Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 588: 2 masters

This time because of the horror of admiring the virtual realm, he walked underground continuously for one day and one night, and then completely escaped from the area of ​​Sword God Sect.

Leaving the area of ​​Sword God Sect, I was sure that there was no tracking, so I walked out of the ground, sensed the position of my parents and others, and walked on the dragon bone Shenzhou.

After flying in the air for a long time, I finally saw a city.

This time I was able to escape from Sword God Sect. To be honest, even Nie Yun himself felt a bit unbelievable. According to common sense, Sword God Sect master Yunru, why did he send two powerful virtual reality chasers to chase himself?

Is it really the same as Mo Xiang said, do you feel that you haven't stolen anything, and you don't need to kill everything?

Or did you know you were wronged and deliberately let yourself go?

After thinking for a long time on the road, Nie Yun preferred the second interpretation.

Perhaps Mo Xiang knew that he was framed by Zong An and Zong Yan, so he deliberately said the escape route, and deliberately made excuses to leave, creating opportunities for himself to escape.

Although it makes sense to think this way, there are other things that cannot be explained. For example, how did Mo Xiang know that the sword of the sword **** is missing so quickly? How could the sword of the sword **** be in his own thing Dantian? Zong'an and Zongyan should not have stealing talent!

And even if you have the talent to steal, you still have it. Why can't you find it yourself?

A series of mysteries bothered me, and I became more and more confused, but since I did n’t understand, Nie Yun stopped thinking about it anyway, it was safe to escape anyway, what I wanted to do so much!

Letting go of his heart, Nie Yun looked up at the city in front of him, only glanced at it, and then laughed.

"Chiba City? This place is also under the jurisdiction of the Sword God Sect, and I don't know what it has to do with Baiye City. No matter what, it will definitely be a lot safer here!"

Before there was a city of Shiba, now there is a city of Chiba. Is there still a city of Manba? Million Leaf City?

Shake his head and set aside the mess. As soon as the camouflage breath turned, he immediately became a bearded middle-aged man.

The eight gates of the floating heavens are the same as the seven royal families such as the sacred and divine wind of the Qihai continent. Each gate controls a large range. With their own speed, they do not use the teleportation array to leave the jurisdiction of the sword gods. It's impossible to complete without ten or eight years!

So Nie Yun has also considered these days, and it is still the same as before. Use camouflage to disguise, find a way to mix in the big city, and leave with the help of a teleportation array.

You can't be so unlucky yourself, every time you go to a city, you will be found by the other party!

This Chiba Castle looks like a first-class city from the outside, with a large population. There are also many masters, but the highest strength is also in the early days of the flyover. Now as long as there is no virtual reality strong, spiritual peak soul, there is no problem!

"After entering the city, find a place to rest for two days, adjust the state and find a way to refine [Peerless Dan]! With Peerless Dan. Promoted to the soul of the peak of the spirit, even from the hands of the virtual reality powerhouse Run away calmly! "

Nie Yun set himself a short-term goal.

Now that everything in Peerless Dan is fully equipped, it's time for refining!

However, refining high-level elixir, unlike others, must calm the mind and adjust the state to the best to increase the success rate, otherwise. Although there are many other medicinal materials, there is only one peerless poisonous fetus, so you can only succeed and not fail!

Chiba Castle's guards were not very strict. Nie Yun disguised himself very well and soon entered the city.

Chiba Castle is much bigger and more prosperous than Aurora Castle and Rongtian Castle. The spirit is strong and rich, there are many vendors, and the voice of hawking is everywhere, and everyone in the city is full of smiles. Rich and content, very comfortable.

After asking, Nie Yun knew that Chiba City is rich in mineral deposits, and ordinary people can be self-sufficient. It is extremely rich in many cities and towns around them. Because of this, people in Chiba City have a strong sense of pride and belonging, and like peace Serene life.

"The strong hope to become stronger and stronger, to control the heart in heaven, to find self, in fact, killing more and more, and gradually lose self ..."

Looking at the ordinary people who can be happy for a long time for a good stone, Nie Yun sighed suddenly.

It ’s a pity that a piece of inferior stone is thrown away, but ordinary people can be regarded as treasures. They have fun for a long time and strive to break through and seek the vitality of heaven. In fact, they are more and more detached from their hearts. These ordinary people are happy.

"What is heaven? Heaven is human heart! Great freedom, great joy in pursuing one's own state of mind, let everything be true!"

Walking in the middle of the crowd in a relaxed mood, experiencing the ordinary life of ordinary people, Nie Yun felt that the anxiety of being chased and killed in the past few days gradually relaxed, and the whole person felt empty for a while.

