Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 604: Kendo

The previous life was a friend with Qianzhan, who is close to Zhu Zhechi. Although he does not have the talent for stealing from God, his understanding of stealing is not low. In addition, he has stolen all the way through this life. Although he does not have the talent from Qianxiang and is particularly sensitive to treasures, it is considered a generation Steal Master.

While carefully recalling the thousand fantasy, finally let God steal the talent promotion, and successfully reached the second form.

The talent of God stealing into the second form. Nie Yun's temperament has changed once again, becoming somewhat similar to Qian Fantasy, more elegant and elegant. The **** of the index finger is sandwiched between the fingers, and the eyes are closed for a while to sense it.


The nineteenth Dantian sounded a crisp sound and evolved into the Avenue of Swords.

Kendo Dantian! Kendo!

So far, Nie Yun has a total of 20 Dantians and 18 special talents, including: Nag, Danhuo, Taming Beast, Tracking, Healing, Vigorous, Xiangshui, Blood Pupil, Camouflage, Tianyan, Beacon, Vitality, Stealing, walking, hiding, poison division, fairy sound, kendo!

Kendo Dantian was formed, and the qi of kendo turned around in the body. The stagnation of the practice of swordsmanship had been cracked and merged. Nie Yun's breath was like a sword with a stinging sky, straight into the sky.


"Going back to the Lord, I have found out that an old alcoholic and a boy did enter Chibalou to drink, but they left a few days ago!"

In the towering sword shrine, a man in black stands in the middle of the hall and says with a fist to Yun Xuan on the throne.

"Leave a few days ago? Where is that Nie Yun, that is, Tong Yun!" Yun Xuan leaned on the seat, her enchanting waist was soft and snake-like, exposing her charming figure, her fingers banged gently on the armrest and hummed gently. .

She left here after leaving the Tianpin District of the Sword Hall, and has been waiting for news these days.

"Tong Yun left on the second day after the old drunkard left. It seems to be out of the city, but I have checked carefully all the 100,000 miles outside the city. Even the nearby towns have sent people and found no trace! "

The man in black frowned and raised his head, saying that his head up revealed all the features. If Nie Yun was here, he would definitely recognize it, it was the elder Luo Yutian who was responsible for the trial of the sword god.

"No trace was found? Don't track down if you don't find it. The old alcoholic's strength has probably reached the level of Dantian Acupuncture. It should be Master Nie Yun. We embarrassed his apprentice. If he didn't take a shot this time, it doesn't mean he won't Take a shot and let everyone back! "Yun Xuan said lightly.

"Withdraw?" Luo Yutian frowned.

"Um. Now we not only withdraw, but also declare to the outside that Nie Yun is a good friend of our Sword God Sect, and claim that the gate of Sword God Sect is always open for him!" Yun Xuan twisted and sat up straight, so fierce The ground was straight, graceful and charming, Rao was calm in Luo Yutian. Still breathing quickly.

The monarch is not a human, but a fairy!

It is said that all the people of the demon fox tribe are captivating, and the suzerain of his own family can absolutely fascinate the people of the demon fox tribe.

"The lord is doing this ... let's not do anything with Tianyi sword?" Luo Yutian asked in confusion as he pressed his mouth dry and dry.

Withdraw the person, do not track Nie Yun's news, and treat him as a friend. Is the suzerain afraid of Nie Yun's master. Want to make friends?

"The Big Dipper King left Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianxuan, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang seven-handed swords, Mi Shenzong got Tianxuan Sword, Hua Yunzong got Tianshu Sword, and our sword Shenzong got The two gates of Tianquan Sword, Xianwu Zong, and Qing Yunzong jointly kept the Yuheng Sword, the Red Sandalwood Sect and Jing Tianzong took charge of Kaiyang Sword, and Yun Xiaozong took charge of Lightning Sword! Six swords out of six are a delicate balance. If our Sword God Sect gets two handles, it will break this situation and become the target of public criticism! "

Yun Xuan smiled slightly, it seemed that everything was under control. "But. Similarly, the more swords you have, the more cards you will have, and the more treasures you will get when you enter the Big Dipper House. By then, our sword gods will leap. Becoming a giant like Hua Yunzong, and controlling the entire floating continent is unknown! "

"So ... what are we going to do? Really don't go to Nie Yun?"

Listening to the suzerain again said benefits and harms, Luo Yutian was a little confused.

"Look for it, but look for it quietly! On the bright side, we claim to be good with Nie Yun, but secretly, we make a careful inquiry. Once we see him placing an order, we will make a thunderous attack, and we must grab the Tianjian sword!"

Yun Xuan's bright red mouth raised.

"Thunder strike? Sovereign, since this master Nie Yun is a powerful occultist, if we know what we did afterwards ..." Luo Yutian was worried.

"You can rest assured that Mi Shenzong has been hunting down Nie Yun? As long as I shoot, I will give this big gift to Mihua! Doesn't he want to use me this time? Well, he wants to confront me, I Yun Xuan has never been afraid of anyone ... "

Yun Xuan sneered, and before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a shock. She hurriedly turned her wrist and a jade seal appeared on the palm of her hand.

Teach India!


At this time, the palm teaching seal radiated a bright light, as if it was about to fly out of the sky, and would be separated from her palm at any time.

