Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 614: Gathering Light

Each of the 24,546 long swords carries a unique spirituality, and many spiritualities extend across the sky, like more than 4,000 masters, tearing Nie Yun's soul at the same time.

If his soul is not suppressed, with his unique talents and secret methods, there is a way to resist these attacks. Now, in order to pretend to be a Wen Chao, he deliberately squeezes his soul into the early stage of the spiritual level, which contains the spirituality of the sword and rolls in his mind, like a fight. The battlefield made him suffer.

"The reason why these swords are fighting is to explain the kendo that I understand. As long as I have the same kendo method as them, I can get approval!"

The pain is not long, and Nie Yun understands how to get the ancestors' approval.

Although there is only one kendo, but each person's understanding is different, a thousand cultivators will form a thousand kendos. Of course, these kendos will eventually be cultivated to Dacheng, and they will return to the same destination.

Each of these sword spirits is talking about their own kendo. As long as their dao can communicate with any of them, they will be recognized and the sword will fall for them.

"Kendo that communicates with me ..."

Xie Nieyun looked at the dense kendo in his head.


"It seems that it takes a while to get the ancestor's approval, and just take this time to ask about that!"

Looking at the "Wen Chao" that has been set on the round platform, Yun Xuan knew that it would take a while, maybe half a day or a day to get the ancestors' approval. In front of him, the jade foot disappeared from the spot as soon as he stepped on it.


Blinking her eyes, she came to a towering hall.

"Master!" An elder greeted him.

"Open the door!" Yun Xuan waved slightly.

"Yes!" As soon as the elder's palm was printed in front of the hall, the towering door opened slowly.

"Keep it out, no one is allowed to come in without I tell you!" Lengheng whispered, Yun Xuan headed in and went in.

The hall was very wide, but it was dark, and no fingers were visible. There was only a bean-shaped light swaying in the distance, and it seemed to go out at any time.

Under the twinkling of lights, a phantom appears and disappears from time to time, and it is not clear to see, as if it exists, but it does not exist, a faint sword energy is radiated from the light, highlighting the phantom Some unwilling anger.

Seeing the swaying lights, Yun Xuan's face showed a cold smile, came to him in two steps, and flicked his fingers, a white light penetrated into the middle of the flame, "Hoo!", The lights that would go out at any time suddenly burst. Shooting amazing flames.

Immediately, a body like a javelin in the flame appeared slowly.

"Master Wenxu, don't come here!"

Seeing this figure, Yun Xuan said lightly.

"If it's still the case, please go away!" The javelin-like figure ignored her at all, with his hands behind his back, and the black eyebrows raised.

If Nie Yun is here, he will definitely recognize this person. It is Chen Wenxu who was killed by the elders of the demon fox tribe in the demon domain of Yaoluo and turned into a pile of bones!

Isn't Chen Wenxu already dead? How can I live?

"Don't rush me away in such a hurry, I just came here to chat with you!" Yun Xuan blinked slightly, and a sweet smile appeared. "The latest trial of the sword **** is over, Ye Jianxing Participated in the competition! "

"Huh?" Chen Wenxu's raised eyebrows slightly eased when he heard Ye Jianxing's name.

"In the first trial of the Valley of the Valley, Ye Jianxing obtained and practiced 41 sets of swordsmanship. The sword spirit peak trial obtained the monster body of the peak of the overpass, the sword heart stone examination, and insisted on a time of incense!" Yun Xuan pinched the black hair on her chest and said with a smile.

"Forty-one sets of swordsmanship? Yes, Qing is better than blue because of blue, much better than me!" After hearing about Ye Jianxing, Chen Wenxu nodded.

"It is a lot better than you, but I awarded him fourth place! He is not qualified to perceive the spirit of Kendo, and in the end he didn't even cherish the opportunity to practice in the local product area, and I was kicked out!"

Qi Yunxuan smiled, charming all beings.

"What? Fourth place? Yun Xuan, don't go too far, even if there is a contradiction between you and me, don't involve the juniors!" Chen Wenxu growled annoyed when he heard Ye Jianxing participate in the trial.

"Be calm and restless, that's how you couldn't hold back, otherwise, my lord must not be stable!" Seeing the silhouette in the flames, Yun Xuan chuckled. "Relax, just a junior, I He didn't even bother to take a shot. He got fourth place because someone was better than him. There is no way! "

"Greater than him? Do you think you can deceive me like this? The test of the sword **** is to test the disciples' ability to understand swordsmanship. The most important part is the test of Tianyou Valley. As long as this one gets the first, the remaining two are all full. It's the countdown, and I can still win the championship. I don't believe Ye Jianxing won forty-one jade cards.

