Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 19: It's them?

"Huh?" "Huh?"

When Nie Yun felt that the back was extremely cold, he suddenly heard two figures humming at the same time.

It seemed that both were surprised by the sudden appearance of the other.

"You are useless, he was named by our Qingyun Zongzhang personally, and I will definitely take people away!" The voice of the middle-aged man with a long and thin face was extremely unpleasant, with apathy in his husky, and his Appearances are totally different.

"Our rosewood sect is also inevitable for him. You still have to save it. Under the eyes of my fairy Xiaoxiao you also want to catch people, there is no way!"

The masked woman on the opposite side was also drinking coldly, and two ideas collided in the air, sparking a hot spark.

"Qing Yunzong, Rosewood Zong? Bai Xin, Zi Xiao? Don't say these people haven't seen it, haven't heard of it ..." Nie Yun frowned, was it because of the last killing of the Poison King?

There is an intersection with Qingyun Zong and Rosewood Zong, that was the killing of the poisonous king, but the Gongsun Changfeng that was killed at the time was a master of Xian Wu Zong. Even if someone came to avenge, it should be Xian Wu Zong instead of these two gates. !!

"And even if ordered to kill me, there should not be such a strong hatred in my heart!"

The feeling of being integrated into the natural state of mind can never be wrong. These two people have hatred towards themselves. It seems that they will be fast after killing. If they only act on orders, this is simply not possible.

"With such strength, I can also say the elders of the Eight Great Sects Gate, must be the masters of the Eight Great Sects gate, and the only thing I hate is the Mishen Sect, Sword God Sect ..."

Under strong oppression, Nie Yun's thinking jumped faster than usual, and he quickly analyzed the differences.

"Just ... I have changed my face, how can they recognize who I am?"

Although Nie Yun's camouflage is not brilliant, but if the other party does not glance at the soul, it is impossible to discover!

These two haven't glanced at themselves with their souls. It seems they knew they were going to be killed when they appeared here. What's going on?

"They must know me, and they know I'm in disguise. They even left a mark on me that I didn't know. It seems that there is only one possibility ... it's really good luck that allows them both to move at the same time ..."

After analyzing it, Nie Yun knew that the so-called Bai Xin and Zi Xiao must be false, and the true identity of the two must be those two-Mihua and Yun Xuan!

Mihua, Lord of the Mi Sutra. The old enemy has been hunted down by him since he arrived on the floating continent, Yun Xuan, Sovereign of the Sword God, Qianlong's old lover. But it is miserable to kill thousands of illusions.

Robbed their fiancee, killed their elders, it ’s okay for Mihua to have such a killing, but there is no hatred with Yun Xuan, but she has been humiliated by her sword **** trial. Why is she like this?

"Don't ..."

There was a sudden flash of light in Nie Yun's mind, and everything seemed like a rush. His face immediately became ugly.

"It's no wonder that I am a champion, but I have become Yinglong. Obviously I haven't touched the sword of the sword god, but arrived at my relic Dantian, the sword sword ancestor sword mountain fire sea, but I was able to escape easily, even without a trace Bing ... That's it! "

"Everything was given by Yun Xuan. He is the old lover of thousands of magics. It is not strange to have a few stealing breaths, let people steal the sword and send it to my darling Tantian, I certainly don't know!"

Although copying the magical stealing ability of the thousand magics, the real stealing is far less than that. What exactly is going on, although I haven't figured it out yet. But I also know that Qianqi's stolen air is definitely higher than his own!

There are thousands of magical stealing spirits, and then it is not too difficult to send someone to quietly send the sword of the sword **** into the darts field.

"It's Elder Ni Xu, he's pretending to be good all the way. Let me relax my guard, in fact he is the most abominable ..."

Everything about Sword God Sect went through his mind, Nie Yun's eyes narrowed, and finally he found the problem.

In front of the real estate area of ​​the sword hall, he only had close contact with Elder Ni Xu. He patted his shoulder to remind others that he was walking towards the real estate area. At that time, he thought it was a symbol of friendship. Now it seems that he stole After leaving the sword of the sword god, then with the time of patting the shoulder, I quietly sent it into my own Dantian!

Later, Mo Xiang appeared, and there was a later scene ...

As for escape, no wonder it always feels very simple, and it seems that Mo Xiang intentionally pointed out which way to go. It turned out that everything was their arrangement!

"It is estimated that Yun Xuan has already guessed that I am Nie Yun, and I am afraid that I will transform the Supreme Master Elder of Yunzong. This will keep me away from the sword **** sect and then attack and kill. Master 'traced it down, and there were good excuses to evade it, and a hard calculation ... "

Every scene appeared clearly before him, and Nie Yun wasn't stupid. He quickly analyzed the situation.

