Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 611: Sincere faithful

The ancestral statue was lost, the source of Kendo's air was lost, the trial champion was arrested, and the sword of the sword **** was stolen ... under so many unfavorable circumstances, it must have been at a loss for the average person to change, but Yun Xuan not only responded to it, but also All unfavorable conditions are transformed into favorable conditions, from passive to active, from being questioned to being a righteous and proud woman in the hearts of everyone ...

This ability and effort make people feel deep fear.

Beautiful, cold and gorgeous, city like a sea ... No wonder Qian Fantasy was so miserably killed, she still caressed her, such a woman can no longer be described as terrible!

I can imagine that no matter who I am, I will be yelled at by street mice!

Even if the other party killed himself and spread it, it would be a good reputation ... so that outsiders could not say anything ...

"Before I act, I want to check you again, not because I don't worry about you, but I suspect that the masters of the Mi Shenzong have already mixed in with you, and want to take the opportunity to destroy the security of the sword gods!"

Seeing that everyone's morale was mobilized, the disappearance of the sword of the sword **** and the arrest of Nie Yun were perfectly integrated. Yun Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, looking around for a week, his eyes were bright, and it seemed to everyone. The black eyes blinked with wisdom, and seemed to want to see the abnormality in the crowd.


I was swept away by this gaze, and Wen Chao, disguised by Nie Yun, couldn't help shaking.

Did she guess that someone was in the crowd?

It is also possible to think about it. It is not long before Yun Xuan left Yinglong until these changes occurred. It didn't add up to ten minutes. For such a short period of time, it was impossible for outsiders to escape from the sword **** sect, they could not escape, and because of the lore. You can't hide in the wall or underground, needless to say, you must be disguised as a disciple of disciples and mingled in the crowd.

"Soul concealment, disguise conceal breath ..."

The spirit at the peak of the spirit level runs, reducing the whole body to a lower level. His own breath is exactly the same as Wen Chao's camouflage. Nie Yun then stood behind the other disciples with a look of excitement.

"Zongzhu Qing probe carefully!"

"We are under investigation!"

"If outsiders come in, ask the suzerain ..."

The others shouted at the same time.

"Well, you are standing still. I am using the Palm Seal to find the spies of Mishen Sect. Whether this person is a camouflage master or has a sword sign, he can not scan the soul at most, but he is not a disciple of Sword God. It is impossible to conceal the teachings of the palm! "

Ji Yunxuan raised her wrist, and the palm-sized jade seal flew out again.

"Using the Palm Teaching Seal directly?"

Seeing her actions, Nie Yun felt cold.

The disguise master can disguise himself as a disciple of the ancestors, so that the soul cannot see it, but it is impossible to hide the palm of teaching.

Disciples of Zongmen have sworn vows to Zongmen to be completely loyal, so that they will leave traces of soul in the teaching seal. This trace is an identity certificate, representing status, and is not a substitute for camouflage masters or sword symbols. of.

If it wasn't because the palm teaches India to have this ability, the eight major gates might have been mixed in by the demon, and it would not have stood on the floating continent for so many years.

"Yun Xuan, who has the teaching seal in Sword God Sect, is almost invincible. You must quickly find a way!"

She took a deep breath, and Nie Yun slowly approached the wall of the channel of the sword.

Wen Chao, who came out of the disguise division, was not a disciple of the sword gods, albeit wonderful, but there was no soul trace in the palm teaching seal. Once he was found, it would be difficult to escape again. Now that he is trying to approach the wall, there may be another chance.

"Master Wenchao, what's wrong with you, why is your complexion wrong?"

As soon as I moved two steps, I heard a sound of doubt, which was not loud, but the passage of the sword was quiet and abnormal, and it immediately caught everyone's attention.

I was talking to the brother Duan Xiao.


I heard this, and when I saw the surrounding eyes brushing together, Nie Yun was shocked and almost vomited blood.

I was really afraid of what came and what I should have just changed this paragraph Xiao, otherwise this situation would not happen.


I knew that being noticed by everyone was tantamount to revealing her identity. Nie Yun wanted to get into the wall to escape as soon as she swayed, but before moving, she felt a strong shroud from the air, and Yun Xuan ’s teaching seal had been overwhelmed.

The cricket was shrouded in pressure, and Nie Yun felt the same as last time, like an insect imprisoned in amber, unable to move, let alone escape.

让 "Let me check first, are you mixed with Mi Shenzong!"

With a snoring sound, Yun Xuan's eyes let out the light, and with a little finger, the palm print in the sky suddenly emitted a clean white light. Under the light, Nie Yun felt that the camouflage talent was about to lose its usefulness, and the entire person was completely exposed. In the hall of the sword.

"It's over ..."

Feeling that the camouflage talent could no longer hold on, Nie Yun lamented for a moment, and was planning to use the Beacon Talent to boil again, blocking the escape of Yun Xuan with Ya Honggang's body, and felt that the martial arts essence left by Chen Wenxu in his body was light Tremble.