文 Chen Wenxu threw a big sleeve.

"Obtaining forty-one jade cards and practicing so many swordsmanships, it was really easy to win a championship in the previous session, but unfortunately ... not this time, because a casual repairer named Nie Yun was trained to 148 Swordsmanship! "

"One hundred and forty-eight sets?" Chen Wenxu's face changed. "You gave Sanxiu a championship?"

"Rest assured, how could I possibly let a casual practitioner win the championship for Sword God Sect!" Yun Xuan smiled. "The winner is Ying Long!"

"Yinglong? Huh! I think you designed it deliberately!" Hearing the name, Chen Wenxu's face showed disdain, and he waved his hand. "If you come over and say that, I'm not interested in listening, let's go!"

"Don't rush me away in such a hurry, if I come here, I want to tell you about Xie Zhanghuizi?" Yun Xuan was not angry at Chen Wenxu's rudeness, but smiled like a flower.

"Keiko? Will you have her news?" After hearing Xie Zhang Huizi, Chen Wenxu's stubborn eyes flashed a tenderness.

"The demon fox family let her think about fishing for treasures, and it has been many years now. I can still detect this news!" Yun Xuan was proud.

"Is she ... okay?" Chen Wenxu hesitated and asked gently.

"The demon foxes use her to fish for treasures, of course, it will take good care of her safety, but ... you also know that Lingsi fishing every time

Heaven will suffer the attack of the Netherstorm. If I tell her at this time that you are dead, you can only maintain a trace of the true spirit by the soul-gathering lamp. Would you say that she would collapse directly and seek death? "

Qi Yunxuan said.

This dim yellow lamp that will be destroyed at any time is actually the soul gathering lamp that Nie Yun wants to find! And Chen Wenxu turned out to be alive with a ghostlight.

Now he is just a trace of his soul, and the news he knows is also the moment before his death, that is, five years ago, he did not know that Xie Zhanghuizi had fallen.

"Yun Xuan, you mean!" Chen Wenxu's face changed.

"Don't say that. I'm your sister anyway. It's too impolite to talk to her like this!" Yun Xuan said lightly.

"Get out, I don't want to see you again!" Knowing howler is useless, Chen Wenxu shakes his hand and turns away.

"Brother Wen Xu seems to be getting irritated back then! Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, now I have lost patience, tell me about it, I can't deal with Xie Zhanghuizi, or deal with Ye Jianxing, otherwise, I They will be sent over to see you soon! "

Speaking of Yun Xuan's face without any expression, Xu flashed a coldness in his eyes, "Relax, I can do it!"

"You ... you are a demon!" Chen Wenxu clenched his fists and gasped in a big mouth. Although he is already a soul and cannot breathe, his instincts cannot be changed.

"Oh, is n’t the devil depending on how you cooperated with your brother!" With his hands behind his back, the slender waist was twisted a little, revealing her graceful figure perfectly, and the white palm gently brushed over the soul. Yun Xuan laughed lightly.

"Hum, want me to tell you how to tame that monster and dream! Even if you die, you won't do anything against your ancestors' instructions!"

Xi Yunxuan said lightly, but Chen Wenxu knew that this woman was cruel and ruthless, as long as she dared to say, definitely dared to do it. Even so, she would not compromise for the persistence in her heart.

"I know you have your perseverance, rest assured, this time not asking about it, but the gate of the sword god!"

Seeing Chen Wenxu's expression, Yun Xuan knew that even if his soul was burned on the flames, he would not be allowed to yield, and soul hunting was even more impossible. He shook his head at the moment and was no longer asking.

"Gate of the sword god? How do you ask this?" Chen Wenxu didn't seem to think she would change the subject, and her eyebrows frowned.

"The Tianjian sword appeared, and the eight major gates were about to move, and the big turbulence was about to begin. If we do n’t take measures soon, it is difficult for our sword gods to save the tinders, let alone the eight major gates stand out and unify the floating heavens and continents. , I now figured it out, intending to be tested by the gate of the sword god! "Yun Xuan waved.

"Tianji sword appears?"

"Not only did Tianxian Sword appear, but also the stone statue of the ancestor of the Tianpin District and the sword of the sword **** were stolen. Now the entire gate is in chaos! I must upgrade to repair as soon as possible to stabilize the gate. Turmoil! "Yun Xuan shook her head.

