is an elder elder, in the eyes of others, Nothing.

Also, turning to look at Yun Xuan, seeing the expression on her face still, it seems that she had known about it for a long time, and did not object to it, her heart was cold again, and she dared not say a word.

Zong An slaps his head in a slap and turns his head, Mihua feels more comfortable, nods and smiles at Yun Xuan.

As a suzerainer, Yun Yunxuan was well informed and naturally knew what she was doing, and she definitely understood what she meant by "technical itch" just now, so she didn't block it, which gave her a lot of face.

"Well, no proof is needed, I'm sure this is the talent of Xianyin Master, a talent unique to the human race. With this talent, you should not be a poison master!"

Xun Yunxuan nodded, then looked at Nie Yun, said something lightly, suddenly turned to look at Zong Yan in the middle of the hall.

"Zong Yan framed other disciples without credentials, violated the door regulations, and disqualified the Jian Lingfeng assessment!"

"Disqualified? Sovereign ..."

Xi Zongyan did not expect such a result, and was so scared that he went white and fell to the ground.

I managed to get the Jian Lingfeng assessment champion, disqualified, and then wanted to ask the top three comprehensive assessments, the doors were gone.

"Master, please also show mercy to your subordinates. Zong Yan did this for the consideration of Zongmen. He did not want Zongmen's swordsmanship to reach the hands of the demon. In fact, he did not intentionally frame this copper cloud ..."

I didn't expect this ending, Zong An stepped forward again and shouted quickly, but before he shouted, he saw a slap suddenly become bigger in front of him.


Under the slap of this slap, Zong An fell to the ground with another bucket, and the other half of her face became the size of a watermelon. The whole person's head was swollen with a basketball.


Taking a mouthful, he lost his teeth.

"Zong ... Lord ..."

I looked up and saw that it was Yun Xuan who was on the subject. Zong An had never dreamed of it, why would he do it!

At this time, Yun Xuan Xiumu had a sense of coldness, not angry, with a strong majesty, and a cold and bitter voice, which made people tremble.

"I'm sure, I don't like the nonsense of others and me. Zong An, you just became a senior elder, but it's better to stop. With Zong Yan's strength, you can kill that red phosphorus gold eagle? Don't think I know nothing! "

"Yes ... Zong ... Lord!" After hearing this, Zong Anxi was stunned for a while, then realized that his face was ugly, of course, at this time, he could no longer be called a face, because the face of a human being, there was absolutely no Swelled like this.

Yun Xuan and Mihua ~ www.readwn.com ~ They are both Supreme Sovereigns and have a very high status. Naturally, it is impossible to fight like ordinary people to fight fiercely. This deliberate fight of Zong An is to let him remember the lessons. More Suffering for a few days instead of hurting them.

"Well, Elder Luo Yutian, let's go!"

After disposing of Zong An and Zong Yan, Yun Xuan waved his hands freely, as if it was just a trivial matter to turn Zong An into a pig in the early days of the virtual reality.

"Well, now that Jian Lingfeng's ranking has come out, let's evaluate the last one now, Jianxin sentiment!"

I heard the lord's command, Luo Yutian said quickly.

"Our Sword God Sect Kaishan Sovereign is a kendo master who once left his life ’s feelings on kendo on the sword heart stone. Under the cover of the sword heart stone, the longer he persists, the deeper he understands kendo and the more qualified he is. Feel the kendo spirit left by the ancestor! "

Luo Luoyutian said the rules again, and then saw the supreme Yun Xuan's palm move, a huge sword-shaped boulder fell from the sky and landed in the center of the hall.

The Xunzhang teaches that India can control the entire array of the sect gate, and it is Yun Xuan's teleportation that teleported the sword.

As soon as the sword heart stone appeared in the hall, everyone immediately felt a surging sword rushing towards the face, and the turbulent sword atmosphere seemed to write a broad kendo civilization.

Ps: After the rage, we can't languish, come on, come on! The recommendation list was exploded this afternoon, and now it is the last one on the homepage. If you have any recommendations, please give it to Laoya! Let us come back again. . . [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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