Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 593: Refining Peerless Dan

"What? Isn't it?" The old man was angry when he saw what they looked like.

"No, it just can't figure out where you are upright and serious ..." Nie Yun gasped.

"There is integrity? Are you questioning my abilities? Although I am not too young, I am still very straight, especially straight, and durable ..." The old man seemed to have been challenged with dignity, glanced down and said loudly.

"..." Nie Yun and boy.

If it weren't for seeing Yun Xuan and Mi Hua being scared away by this old man, I would never have imagined that there is such a superb peerless master.

The masters are serious, indifferent, unruly, and pretentious. This guy is just an old drunkard and an old hooligan ...

"I'm sorry for my predecessor. I was wrong. I shouldn't question your" righteousness and uprightness. "You're old and strong, you should be strong and strong, and the Japanese people will not be a problem ... But let's not discuss this anymore. Hurry up and drink! "When I saw the old man's face filled with indignation, there was a tendency to demonstrate" righteousness "face to face. Nie Yun shook his head with a bitter smile and looked helpless.

I was really defeated by this old man. Originally he was still a super master in his heart, and the blink of an eye changed his taste.

"Drinking, yes, drinking is the right thing!" Hearing the wine, the old man's eyes lighted up, emitting a glow of excitement, and saliva almost flowed out.

"Let's go!" If he was afraid to go on, he couldn't move, and Nie Yun should move forward first.

Entering the restaurant, Nie Yun asked for a private room, ordered a table, and took out the wine from the two altars.

"Come, drink!" Nie Yun said with a smile after pouring the wine to the old man and the boy.

"Trouble drinking with a bowl, let's face the jar directly ..." The old man grinned, grabbed the jar, swallowed, and enjoyed it while drinking, seemingly satisfied.

"..." When the old man saw the face of wine, nobody knew him, Nie Yun was speechless for a while, and looked up at the boy with the wine bowl helpless.

The boy had recovered from Yun Xuan's touching voice at this time, but his face was a bit lonely. I don't know what to think.

"Today is drunk. Tomorrow is sad, tomorrow is sad! Let's talk about something big tomorrow, drink!" Nie Yun laughed.

"It's a sad tomorrow. It's a sad tomorrow, yes, think about the annoying things later, you can't miss the good wine!" The boy's face was a joy when he heard the words of the teenager. Reached out and patted on Nie Yun's shoulder, the other hand held the wine bowl and drank "Dry!"

"Don't!" Nie Yun laughed and drank the wine.

The three drunks were together, pushing glasses and changing cups. During the drinking, Nie Yun tried to ask who the other party was five times. Why do you want to save yourself, the result is interrupted by the old alcoholic with various topics.

In the end, Nie Yun knew that if he could not ask, he would not ask. The more and more drinks he drove, according to the truth, his current strength should not be drunk. For some reason, the eyelids became heavier, until personnel did not know.

Waking up again, Nie Yun found himself in a strange environment, startled, and jumped up suddenly.

The soul hurriedly looked inside and scanned it, and found that things like Zihua Dongfu did not disappear. This relieved me.

Drinking is harmful, yesterday I didn't want to get drunk, but I don't know why I was drunk in the end! And I still do n’t know about personnel. If someone is caught or killed at this time, I do n’t know!

"Master, you finally woke up!"

As soon as I got up, I heard the door creak! A shop junior came in with a basin and towel.

"Where am I?"

Nie Yun rubbed his head.

"Our Chiba Tower! Aren't you drinking here with your friends, and drinking too much?" Xiao Er said with a smile.

"Chibalou?" Nie Yun thought of it, and it seemed that the place where he and the elder boy had a drink was called Chibalou. "What about the fortune teller and his boy who drank with me?"

"They, this morning. See you leave without waking up!" Xiao Er said.

"Gone?" Nie Yun froze, Tianyan glanced around the restaurant, and really did not see the two, then shook his head, finished washing, gave the room money, and left the restaurant.

From my second child, after being drunk yesterday, it was the boy who arranged to live here and slept all night without incident. It was safe.

Mihua and Yun Xuan's own shots have no effect. It seems to know that it will only become more and more troublesome to try again. No one is sent over. Nie Yun arrived in Futian Continent for the first time and slept so peacefully.

"Mihua, Yun Xuan ... you all want to kill me, this revenge is not reported, I Nie Yun swore no one ..."

Knowing that an expert such as the old man, since he was going to leave, he could not find it, so he didn't look for it. After leaving Chiba Castle, he thought about it while flying forward.

If the old fortune-teller didn't appear suddenly this time, he would definitely die.

Since rebirth, I have never had such a big loss.

"I'm wrong to steal the sword of the sword god, hum, this time I really can't do it!" Lengheng whispered, and Nie Yun secretly vowed.

Participated in the trial of the sword **** hard, I thought that I could successfully enter the hall of the sword, look for a detailed introduction of special talents, and by the way feel the spirit of the sword.

This depression is not vented, and is not worthy of being called the Blood Prisoner!

"However, the current strength is not good, so let's increase the strength first ..."

As soon as the body shook, Zihua Dongfu turned into a dust, hiding in the wilderness outside Chiba Castle.