"The stone statue of the ancestor, the sword of the sword **** was stolen? This is impossible!" Chen Wenxu's pupils shrank.

The stone statue of the ancestor Shi and the sword of the sword **** are the symbols of Zongmen, but they were stolen. What happened?

"It's impossible, it's not the thief you let go of, you came back to do it!" Yun Xuan snorted.

"You said a thousand magic? Impossible it is him! Impossible!" Chen Wenxu's face changed, she quickly shook her head and did not believe it at all.

"No one else can steal the sword of the sword god, the stone statue of the ancestor in the sword **** sect without being found? Huh!" Yun Xuan shook his sleeves.

"This ..." Hearing Yun Xuan's inference, Chen Wenxu's face was ugly, and yes, although the sword **** sect is not as good as the hua zong sect, but there are various formations in it, most people don't say stealing things, it is almost impossible to mix in!

I am afraid that only this **** steals this kind of ability. Thinking of this, Chen Wenxu sighed. "Although I don't like your approach and I don't want your strength to increase, I can't be a sinner of the gate, the gate of the sword god. Things can tell you, but you have to promise me that you are dedicated to the ancestors, not to your selfish desires! "

"That's natural. As a Sword God Sovereign, of course, I will take the Zongmen as my own responsibility!" Yun Xuan said with joy.

"Well!" Chen Wenxu hesitated, thinking as if in a memory, slowly said, "It is very simple to want to completely open the gate of the sword **** and obtain the ancestor's inheritance. There is only one condition, which is in the Zongmen The sacrificial place obtained the token left by the ancestor-the heart left by the ancestor! Only with the approval of the sword god's heart can the gate of the sword **** be opened! "

心脏 "Heart?" Yun Xuan raised her eyebrows, seemingly confused.

"Well, Master Yun Yun said that to me. He thought I could become the suzerain, so he explained these things to me. If you do n’t believe me, just go. As for the path to the gate of the sword god, I It stayed on my sabre, and I am afraid this sword has been left in the hands of the demon! "Chen Wenxu waved.

"Your sabre?" Yun Xuan first showed a ecstasy expression on her face. "Your sword is in Ye Jianxing's hand. I saw it in the sword temple last time. I didn't have time to ask ..."

Before she finished speaking, I suddenly heard a squeaking noise from the closed door behind the hall.

"Huh?" Xiumei frowned, Yun Xuan turned abruptly, and there was a thick anger in the black eyes.

When I came in just now, I made it clear that I shouldn't bother you, but there were still people coming in at this time, obviously she didn't take her words to heart.

"Master, it is Elder Ni Xu who has something to ask for!"

He seemed to feel Yun Xuan's anger, and the elder responsible for keeping the door stunned and quickly explained.

"Ni Xu?" Yun Xuan suddenly remembered something ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suppressing the burning flame with one backhand, came to the door a few steps, and she saw that Elder Ni Xu was standing outside the door at this time. With a respectful look.

"Is there news from Nie Yun? Where is he?" Yun Xuan's eyes lightened.

"No ..." Hearing the suzerainer asked, Ni Xu's uneasy expression appeared on his face. "It was the turbulence in the sword channel ..."

"There is turmoil? What's going on?" Yun Xuan froze.

"Please ask the suzerain to go and see for himself!" Ni Xu said busyly.

"Hmm!" Yun Xuan knew that if it was not a big event, Ni Xu wouldn't be so panicked. He nodded, and taught him a stroke, and a teleportation array appeared again in front of him.

Elder Ni Xu also followed closely, and before leaving, he helped to close the door of the hall, the door was closed, and the hall fell into darkness again, and there was no light.


In the blink of an eye, the two of them went to the hall of the sword, possessing the teaching seal of the palm, and they could break through the space anywhere in the gate.

"Lord, look!"

He entered the hall, and Elder Ni Xu pointed forward.

"Huh?" Following the direction of his fingers, Yun Xuan looked over, and saw hundreds of swords standing on both sides of the sword channel, and kept trembling, as if he had encountered a king.

"What's going on ..." Seeing this, Yun Xuan frowned.


The words did not fall, hundreds of long swords on the wall broke the seal at the same time and fell to the ground. All the swords pointed in the same direction-Sword God Temple! [To be continued [This text is provided by Piao Xuan @ 飘落 凡] If you like this work, you are welcome to 〓 中文 网 〓 to subscribe and reward, your support is my greatest motivation]

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