Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 592: Peerless Master (2)

"No? It seems that people are really old, and their vision is not so good. Sorry, admitting the wrong person ... So, in order to compensate me for admitting errors, I will give you a free trial to ensure that you will get better and better in the future. I want it to happen ... "

As if he didn't see the expression of Mihua, the old man was disappointed, shook his head, and suddenly shook the fortune-telling sign in his hand.


As soon as the old drunkard shook the signboard, Mihua felt that he was suddenly able to move. The muscles in his whole body were tightened again. The mana in the body was violent. It seemed that he would shoot at any time.

"Thank you for your sympathy!" Taking a deep breath, Mihua forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, glanced at Nie Yun hardly, did not speak, held her fists, and suddenly turned away.

"Ah? Don't go, my master's fortune telling is really accurate. Since I promised to give you free fortune telling, you should cherish ..." The boy shouted and shouted.

"Huh!" At the fortune-telling, Mihua's skin twitched again, and she kept walking straight towards the side of the street.

"I said it's free, it doesn't count, I know it's a stingy ghost at first glance, and the wife should run away with others ..." The old alcoholic waved generously.


Hearing the daughter-in-law ran away, the middle-aged man who changed from Mihua was stunned and almost fell down. He couldn't bear it anymore. His feet speeded up and his body disappeared from the place as soon as he flew. I don't know where he went.

The horror of the Skywalker talent is fully revealed here.

"This girl ... I see that your face is yellow, your tongue is dry, your complexion is blue, and your skin is bluish. It is estimated that it has been bad luck recently, the demand is dissatisfied, the things you want to do cannot be completed, and it is very troublesome ... otherwise I am I'll give you a fortune ... to test your marriage, to know the future ... "

As Mihua left, the old alcoholic seemed unhappy that he had run away with a customer. Turning his head to look at Yun Xuan behind Nie Yun, he laughed again, and while shaking the flag in his hand, he looked like a peerless great stick.

"Master, this person has a veil on her face and hasn't lifted it. How do you know that her face is yellow, her tongue is dry, her complexion is blue, and her skin is blue?" The boy's face was puzzled.

Yun Xuan's camouflage had a veil on her face, and her soul and heaven's eyes were impenetrable. How could she know that she had a problem with her face?

"Ahem. Did n’t Master teach you? I asked you to memorize these words. When you saw someone say that, how did you forget? Hey, really, Master does n’t listen to you, you kid are really nothing. There is no cure! "

Hearing the apprentice's question, the old drunken man looked like he hated iron and steel. Shaking his head and sighing.

"Back down? Fixed sentences?" Nie Yun was speechless for a while.

Everyone you see saying this sentence, what a fate ... really a pair of superb masters and apprentices!

No wonder these words sound familiar. It turned out that when I saw myself last time ...

"Since the predecessor stepped in, I won't bother now, leave!"

Yun Xuan also seems to know that the old man in front of him is here, killing Nie Yun has become an extravagant hope.

She seemed to know that the old man could see the features under the veil. Nie Yun can also guess, without covering his original voice, crisp and indifferent words sounded in the street, crisp and beautiful.

"Go, what are you doing so fast? I give a discount to a woman's fortune teller, boy, don't hurry to pull this customer back. Don't let her go ..."

The old drunkard's eyelids were half open and half closed, and the boy was commanded casually.

"Boy ..."

He shouted twice and found no movement. He turned around and saw the boy. It seems that he has been obsessed with Yun Xuan's wonderful voice, with a strange look in his eyes, standing still, still a bit dead.

"You guys, let you do a job, push three obstacles, and see that wine is closer than Master. I thought it was a lazy good wine. I didn't expect to see a beautiful woman like this, too."

When the old drunkard said this, he shook his head vigorously, and hated iron and steel for a while. "Why did I accept you as an apprentice? It's a shame ... Little girl, isn't you really interested in letting me fortune tell?" Well, I know that girls like to count marriages. Would you like me to help you with the calculations, so you can find a wishful man ... "

"Senior led with good intentions, and is not interested in marriage next, leave!"

Regarding the chaos in the discourse of the old alcoholic, Yun Xuan was not as angry as Mihua, holding her fists and turning into a beautiful curve, she fluttered to the other end of the street, looking light and agile, but extremely fast. A few breathing efforts disappeared from the sight of the crowd and were never seen again.

"This guy runs faster than that one! It's boring ... this year, business is getting worse and worse ..." The old alcoholic shook his head, sighed and packed up the signboard in his hand, and just packed it, as if this I found Nie Yun, his eyes lighted up, and the saliva came to mind. "Well? This is not the young master who invited me to drink last time ... why are you here?"

"Thank you for saving your life, Nie Yun is grateful!" Nie Yun's appearance in Baiye City was disguised. It seems that he has never hidden the other person's eyes, so he recognized it immediately.

At this time, Nie Yun also knew that the old man in front of him was dressed as a peerless master, and was grateful in his heart.

If it weren't for him to pop up suddenly, even if he didn't die today, he would be inhuman torture.

"What predecessors are not seniors, save your life, how can I save you? You mean fortune telling? Uh, I did owe you one time last time, but you do n’t want to count, and you want to make up for it, so you do n’t As long as there is snowberry wine, I can help you to calculate for free ... "

The old man looked hopeless.

"Wine? Yes, drink as much as you want, huh!"

His life was saved by others, and it was nothing to drink. Nie Yun laughed, looked up, and saw that there was a restaurant on the side of the street. He raised his hand and said, "Go, go to that restaurant, I'll have enough!"

"Okay, I like wine the most!" The old man nodded quickly.

They lifted their legs and walked towards the restaurant ~ www.readwn.com ~ After a few steps, they found that the boy was still standing, his body was shaking, and it seemed that he had not recovered from Yun Xuan's wonderful voice just now.

Seeing this, Nie Yun was angry.

This guy is really lascivious, just listen to the voice, that's it. If you really see the looks, don't you have a brain hemorrhage immediately?

I've seen lusts, never seen such lusts!

"Well, people are gone!" Nie Yun came to the boy in two steps.

"You are not prosperous. I thought you only saw this at the reception and so did the women. Hey, how could I be such an honest and serious person to accept you as an apprentice ..."

Seeing the appearance of the boy, the old man hated iron and made no steel and sweared.

"Are you upright and serious?"

Nie Yun and Tong Zi were both petrochemical. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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