Participating in the trial of the sword **** this time, although I did not realize the spirit of the sword god, did not see the detailed introduction of special talents, but still received great benefits.

Not to mention the others, it's worthwhile to go for the flaming fire bamboo shoots and Jinzhucao!

"Still refining Peerless Dan and promote the soul to the peak of the spirit!"

Standing on the wide practice ground in Zihuadong House, Nie Yun set the stage.

The way to promote cultivation as soon as possible for this purpose is to promote the soul. As long as the soul reaches the peak of the spirit, even if it encounters the virtual reality powerhouse, there is no need to fear their soul attack.

"Preparing alchemy ..."

Knowing what to do, Nie Yun sat down on her knees, set aside her messy mood, and approached nature again.

Refining ordinary elixir does not matter, but [Peace Dan] is a spiritual holy product of elixir. If you accidentally lose it, you will lose all your achievements. You must not be sloppy. You must keep your mind clear and clean before refining.

Elixir is divided into Qihai level and spiritual level.

Among them, the gas and sea level is divided into six levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, exquisite, perfect, and advanced.

The spiritual elixir is divided into eight levels: lower, middle, upper, superb, holy, imperial, heaven, and moral.

Even if the master of the previous generation of alchemy is able to train the top-grade elixir of spirits, the master of elixir of elixir can be trained to become the master of refining alchemy. As for the training of a saint of elixir, the title of King of Dan is generally given!

The strongest alchemy master of the Mi Shenzong, Dan Wang Guanxiu can only refine the spiritual saint elixir, and the peerless Dan is a level, which shows the terrible nature of this elixir!

The spiritual saint elixir is full of spirituality and possesses the strength of overpass. According to the truth, Nie Yun has only the middle stage of the realm. The difference is too great to be refined. Even if the whole body is consumed, it is impossible to complete it. Fortunately, he is full of vitality. Teacher, mana is not a problem, it solves a big problem, but it is not difficult to see the hope of success.

After adjusting for more than ten hours, Nie Yun felt that his mind was empty and his state was beyond words.


Knowing that this is the best time for alchemy, Nie Yun jumped up and took out all the prepared medicinal materials and peerless poisonous tyres with a big grasp. His fingers danced, the Danhu Dantian operation, the red flame Danhuo burned, and began to refining. Make peerless.

Refining elixir usually requires a medicine tripod. Nie Yun doesn't have this thing, but Red Flame Danhuo, Danhuo Dantian's strongest alchemy talent, can completely control the combustion and let the flame form a special fire tripod.

The effect of Yan Ding and Yao Ding is similar. The advantage is that it is formed by flames and better contacts with medicinal materials than Yao Ding to bring out the efficacy of medicinal materials. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to control, especially for refining spiritual medicine. Each one takes several days, and a little mental negligence will lead to the loss of previous achievements, and the control and endurance of the alchemist have extremely high requirements.

In the previous life, under the strict requirements of Northern Elder Zhuge Qingyun, the control of Danhuo fire has reached the level of pure fire. At the beginning, the battle with the Dan king to control the alchemy was the flame tripod, not the medicine tripod!

Yan Ding represents an alchemist's control ability and endurance. If he is not careful, he will fail with a low success rate. Yao Ding alchemy is safer and has a high success rate.


As soon as the medicinal materials enter the flame tripod, a series of crisp sounds are emitted, and the medicinal materials containing impurities slowly shrink into a ball.

There are three steps in the process of refining the spirit-level elixir. The first purification is to burn all the impurities in the medicinal materials with a flame. This step is the simplest, but the most complicated and troublesome, because there are no less than hundreds of millions of medicinal materials under the sky. Each kind of medicinal material is different, and the impurities are also different. If you are not familiar with medicinal materials, I am afraid that not only can the impurities be brought up, but the original medicinal properties will be reduced if it is not well.

The second step is called fusion, which is the perfect fusion of the medicinal properties purified from various medicinal materials. The medicinal materials converge into elixir ~ www.readwn.com ~ This extremely tests the understanding of medicinal properties. Some medicinal materials are fused together to neutralize the medicinal properties. It will lose effect, some will cause conflicts, and it will also make drugs ineffective. The same pile of medicinal materials has certain steps with whom to integrate first and later. Even if it is wrong, it often leads to the failure of medicinal materials and refining. The elixir has no effect.

The third is Qi Ling. Qi Ling, as the name suggests, opens the spirituality of medicinal materials. The medicinal materials have been living for a long time and have spirituality. However, once they are trained into elixir, this spirituality disappears and must be reopened. There are many ways to enlighten. The greater the spirituality of the medicinal material, the better the effect of the medicine.

The three major steps of alchemy are indispensable. Even if you have the talents of alchemy, do not study hard and practice well, it is still impossible to become a master alchemist. Because of this, there are not many alchemy masters in the floating world. Number.

If not, it would be impossible for the exquisite lord to seek Nie Yun.

ps: We didn't even have a monthly pass today, and the ranking on the monthly pass list also fell to 26th. The day before yesterday we were still 23rd! Do you really have a monthly pass? please! !! Let's rush forward a little bit, and Laoya is changing four times a day, which is equivalent to breaking out every day! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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