Under the tremor of the martial arts spine, in a blink of an eye, all the white light shining on the body from the palm of the teaching seal disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

嗯 "Hmm? It seems you are not a spy, you are a disciple ..."

Seeing that Wen Chao didn't feel any other problems on his body, Yun Xuan nodded and was about to take back the palm teaching seal. Suddenly, he saw a shock from the palm teaching seal, and Nie Yun's whole body released a reddish light.

坚定 In this light, with determination, turned into a pious sword.

"Chencheng Faithful! Turns out to be Chengcheng Faithful?"

"It must not be a spy, you can have loyalty and loyalty to the sword **** sect, the whole sect gate will not exceed ten!"

"I did not expect Brother Wen Chao to be so loyal to Zongmen ..."

Seeing the red light suddenly emerging from Nie Yun's body, everyone's face changed slightly and he was surprised.

According to legend, the disciple is loyal to Zongmen to a certain degree. Under the test of the teaching master, the whole body will emit a red light. This situation is called Chicheng loyalty, which shows that this disciple has no other meaning to Zongmen .

文 This Wen Chao strength is not very good, only Yuan Shengjing, but no one expected that he would be so loyal to Zongmen!

I have a sincere and loyal disciple, and the dead men supported by Zongmen are terrible. They can do everything for Zongmen, and they will never betray them. If such people are spies, all others need not live!

"It is the effect of Chen Wenxu's martial arts ..."

Nie Yun was surprised in others' ears, but she knew what was going on.

Just now, when the camouflage talent couldn't bear it, and immediately put on help, the essence of martial arts left by Chen Wenxu suddenly started to work.

He is loyal to Sword God Sect. This kind of loyalty is just like swordsmanship. It all melts into the bones. Under the test of the teaching seal, it emits a red light.

I was also right. If it wasn't for Zongmen's so nostalgia and loyalty, the love with Xie Zhanghuizi would not be so difficult. In the end, both would die.

"Okay, good!"

Seeing the light released from Nie Yun's body, Yun Xuan's doubts subsided. He nodded, put away the imprisonment on him, turned to look at the others, and examined them.

Xu quickly checked all the disciples in the entire sword channel and found no abnormalities. Yun Xuan's brow was originally stretched and frowned again.

Xun originally thought that he had bewitched the disciples, and then checked one by one, he could grab this Nie Yun, but now he found nothing. Where can he go? It should not be possible to catch Ying Long so fast and in such a short time, and escape to the gate of Zongmen!

"Um," rubbing his eyebrows, Yun Xuan flashed in his mind, and suddenly thought of something.

"Nie Yun has the spirit of traveling, the spirit of stealing, is it really related to him? Or, both of them have come to Sword God Sect?"

There are two major doubts in front of me now. First, the sword marks on the stone must be a swordsman. Otherwise, at most, only sword strokes can be left, and it is impossible to leave the handwriting! And who is this Kendo? It is really Nie Yun's words. Where did he come from the spirit of land-walking and the spirit of stealing to steal the sword of the sword god?

It's unlikely that a person has three talents, including Stealer, Landswalker, and Kendo. At the same time, the whole floating sky continent has only that talent!

Do you know Nie Yun and Qian Huan?

Second, who grabbed or killed Ying Long!

Nie Yun only met a few days ago. Yun Xuan knows his strength very clearly. He wants to go so fast and silently grab the third form of the defense division Ying Long ~ www.readwn.com ~ Almost impossible!

Since then, there is a guess in my heart that Qian Huan may be here with this Nie Yun at the same time, and Ying Long is the one who seized it!

After all, Ying Long and him have enemies, and they should have nothing to do with Nie Yun, a junior who has just arrived in the floating continent.

"That boy ..."

I thought that Nie Yun and Qian Huan might know, Yun Xuan remembered that day in Chiba City, the boy around the old drunkard behaved strangely.

He sees that expression when he sees himself ... Yes, it's a thousand fantasy, it must be him!

Qian Xuan's figure in the mind gradually merged with the little boy, and Yun Xuan's whole body shook, and he could not help but tremble.

"In this way, Qian Huan and Nie Yun may both be disciples of the old drunkard ... so that the latter possesses the spirit of traveling and stealing the spirit ..."

He gradually smoothed down the doubts in his head, and Yun Xuan suddenly trembled.

"Well, Qianqiang knew about that, so I had to kill him. Whether I come here this time or let Nie Yun come, it will definitely ruin my plan ..."

I thought that Yun Xuan's face had changed slightly, and her slender body was straight again. "Ni Xu and Hu Jia, you lead everyone to investigate the intruder's whereabouts. Send me a message as soon as there is news!"

"Yes!" Ni Xu and Hu Jia both responded.

"You, come with me!"

After Xun ordered the two elders, Yun Xuan looked around the crowd for a week, and suddenly pointed his finger at Nie Yun. [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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