Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 610: Terrible effort

"Nie Yun? Is that the Nie Yun pursued by Mi Shenzong?"

"It should be him, not this guy, who has such a strong ability to leave a name on the sword mark stone?"

"He came to our ancestral door silently, leaving traces, still not human ..."

The six words flashed out, and other disciples also saw them, one by one in shock.

Tan Nieyun's pseudonym Tong Yun participated in the trial. Only a few elders and Yun Xuan and Ye Jianxing knew about it. The other disciples did not know.

But his fierce name is floating, as a disciple of disciples, it would be ignorant if he had not heard of the name.

The deeds of Nie Yun have been sung as a ballad in the floating continent. What a warrior who was the strongest in the twelve sky bridges, killed Yahong Gang in one punch, snatched the fiancee of the Suzerain of the Lord of God, and everything was shocking. In order to leave marks on the sword mark stone without being found!

Squeak! Squeak!

Relative to the shock of other disciples, Yun Xuan's face was extremely wonderful, her fists creaked in her sleeves, her sharp nails were inserted into her palm, and her entire palm was **** and red.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Gao mouth gasped, Yun Xuan plummeted together, and the black eyes were slightly blue at this time, and his mood seemed to be a little unstable.

What Elder Ni Xu can think about, how can she not understand?

Is that newly emerged Kendo teacher Nie Yun? How is this possible?

But it is absolutely impossible to confuse people with kendo spirit with kendo masters. Although people with kendo qi can show their talents in a short time, they are still fundamentally different from real kendo masters.

A real kendo teacher can have the opportunity to practice Supreme Sword Art, and those who have the spirit of kendo will never have this qualification!

Won't this Nie Yun be a kendo master?

"Abominable, abominable!"

He snarled, and Yun Xuan felt a slap in the face.

Sword God Trial, judged the other party to lose the championship, Ying Long won, he captured Ying Long, judged that the other party was not qualified to be recognized by Kendo Air, others not only stole the statue of the ancestor of the sword god, but also a swordsman!

He designed to frame him as stealing the sword of the sword god. This is good. The sword was stolen by others ...

I ran to the murderer's house and was made stiff like a puppet by my master. I almost couldn't return ...

Xun Yunxuan's face turned red, and her mouth was salty. It seemed that she had dealt with this young man named Nie Yun so many times, and the unfavorable method had completely lost its effect.

Hexian Yinshi, Beacon, Healer, Earthwalker, Kendo ... How much talent does he have?

怎么 How can there be such a freak in the world?

"I am afraid that other talents are special, and only this Kendo is a real skill. Otherwise, with his seventeen-year-old age, how to comprehend the mind and sword, and how to perform the Supreme Sword Art?"

Yun Yu's teeth clenched, Yun Xuan's thoughts flickered.

"The old man I saw on that day definitely possessed the power of the eighth Dantian acupoint in Secret Realm. The top elders from the east, the south, the north and the south of Huayunzong could dress up like this, and I'm afraid that only the elders of the south are drunk! Take a Kendo teacher as a disciple, and ask him to come to Sword God Sect, should he let him take the position of my Sovereign and hold Sword God Sect in the hands of Hua Yunzong? "

There was a flash of aura in his brain, and suddenly he realized this, Yun Xuan sweated coldly.

"No, this lord was bought for my arduous efforts. I must not let anyone do it, even if he is the elder of Supreme Master Yunzong!"

Yun Xuan's face was blue and white, Yun Xuan seemed to be engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

After a while, the breathing gradually calmed down, and his face changed again. No one could see anything abnormal. It seemed to have a mind in his mind. With a twist of his body, he turned slowly and looked at many disciples standing in front of the sword platform. , Looking around for a week slowly said: "Presumably everyone has seen the handwriting on it, who is this Nie Yun, yes, as you guessed, it is the master who has caused Mi Shenzong to lose his face!"

"Huh?" Nie Yun, who was standing behind the crowd, heard Yun Xuan's anger, but spoke like this, her expression suddenly became very strange.

When other disciples heard the suzerain ’s personal explanation, they all stood still. They didn't dare to say a word, and they were full of doubts.

The Suzerainian has always been indifferent and rarely praises others. Why did he suddenly praise Nie Yun in his words?

"Nie Yun was able to leave a sword mark here because ... he is our friend of the Sword God Sect!" Putting everyone's doubts in his eyes, Yun Xuan jumped with a frown, and said generally.

"Friends of Sword God Sect?"

"Master Nie Yun is our friend of Zongmen?"


All the disciples were shocked, and Nie Yun was stunned for a while, his face blanked. After a while, this expression was replaced by a chill. It seemed to show a deep fear to this beautiful-looking woman.

I said that he was a friend of the sword **** sect, it must be because he was afraid of the unnecessarily master, he had a good relationship on the surface, and a killer in the back! Even if she is killed, no one will think of her!

I caught Ying Long, took the statue of the ancestor, stole the sword of the sword god, and left the words of "to come here" in the sword mark stone ... Under these provocations, I can still smile and insist that I am a friend, This mindset and nature can be described in horror!

What a vicious woman!

不错 "Yes, Nie Yun had come to our Zongmen to sense the Jianxin Stone, and was recognized by the ancestors, but also left a mark on the sword mark stone, indicating that there is a fate, such a character is not a friend?"

Jin Yunxuan said.

"Received by my ancestors?"

"The ancestors recognized it, they must be friends of Zongmen!"

老 "The ancestor is a kendo teacher and learned heaven and earth. He acknowledges that there is no problem!"

