Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 613: Sacrifice

"Pretend to be promoted to the second form?"

I saw the camouflage of Dan Tian in the sea of ​​air dripping and spinning at this time, and like the stealing of Dan Tian, ​​it also turned dark blue.

The camouflage talent entered the second form, and Nie Yun immediately understood the power of this talent.

The first form of camouflage talent can disguise as a human, a demon, avoiding soul scanning, and the second form can disguise a beast, avoiding soul scanning, and has a stronger camouflage ability. If you disguise as a human, even if the soul is one level higher, Can't find out!

Nie Yun's soul is now the peak of the spirit level, which cannot be found at a higher level, which means that the super strong who has reached the level of spiritual perfection cannot be seen!

恐 I am afraid that the most powerful soul in the entire floating heavens continent is just spiritual perfection. In this way, his camouflage talent has reached its peak and there is no flaw.

What's more important is that people disguise themselves as monsters. Some monsters have large bodies and some bodies are small. If they disguise themselves as a mosquito-like monster, they have the ability to transform. Think about it. Feeling scary!

No wonder that special talents have a qualitative leap for each promotion. Now it seems that it is!

But there is no fixed cultivation method for special talent promotion. Just pretending that talent can be promoted is definitely related to successfully concealing Yun Xuan.

Xun and Yun Xuan's clever confrontation is very dangerous, and it is also a test of the soul. It can hide from each other, indicating that camouflage is impeccable in both form and heart. In this case, it will naturally make a great breakthrough in camouflage talent.

Just as Qian Xian and Nie Yun said in previous lives, the real camouflage is not a change in appearance, but from the inside to the outside, even you think you are the person.

Bian Nieyun just did this just now, and regarded himself as a real Wenchao. This succeeded in concealing Yun Xuan and made a new breakthrough in the talent of the pretender.

"Sovereign, what do you need me to do, I will never hesitate, but ... my strength is a bit low, I am afraid it is difficult to complete, I have the trust of the suzerain!"

The disguise of Dantian's evolution into the second form was just a blink of an eye. As soon as the disguise turned, Nie Yun became closer to Wen Chao, and the whole body was full of the temperament of the disciples of the Sword God Sect, and he was holding his fist together.

Now, even if he does not have a sword sign, Hu Zong Da Zhen will definitely treat him as a disciple of the Zong Men without attacking him.

"Well! Rest assured, since I asked you to do this, I will definitely make your progress better!"

Seeing this Wen Chao know how to advance and retreat, and loyal, Yun Xuan nodded with satisfaction and said lightly.

"Thank you, my lord!" Nie Yun smiled.

During the process of conversation between the two of them, they did not stop at their feet. After a while, they entered the Sword God Temple. With a big wave of Yun Xuan, they separated a small independent space in the temple.

"After a while, I will use the power of Zongmen's sacrifice to promote your cultivation. This process is very painful. I must hold back. If you succeed, you will at least reach the level of the flyover. If you fail, you will die!"

Qi Yunxuan said.

"Wen Chao must hold on, not let the suzerain be disappointed!" Nie Yun's face straightened, and he quickly fisted, his heart was strange at the same time.

到底 What is Yun Xuan going to do, and is he willing to use such a large hand?

Zongmen sacrifice is to use great means to attract the huge energy left by the ancestors of the Zongmen ancestors and bless it to a certain person. All practitioners of the Sword God Sect are of the same origin. The energy will not conflict, allowing the blessed. Quickly advance.

However, this energy has the characteristics of the ancestors of the Zongmen ancestors. Although it allows people to quickly advance, these energies are separate and difficult to surrender. The end result is simple, that is, the power of the blessing is confined to a certain level, and then it is difficult to advance. .

Because of this, Zongmen sacrifice is rarely allowed to be used on disciples, unless they encounter an irresistible disaster of Zongmen and need to fight urgently before doing so.

Not only that, many treasures are needed for the sacrifice. I want to upgrade a Yuansheng realm to the flyover. The sacrifice baby is at least a monster body of the flyover! Because of this, Nie Yun said it was a big deal.

In order to do one thing, he sacrificed the practice of an ordinary disciple by sacrifice. It seems that this matter is certainly not simple.

"Well, sit down on this round platform!" Yun Xuan nodded, his solemn face was dignified. "Before initiating the sacrifice, there is something to tell you!"

"Yes!" Nie Yun looked back, and sure enough, he found a small altar behind him, which was round, with dense dense lines engraved on it, and he did not hesitate to sit on it.

"The energy obtained from the sacrifices is obtained from the ancestral sacrifice of the ancestors. The sacrifice displays the heroes of the ancestors of the past. Although they have completely died, the heroes are immortal. If they are not recognized, Not only can't they accept energy, they can also wipe out spiritual wisdom and die completely! "

Seeing the teenager sit down, Yun Xuan said slowly.