"Huh? What's going on, suppress!" Xiumei raised her palms, Yun Xuan's palms moved forward a little, and the powerful and unmatched force pressed down violently, holding the palm teaching seal firmly in her palm.


Immediately after the Zhangjiao Seal was restrained, I felt a violent shaking on the ground. It seemed that the entire Guardian Sect of the Sword God Sect had received a huge impact and would collapse at any time.

"what happened?"

Yun Xuan and Luo Yutian glanced at each other, and they each saw a strangeness in each other's face, their bodies flickered, and at the same time they went out of the Sword God's Temple and looked outwards, all shocked.

I saw the sky above the entire Sword God Sect, where colorful rays of light converged. The countless arrays of Zongmen's original ancestors kept beating. The sword was shining, as bright as a firework, and the entire starry sky lit up, like a day .

"The palm teaches the imprint in my hands, who started so many formations?"

Looking at the palm of the palm, Yun Xuanjiao shivered slightly.

She had never changed her face, but now she felt a chill from the bottom of her heart.

The big array arranged by the ancestors of Zongmen can only be activated in one case, that is, teaching the seal!

Now that the palm teaching seal is still in hand, and there is no command to activate the formation, how does the formation work on its own?

"Sect, these formations don't seem to be offensive, they seem to be celebrating something!" Suddenly, Elder Luo Yutian saw something. Shouted.


Hearing the shout, Yun Xuan noticed the difference. The Zongmen array really didn't seem to be aggressive, but just kept releasing spiritual power, resulting in a brilliant appearance, similar to the release of fireworks.

Because the movement was too big, not only were they alarmed. Numerous disciples of the entire Sword God Sect seem to have found a difference. They walked out of the mountains and out of the room, and were shocked to see the bright fireworks formed by the formation.

"what is this?"

"I don't know, it's so pretty, look at those swords. Why don't you keep blowing up in the air, how can such a weird scene appear?"

"Is the lord succesfully opening the patriarchal horde in order to celebrate?"

"Who knows, these arrays are not offensive anyway, so just watch them ..."


"Watch? You are so brave, this is a sign that our sword **** is about to be attacked, sword **** is about to finish ..."

"Zongmen is a chaotic array. Zongmen can no longer be protected. I think we should run away ..."


Some optimistic disciples, with a mood of appreciation, were relaxed. As for the pessimistic disciples, they thought that the sword God Sect had suffered an unprecedented disaster. Many people who decided to protect the Sect were there, and there were a lot of people preparing to escape.

Anyway, a weird situation that suddenly appeared. Make the entire Sword God Sect mess.

"Luo Yutian, pass my order, all the disciples return to their respective residences, and return to their own homes are not allowed to come out, dare to preach, kill!" Miscellaneous nonsense spread to his ears, Yun Xuan Xiu frowned.

"Yes!" I heard the order. Luo Yutian's face was stunned, and he hurriedly turned around to arrange for it, and just after leaving, an old man ran up in a panic.

"Sovereign. Sovereign ..."

The old man shouted anxiously before he came.

"What's panic!" Yun Xuan was angry, narrowing her eyes when she saw the old man's appearance.

"It's the Zhenfa Hall, and the Zhenfa Hall has changed!" The old man shouted quickly.

"The Temple of Array Method? Let you take care of the Temple of Array Method. I didn't expect that something would happen, waste! I went to check it out!" Hearing that there was a change in the Temple of Array Method, Yun Xuan felt relieved.

The Zhenfa Hall is the hub of the entire Zongmen. It is very important. Once there is a problem, there will be an abnormality in the Huzong formation.

The Sword God Hall was very close to the Zhenfa Hall, and several breathing Yun Xuan entered the hall.

"What happened?"

As soon as he entered the hall, Yun Xuan raised his eyebrows and asked coldly.

"Lord, look ..."

The old man behind him pointed forward, and his face suddenly showed panic.

"What?" I didn't expect that this expression would appear on the face of Dang Taishang Elder, who was a virtual reality strong man. Yun Xuan frowned, followed his fingers to look forward, and his face changed instantly. Already.

At this time, the formations in the Array Temple are more chaotic than the outside. Numerous swords are criss-crossed, and they constantly flash bright lights, and these chaotic rays outside are slowly condensed into a line of handwriting in the Sword God Temple.

"Congratulations to the sword sect again on Kendo!"

Just ten words flashed in the dark hall, so dazzling, so bright.

"Jian Shen Zong appears again? What the **** is going on?"

Yun Xuan's face became ugly, and she couldn't calm down anymore. Jiao's body trembled softly and murmured to herself.


The ten big characters disappeared and disappeared in a flash, re-emerging into a ray of light disappearing from the Array Hall, at the same time, the large array outside also lost its movement, as if all this had never happened, like a strange dream.

ps: After the eleventh kendo master is finished, Laoya needs to take a break and sort out the next volume, so the chapter update at noon is gone. As early as seven o'clock in the evening, please forgive me.

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Finally, talk about the next volume, the twelfth volume of Nie Tong's changes, opened tonight, I hope everyone continues to support!

(Hee hee, have you found that the volume name of each recent volume is the chapter name of the last chapter of this volume? This shows that Lao Ya's ability to control the plot is getting better and better, everyone joins me to fight for Endless Dantian is written as a great work of God!) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m. )

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