"Mihua should also be like this. At the beginning, I didn't want to expose me to the sword **** sect. After all, once exposed, I will tear my face, this will cover up for me, saying that I am not a demon ... No, according to his mind, know how to do this , It will definitely cause Yun Xuan's suspicion, so as to guess my true identity, why still ... "

"He wanted to mess things up deliberately, and let the sword gods also take the opportunity to touch the fish in the muddy water. So even if my 'Master', Elder Supreme Master Zong Yunzong came to be accountable, it was tantamount to tying the sword gods to the chariot ... Scheming! "

After a moment of doubt, Nie Yun understood and was sweating coldly.

The two generations, as old antiques, have always thought that they had nothing to do, but this time they were played between the two, and they didn't know anything, it was ridiculous!

In the Temple of Sword God, they filled with anger, feeling a bit of flames. It seems that at that time, the two men were at war!

It is ridiculous that he thought the camouflage talent was very high and was not recognized. Now it seems that both Mihua and Yun Xuan knew who they were at the time, but they didn't say it on purpose!

"It's just ... Why is Mihua so sure that Yun Xuan will rush over to kill me when she knows my identity? He shouldn't say it at Zihua Dongfu or Tianjian Sword ..."

Now the only doubt is why Yun Xuan killed himself, and he was so aggressive that he didn't care about teaching. There was no way to figure this out.

"This time ... it really seems impossible to escape ..."

In the past, there was always a hope of escape, but this time, there was no hope.

Not to mention that there is no such card as Demon Soul Saliva, nor the ancient corpse that can be used as a shield and the Rune of the Destroyer who can be used as a shield.

Even with these, I am afraid it will not be of any use in the face of these two deep-thinking people!

Who are the two of them? Futian is one of the most powerful continents. The treasures on the body are endless, and the endless stream of monsters. The saliva of evil spirits and the charms of breaking the realm are useful to others, and certainly not useful to them!

Otherwise, how could the two of them stand out from the fierce competition and become a generation suzerain!

Besides, these two can even calculate by themselves. Since the deity has shot, he must have prepared everything for a long time. If he does n’t, he will definitely kill everything. There is no way to heaven, no way to the ground, no way to go. escape!

These thoughts flashed in my mind for a moment, looked up and looked forward again, and found that although they were somewhat hostile to each other and the words were fierce, they did not stop, the distance went further, and they seemed to want the first one. Grab yourself.

This time approaching, Nie Yun immediately felt that the entire portrait was isolated. The originally noisy street became silent, and the vendors around it disappeared in an instant. Only loneliness and murderousness remained in front of him, as if divided by the whole world.

"[Reversing space, close to the horizon]?" Nie Yun's heart was colder, sweat was on his forehead.

Although their location has not changed, they are still in the middle of the city, but because of their special means to get them out of space, the crowd is in front of them, but no matter how powerful the attack is, they cannot touch each other, as if in two worlds. !!

It's like you and the person in the mirror, no matter how strong you are, you can't kill or slap each other. The two spaces are close at hand, but far away.

[Reversing the space, close to the horizon] This is the ability of the seventh strongest person in the secret world to break through the air!

Although these two are just the peak of accepting the virtual realm, as the sovereign, there are a lot of treasures, and they have the ability only the powerful ones who break through the realm are terrible!

The space has been reversed, and the talent of the Earthmaster has become a joke, let alone escape. Now Nie Yun can't move!

The sweat ran down the spine, soaking the clothes behind.

"It seems I guessed right. He is the one you are looking for and has what you want!"

Just when Nie Yun felt the stress was extreme, the masked woman on the other side suddenly spoke.

It's totally different from Yun Xuanzong, the **** of swordsman, who actively listens to the engaging voice.

"It's the person I'm looking for, and it's the person you're looking for, but I've decided on things today, you still don't think about it, even if you take it, you can't swallow it!"

The middle-aged person across was still dry.

Although the conversation between these two people is confusing and the sound is ugly, Nie Yun knows more surely that it must be Mihua and Yun Xuan!

They must be masters who are afraid to turn themselves into Supreme Master Yunzong, deliberately disguising them so that others cannot see them.

"You want it, and I want it, so don't talk nonsense, everyone depends on their means!" The masked woman hummed.

"Okay, depending on the means!" The middle-aged man smiled deeper and seemed more confident.


Knowing that the two had agreed in just a few words ~ www.readwn.com ~ Decided his own destiny, Nie Yun whispered in his heart, the mana of his whole body was suddenly violent, and the hot flames poured out from the body as a whole. A huge fire man.


The surrounding space grilled by the scorching hot temperature was a bit distorted, and a crack appeared in the horizon.

Seeing such an opportunity, Nie Yun stepped on the soles of his feet, forced his knees, and hurriedly flew towards the sky.

"Want to leave? Dream, stop!"

With a cold drink, the figure of Nie Yun's upward flight stopped immediately before leaving the ground, as if the specimen imprisoned in amber, hung in the air, could not move at all, and could do nothing.

The middle-aged man in Miwa's disguise shots of course!

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