Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 603: Dantian Form

What appeared in front of them were not the special talents in the top seven, but descriptions of the special talent forms.

"Special talents are all different, and the form is divided into three, six, and nine. However, there are three levels and ten levels. Most of them have only five levels. Take the 71st Hercules as an example. There are also five forms. The first form can make people 10 times more powerful, the second form is 50 times, the third form is 100 times! The fourth form is 200 times, and the fifth form is 300 times! Once Dantian evolved to the first Five forms can make people have 300 times the fighting power in an instant! "

Inside the stone statue, Dan Dantian's form was explained in detail, and examples were given.

"300 times combat power? Hiss ..."

Seeing the fifth form of Hercules, Nie Yun took a breath.

Now that I can multiply my strength tenfold, I feel terrible, and a three hundredfold increase is not invincible?

Three hundred times what concept? By telling the facts, you can understand that now that you have 10 million elephants in your body, a 300-fold increase is the ability to display 3 billion elephants in an instant. I am afraid that those who break through the air can be killed alive with one punch!

too terrifying!

The fifth talent in the 71st position is so anti-natural, once the special talent in front is turned on, isn't it more powerful?

"Nanwu Dantian has a total of ten forms, each of which only corresponds to spatial changes. As for the highest form, no one has reached it, so no one knows it! The special talent ranking is just a general term. As long as the Dantian form is high, the rank is low. You can still beat the high-ranked, like the 72nd defensive division. When you are in the first form, you can easily break it when you encounter the kendo in the first form. But when you reach the second form, let alone the first. The Kendo division of the form, even the martial arts division. As long as it does not exceed the form, it is very difficult to break! "

The content of the Dantian form in the stone statue is easy to understand. Nie Yun took a moment to understand it completely.

"It seems that I have just been able to penetrate into the wall. It is the second form of Earthwalker that has been inadvertently opened! The magical stealing skill is better than me. If you can steal from this, it should also be the second form of the stealing talent. ... even higher! "

Things that I didn't understand before, immediately figured it out, Nie Yun nodded.

Originally, I thought that getting special talents would be very powerful. Now it seems that it is far from simple. Special talents are indeed where the avenues care. Far more scary than expected!

"The old lady is called the sword sage, and has reached the end of her life. She has not broken through the tragedy. She marched to the highest realm. When she was dying, she reserved Kendo Dantian to future generations! The old man's Dantian has been upgraded to the third form. The fifth form is the level of the lifesword. Unfortunately, there has been no breakthrough! I hope my descendants can uphold the true meaning of Kendo, cultivate to the highest level, break the void, and set foot on the ladder of heaven ... "

At the bottom of the stone statue, I wrote these, and Nie Yun finished reading. Sigh in my heart.

Seizing the heavens and creating the mysterious world, although taking the heavens and the earth, can greatly increase the life expectancy of the people, but they still cannot break the million! In other words, the life span of ten thousand years is the limit of the secret powerhouse!

No one can surpass!

The ancestor of the sword **** ancestor, Kendo Dantian, has reached the third level, and has not broken through. I don't know what will happen to me when I step on the ladder.

Legend has it that the floating continent is not the end of the world, and there is a higher realm above the secret realm. But if you want to break through, you must step on the ladder of ascension, and this thing completely disappeared from the mainland many years ago!

The previous self entered Wanjieshan in order to seek this breakthrough opportunity, but was eventually designed by the demon and died! (He was killed by the stab knife behind the worship brother, and the worship brother was possessed by the demon spirit, so it is equivalent to being deceived by the demon)

"It turned out that my Danhuo Dantian and Nawu Dantian entered the second form from the beginning. No wonder the Red Flame Danhuo is so scarce ..."

Thinking of what the elder Alchemy Master Zhuge Qingyun said to himself in the past, Nie Yun came to understand it.

At that time, Zhuge Qingyun said that he had Danhuo Dantian, but very few people were able to emit red flames from the beginning. The only people he had seen were him and himself. Because of this sentence, when he saw his sister Nie Xiaofeng, he could also show red When Yan Dan fired, she was shocked.

"But ... what happened to Lord Dantian?"

The spirit swept over Dan Tian, ​​and Nie Yun was inexplicable for a while.

The master Dantian is also dark blue. According to the truth, it should also be the second form, but what is the first form? There is no talent in this Dantian, and the existence of a chicken rib will promote you, which is really speechless!

"Looking at the current situation, you must let the **** stealing Dantian reach the second form in order to successfully steal Kendo Dantian. Sensing the energy of Kendo, how can you let God steal the talent to advance?"

Knowing that Dan Tian still has shape, Nie Yun began to worry.

The formation in the stone statue is very powerful. With the first form of stealing Dantian, it is impossible to steal it, and the soul power cannot sense it. In this way, it cannot be a Kendo master! You must find a way to let the **** Steal Dantian enter the second form!

However, the stone statue did not clearly describe how to make Dan Tian advance, and even if he wanted to write, he could not write it. After all, every talent is different, and the method of promotion is different. There is no way to be universal for all Dan Tian.

"How did Thousand Fantasy steal?"

As soon as my heart moved, the whole person fell into the memory at once, and the scene of Thousand Fantasy stealing things was vivid.

To be honest, Nie Yun is definitely a veteran of stealing things. He stole all the way from the imperial family of the Shenfeng Empire and was able to be promoted to such a level so quickly because of the "steal!"

Cultivation is not to build a car behind closed doors. It must be experienced and must have sufficient supplies. If you are reborn, you will not experience countless trials and kills, or you will not steal those great forces ~ www.readwn.com ~ Reaching the fourth realm of the current mystery is undoubtedly a dream.

"He steals it like this ... it's really clever ..."

Past and present memories of thousand fantasy blend together, Nie Yun's eyes closed, and the whole person fell into the memory.

Qian Huan is the best friend. Regardless of his past and present life, all his movements and habits are very clear. As long as he remembers, he can remember them clearly.

"So it is, so it is. Stealing is also an art, Qian Qian is enjoying every time he steals ..."

After a while, Nie Yun's eyes suddenly opened, and a strong sense of excitement appeared in his eyes. The palm of his hand was again scratched in the stone statue. Black saw a little special breath derived from Dan Tian and was pinched at his fingertips.


At the same time, the 50th-ranked thief Dantian shook slightly, transformed into dark blue, and advanced to the second form! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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