"I will definitely let my ancestors recognize me!" Nie Yun nodded, his eyes full of firmness.

Now that he has become a swordsman, he has reached the state of mind and sword, and Chen Wenxu has the essence of swordsmanship (the essence of martial arts) in his body. Nie Yun is still very confident in the recognition of the ancestors of the sword gods.

"It's good to have confidence, let me talk about the conditions for ancestors to approve!"

As soon as Yun Xuan Yu's palm was grasped, the palm seal printed the space to form a mirror-like image. Numerous swords stood in the image, all of which were inserted straight into the altars, and one side of the altar was written one after another. The name, marked with the amazing performance of the owner of the sword.

The sword is the soul core of everyone in the Sword God Sect. The sword is in the people, the sword is dead!

Every time a person of the Sword Sect of the Sword dies, his disciple will take his sword back. If the meritorious service is enough to enter the ancestor's sacrifice place, the sword will be buried in it, and the meritorious service of his life will be engraved on the altar.

And because this sword has been with the master for a long time, it also carries the spirit and spirit of the master. When the ancestors worship, they can confirm the descendants. If the descendants cannot meet their requirements, it means that the ancestors did not recognize it!

So, the so-called ancestors are the sabers left by these ancestors!

In order to gain the power of Zongmen sacrifice, he must first get the approval of these swords and these sword spirits.

"Into the sacrifice place, there are 4,546 swords in the tens of thousands of years of sword **** sect! That is, there are 4,546 swords in total! You want to get Ancestral recognition does not require the approval of all sword spirits. As long as there are so many swords falling for you, it means that it recognizes you and is eligible for energy inheritance! "

Wu Yunxuan pointed at the densely packed swords in the image and said.

"Just get the approval of a sword?"

Each sect's sacrifice is different. Nie Yun is a disciple of Huayun Sect. He only knows about Huayun Sect. He does not understand the rules of the sword **** sect. Hearing Yun Xuan ’s words, he nodded, and his face was involuntary. There is a hint of doubt. It should not be too difficult for more than four thousand handles to be recognized.

"Yes, as long as the sacrifice is turned on, the heroes of these ancestors will test you. As long as 4,546 ancestors have one of them, you will be inherited, but do n’t think that it is 4,544. One-sixteenth is very simple, let alone ordinary disciples. Even the core disciples, only half of the ten can be recognized! "

Wu Yunxuan seemed to be very simple at the sight of Wen Chao, and she was wary.

"I know it's definitely not easy. By the way, suzerain, the disciples who have received sacrifices in our ancestors have received the most recognition, and have been recognized by several ancestors?" Nie Yun asked with a strange look.

"Eight!" Yun Xuan nodded, and said, "It is an ordinary disciple more than 1,400 years ago, and he has loyalty to Zongmen. He came to accept the sacrifice power to perform a task, a total of eight handles. The sword fell to the ground, and the eight ancestors recognized him. At that time, his strength was much higher than you, and he had reached the peak of the realm, and now you are just Yuan Shengjing! "

"Eight?" Nie Yun froze.

The 24,546 ancestors, with only eight approvals, have become the most recognized disciples in the history of the entire sect, and it seems that it is not easy to imagine the ancestors' spiritual recognition.

"Well, you have to work hard to get approval from an ancestor, don't let me down!"

Qi Yunxuan ordered.

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ lord!" Nie Yun nodded.

"Okay, the sacrifice is on!" Yun Xuan grabbed the palm of his hand, and the monster corpse at the peak of the overpass was thrown to the ground, while his hands were raised, his face showed the color of piety. Sincerely, Xuan! Prepare a meager sacrifice, hoping to get the ancestor's approval to bless the ordinary disciple Wenchao! "

Yun Xuan's prayer ended, Yun Xuan kneeled in front of the video, crossed her hands, and made dozens of different handprints in succession. The palm teaching seal also brightened in an instant, shining the bright light of the entire Sword God Temple.

Buzz! Hum! Hum!

With Yun Xuan's handprints and prayers, the sacrifice place presented by the image seems to have responded. After a violent shaking, a blank, extremely powerful force instantly penetrated space and time, shrouding it horizontally, completely rounding the stage where Nie Yun was. Shrouded in.

"The sacrifice has already begun, can you get the ancestors' approval once again, you must succeed!"

Seeing the power covering Nie Yun, Yun Xuan nodded, the dark eyes were full of hope.

"Hmm!" At this time, Nie Yun had no time to heed Yun Xuan's orders, and sat frowning in the middle of the round platform.


He stood still, but the sword in the sacrificial place seemed to be activated. A strong breath was shot from each handle, and he screamed at him, and Nie Yun was like a boat in the waves for a moment, His eyes blinked pale.

"This text is provided by Piaoxue @ 一袭 青衣 平 天下" If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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