Quiet and empty, broad and large, in a calm mood, Nie Yun seemed to be integrated into nature and became a part of nature.

The body blends into nature, and the mind communicates with the world. This is a state of mind that is only in the bridge environment. Nie Yun was chased and killed by anxiety a while ago, and unconsciously relaxed, he entered this state.

His strength did not break into the skybridge, but a qualitative leap in a relaxed state of mind!

The state of mind is empty and has nothing to do with strength, but all practitioners in the floating world know that the greater the state of mind, the greater the potential of people. It is the so-called mind that can stand on top of the world.

If the goal in your mind is only a martial arts master, dart master, the achievement is certainly not high, the goal is the world, and those with a will can achieve it.

Efforts cannot succeed, but without efforts, they will not succeed!

If you want to succeed, you must first have a heart that will never give up. This is the key. Therefore, although the state of mind is empty, if you cultivate to a certain level, you will attach great importance to it. Quick promotion is simply impossible!

In a state of mind that blends into nature, Nie Yun's whole person's mind seems empty and empty, his body has vitality and nourishment, and he does not need to replenish energy. He moves forward slowly.

"So this is the life of ordinary people ..."

"It turns out that this is the trick of merchants ..."

"This is innocent love ..."

Moving along the street, Nie Yun watched the noisy crowd around him, and various stories happened constantly, as if he had tasted the taste of life, the sweetness and bitterness, and a new sense of body emerged.


Suddenly, Nie Yun was sober, and his face suddenly became dignified.

In the state of being integrated with nature, I felt clearly in front of the street, a figure came over, and although this figure was well covered, he was carrying an endless killing intention on himself!

This killing intention, such as the rivers in the reservoir, is a stormy sea. Once opened, it is absolutely difficult to resist and completely drown people.

The murderous intention is fierce, but it is well covered up by this person. If it does not happen to fit into the nature, and experience the taste of life, you will never find it.

Just came to Chiba City ... When did you offend such a person and make him have such a great hatred?

And he was disguised, was he recognized?

This is impossible. This time, in order to prevent others from seeing through the camouflage master, he also made up with special items on purpose. How does the other party know?

Confused, he looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a gray coat with a long and thin face. By looking at the appearance, he could guarantee that he had never seen it.

"His strength is at least at the peak of Nai Realm, even ... stronger!"

Tian Yan looked around and found that the opponent's strength was like a sea of ​​water. With his current strength, he couldn't see through, and Nie Yun's heart suddenly cooled down.

They were able to escape from Mo Xiang because they were only the strongest in the early days of the Nashua Realm, and even if they were ten times more powerful now, they would never be rivals, let alone escape!

This strength is the same as the previous Golden Lightning Thunder Beast, even if you penetrate the ground, you can be caught up!

As power enters the realm of the field, the gap at each small level begins to gradually increase, and the acceptance of the virtual realm is even more terrible. Not to mention the initial and peak, even if the gap between the initial and intermediate stages is not pure power can make up.

"Maybe it's not the pinnacle of virtual reality, even stronger ..."

Feeling that his soul is locked by the other party ’s spirit, the operation is a bit inconvenient. Nie Yun knows whether the other party ’s level is at the peak of the virtual realm, but the real strength is already beyond this limit.

Just like yourself, you can only fight in the middle of the realm of the field, you can fight against the strong ones in the late stage of the overpass.

This man feels like this in front of him, as if he really wanted to do it, he would die immediately without any thoughts, without any possibility of turning over!

How could there be such a terrible character?

When did you offend such a powerful man?

Nie Yun's fist clenched, and his palm sweated.

Even though I encountered a dangerous situation before, I at least felt that I had a way to deal with it, but now, it is as if Chi Lulu was stripped away by the other party, let alone escape, even if you want to enter Zihuadongfu, it seems to have become a luxury!

"Huh? Another one?"

Just when he felt stiff, and life and death could not be controlled by himself ~ www.readwn.com ~ Into the natural mood, he once again felt that a figure came slowly from another direction.

The figure was cold as snow, and there was nothing wrong with it at first glance, but Nie Yun felt the same strong murderous power in her.

This murder is cold and cold, with fruit irresistible, even worse than the former!

"Is the two of them the enemy. I happened to meet, misunderstood ..."

As soon as this idea came up, Nie Yun shook his head immediately, because he had discovered that both of them were targeting him, and they both planned to kill him!

There is nothing wrong with this feeling.

The indifferent figure behind is a woman. Her appearance is covered by a white veil, and she cannot see the specific appearance. However, from the perspective of her outfit, she has a tall body and fair skin.

Although beautiful, the killing power is great, which makes Nie Yunru fall into the ice cellar. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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