When he heard that the suzerain moved out of his ancestors, all the disciples nodded.

As a child of Zongmen, Xi has blind worship and conviction to the patriarch. Since Nie Yun is recognized by his ancestors, he will certainly not lie.

Of course, Yun Xuan did not lie about this. The Zongmen Array was dedicated to Nie Yunqing. What could be more recognized by the ancestors than this?

"Everyone should have heard from the outside world that Nie Yun and Mi Shenzong are the deadly enemies. The news you said before killed the twelve overpasses, killed Yahong Gang, and captured Mihua's fiancee ... Fact! The main reason that the Lord Mi Yazong of Mihua came to Mi Jinzong a few days ago was to find him! "

Seeing that everyone believed the words just said, Yun Xuan nodded and threw a blockbuster again, and then said, "Of course, Mihua failed in the end! Because of the friends of the sword **** sect, outsiders are never allowed to insult, even if the other person's identity Gao, even if the other party is in charge of the second largest gate of the floating heavens! Friends cannot betray, even if they are persecuted, they will never give in. We only meet dignity and only swords! This is our sword **** of sword gods. spirit!"

"Yes! Someone persecutes and never yields. Only dignity is met, only sword!"

"Even if the second largest gatekeeper in the floating heavens is in power, if you can't protect even the friends recognized by your ancestors, what qualifications can you call a disciple of swordsman!"

"What the Sovereign said we do, everything is based on your horse's head, unity, even if the Lord Mi Su Zong dare not treat us!"

"What's wrong with Mi Shenzong? In these years, Yunzong has fallen. He always felt that he was the biggest in the world, and he has long looked unpleasant!"

I heard the monk's impassioned words, all the disciples flushed, whistling like a sea, and looked at Yun Xuan again, all the stars flickered in his eyes.

This is our good Sovereign!

Admirable, noble, good master!

A good master who values ​​love and affection!

"Moreover, I understand to tell you that the sword of the sword **** was not stolen, but I took it just now to deal with the invaders. Didn't you see the anomaly of the guardian just now? It was me and the former. Combat from the powerful enemy who came to attack Nie Yun! "

Press down with both hands to calm down the excited crowd, Yun Xuan continued.

"That's it!"

"I said why this sudden change happened suddenly in the Huzong Formation, it was actually caused by the suzerain for friends and foreign enemies ..."

"I'm so proud to have such a lord ..."

"Understand" what happened, many disciples no longer have doubts about the disappearance of the sword of the sword of God just now, full of blood.

"Let me ask you, what are our most important responsibilities as disciples of Sword God Sect?" Seeing that many disciples were encouraged, Yun Xuan nodded and asked.

"Kind of Kendo, defend the gate of Zongmen, you will never regret it!" Everyone said in unison.

These twelve words must be memorized by every disciple who enters the Sword God Sect. At this time, the words are neatly spoken, and the sound echoes in the channel of the sword, shaking the earth.

"Yes, our children of the sword **** Zong, we must concentrate on kendo, defend Zongmen, and die without regrets! Nie Yun is a man recognized by his ancestors, Zongmen's friends, and now some people enter Zongmen to kill him. What should I do?" Yun Xuan's arms were raised, his eyes were enlightened.

"Kill!" Many disciples roared, killing with enthusiasm.

"Very good, the master of the Misong sect who came to hunt down Nie Yun, possessing the spirit of the earth and camouflage, can be disguised as any of us, hidden in the sect door, and even disguised as Nie Yun, cannot be prevented! Now I'll give you the task, be sure to catch this person who will kill our friends! Once found, report it immediately, Yun Xuan, I will definitely arrive as soon as possible and kill it! "

Xun Yunxuan's voice came with a killing decision.

虽然 Although she doesn't have the talent of Xianyin Master, but every move makes people involuntarily addicted to it, coupled with the justifications, all disciples in the entire sword channel are full of excitement and momentum.

"People who seized Yashin-zong, those who mixed into the gate!"

"Friends who dare to hurt Sword God Sect, must die!"

"Let's prove that Sword God Sect can't be bullied casually ..."

The disciples in the channel of the sword were all infected by Yun Xuan's words ~ www.readwn.com ~ one by one, his face flushed.

"What a terrible woman ..."

He stood behind the crowd, and Nie Yun saw the crowd become like this, and his back involuntarily raised a strong chill.

ps: Today is a bit more busy and a bit busy. I came back to see the rewards from my friends. Laoya was touched for a while, thank you!

Thank you for your support from Dameng [Tonight's Soy Sauce]! Thank you for your support of 50,000 RMB! Thank you for your support [cold peanuts] 40,000 yuan and book friends [just glanced at you] 10,000 yuan support!

Thank you [Soul Light & Xiao Xun] for becoming the fifth leader of this book! [Little Adam 888] Become the sixth leader!

Today we have changed from four allies to six, and one head has become three. Thank you very much!

Before I opened the book, Lao Ya didn't expect such a good result. I asked for a tree, but you gave me a forest!

Thank you!

Everyone supports me in this way. All Lao Ya can do is keep updating, and work hard to update!

I still say that, this month, Laoya is working hard to transform, and the code is very tired. Even if you think about the crazy outbreak, you ca n’t even figure it out. I do n’t want to lose the level that I just improved because of the outbreak. . I hope everyone forgive me!

So, we will push it to next month. Hey, next month will be very sad because the school is starting. . going to work. .

Although everyone and Lao Ya are on the other end of the network cable, today's birthday is the happiest time Lao Ya has spent in more than 30 years. Thank you very much! To be continued "This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 郗 葶" If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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